1.8 Plants have started to stretch a bit, shouldn't be a problem with the trellis installed. Plants are watered every 2-3days, I usually do feed - half feed / recharge - feed. Seems to be working well.
2.8 I reduced the light to plant distance, noticed too long internodal growth.. Now I got lights at 70cm away, while plants are pretty much 60cm tall. Might need a second trellis on the way too.
5.8 | Bumped the EC to 1.2, due light color
7.8 | I noticed pretty light color on the canopy leaves still, decided to up my EC even more with A+B.
@GreenHouseLab,Variety for days! Seems like I need 3+ strains to be completely happy with my growing :p Next round is gonna be even more epic, stay tuned my man!
@FoTwenny, Yes, 1000w total. Next grow I will have opportunity for even more light inside the tent. Going to be diffrent strains but other than that pretty similar setup.