Hi everyone, I’m not going to be able
to harvest my plants for a week as going away (got someone to water then) Do you think I should I harvest now or wait for another week?!
Had a couple bud with bud rot ( which have been removed) but also a bit worried about this!
Thanks guys I decided to leave for at least another a week, just got back from being away and defoliated etc, and had to remove a couple more buds from bud rot! 2 out of 5 plants have been affected but not too bad and giving them the chop on Monday.
Thanks for all your advice
As long as you don't see any more rot i say let it continue, if bud rot appears in any branch, just harvest that one and its perfectly fit for a alcohol extraction as alcohol will clean up impurities (specially mold and rot ) and will separate the thc. So its clean thc regardless of plant's condition.
Good luck growmie
Take it down now bro. Nobody unless they really care and know shit will take care of it like you and if they overwater your bud rot is gonna the worse. Also my experience with bud rot is that it’s worse then you usually think. You need to use your finger and start spreading buds apart and get all up in it(carefully of course) anything looking brown or extra hairy or looks like you have a ton crystal building up.... not good
@Lowkey_Doc, thanks I am now week 11 just never setup from start as first grow but going to add all pictures I have for future reference - will document what I can remember! 🤪
@Lowkey_Doc, thanks I am now week 11 just never setup from start as first grow but going to add all pictures I have for future reference - will document what I can remember! 🤪