It was transplant week this week! Sorry for the late post guys. The soil mix is fox farm, promix, sand, perlite, dried kelp from the SF bay, my dogs ashes, homemade compost and a bit of love😘 A seed mixture of yarrow, 2x clover, chamomile and alfahlfa was mixed into the top layer of soil. Pots are made out of converted PVC pipes of my own design, the bottom screen is a screen used to prevent animals from getting into HVAC systems and glued in place with nontoxic, foodsafe adhesive. It took me a little longer to post because i was dealing with a death in the family.
late week update: i determined that the reason my leaves were drooping was caused by the extremely powerful fan that i was using..which i thought was perfect but it actually was just too much. I recently learned that egypt has a wind storm yearly called خماسين or khamsin in english, which is why the landraces were so used to the incredible wind speeds from my fan