Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!


4 years ago
Olafus Light Emitting Diodes/300W
Room Type
weeks 4-8
weeks 5
weeks 8
Grow medium
18 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Germination
4 years ago
21 °C
No Smell
60 %
19 °C
20 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 3
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2.5 mll
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 1.5 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 2.5 mll
Día 1. Viernes, 2 de Octubre de 2020. 18:18 -Pongo las semillas en un tupper entre 2 trozos de papel higiénico Día 3. Domingo, 4 de Octubre de 2020. 20:40 -Todas las semillas a los jiffys. En el momento de ponerlos tiene:      -Humedad: 90%     -Temperatura:  19.5 °C -Después de una noche se estabilizó en:      -Humedad: 85%      -Temperatura: 19.9°C Día 6. Miércoles, 7 de Octubre de 2020. 22:23 -Todas las semillas han germinado y se transplantan a las macetas. -Se riegan cada una con 250ml. Además la mezcla total, de 1.75 litros llevaba:    -TNT: 2.6ml    -RAÍZ: 4.35ml    -ZYME: 4.35ml Se dejan por la noche con las luces a  50 cm.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
78 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
50 cm
Día 10. Domingo, 11 de Octubre de 2020 - Todas las plántulas están creciendo positivamente -Se riega cada planta con 0.25 litros sin fertilizantes. -Después de regarlas las he enterrado un poco para así afianzarlas un poco. Debería haberlo hecho sntes de regarlas -La temperatura es de 22 °C en el momento del riego.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
75 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
50 cm
Día 18. Lunes 19 de Octubre de 2020. -Parece que se ha corregido un poco la planta que se puso amarilla. Pudo ser por quemarla con los pocos nutes que le puse o porque estaba estresada por el riego, no lo se muy bien. -Solo la he regado 2 veces la semana pasada con 0.25 litros de agua sin nutes, las plantas no piden más por ahora. -La he regado hoy otra vez con 0.25 litros cada una. -Se ha notado un aumento considerable de tamaño en estos 4 días, hojas más grandes y tallo más grueso
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
16 cm
21 hrs
23 °C
75 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 5 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 5 mll
Día 24. Domingo 25 de Octubre de 2020. Las riego con 280ml de agua y le añado los siguientes nutes: -5ml de TNT. -5ml de complejo Radicular -2ml de Power Zyme -Le realizo la LST a todas -Ahora miden 16cm debido a la LST -Después de manipular las plantas ya se les notaba que estaban estresadas Día 28. Jueves 29 de Octubre de 2020 Las riego con 280ml de agua y le añado los  siguientes nutes -5ml de TNT. -5ml de complejo Radicular -3ml de Power Zyme -Le realizo la LST a todas otra vez. Esta vez más ajustada
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Mr_Gezetastarted grow question 4 years ago
What's wrong with these leaves? Maybe I did a not so Lst? I feel they are a little bit down. At the moment of the pic they were 3 hours without light
Leaves. Curl down
shin3answered grow question 4 years ago
looks like a temperature issue. Too hot? They look quite healthy tho. Try to swap their position, to spot out possible wet areas. It is quite normal to bend down after 3 hours without light
Mr_Gezetastarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everybody, this is my first grow so that's why i have so many doubts. One guy told me that my plants are short for being 6 weeks old. They are 6 weeks old since they started to germinate. Do you think they should be bigger? What do you think I did wrong? Thank you!
Plant. Too short
1 like
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, Your plant are looking fine and healthy to me in everyway.I only recommend to train her well to become bushy and bigger.Exposed your lower growth by tucking fan leaves or tie down.Don’t let the main stem to grow vertically.Adjust your LST eveyday and make the plant an even canopy.Always adjust your water pH, ppm and check run off.Always maintain wet/dry circle between each watering.In that way, you will have a happy ending.Happy Growing... ✌️
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
27 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
68 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 3 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 1.5 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 3 mll
Día 31 1 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 350ml de agua cada una y le añado los nutes -3ml/l de TNT -3ml/l de Complejo Radicular -1.5ml/l Power Zyme -2.5ml/l complejo de floración Día 34. 5 de Noviembre de 2020 -En este momento miden 27 cm aprox. Unas más y otras menos. -Les vuelvo a hacer la LST a todas. Las riego con 0.5 litros de agua cada una y con los siguientes nutes: -3.5ml/l de TNT -3ml/l de Complejo Radicular -2ml/l Power Zyme -3.5ml/l complejo de floración
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
30 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
68 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 4 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 3 mll
Día 37. 8 de Noviembre de 2020 Las riego con 0.5 litros de agua cada una y con los siguientes nutes: -4.0ml/l de TNT -3ml/l de Complejo Radicular -2ml/l Power Zyme -3.5ml/l complejo de floración -2ml Hesi boost Día 39. 10 de Noviembre. Les hago la LST otra vez. Día 40. 11 de Noviembre. Por culpa de las bajas temperaturas he decidido aumentar las horas de luz de 18 a 20 horas. Además bajé la luz de 40 a 30 cm para que haga más calor Día 41. 12 de Noviembre de 2020 Las riego con 0.5 litros de agua cada una y con los siguientes nutes: -4.0ml/l de TNT -3ml/l de Complejo Radicular -2ml/l Power Zyme -3.5ml/l complejo de floración -2ml Hesi boost - Haciendo la LST se me rompió el tallo y lo intenté arreglar con cinta americana. No se si esto saldrá bien pero hay que intentarlo
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
40 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
68 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 4 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 3 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 3.5 mll
Día 46 desde germinación. Lunes 16 de Noviembre. Las riego con 0.5 litros de agua cada una y con los siguientes nutes: -4.0ml/l de TNT -3.5ml/l de Complejo Radicular -3ml/l Power Zyme -3.5ml/l complejo de floración -3ml Hesi boost Las plantas han crecido un poco pero no veo que hagan un crecimiento muy pronunciado. A ver si los próximos días comienzan a florecer Martes 17 de Noviembre. Nueva distribución, con las colas apuntando a las luces. He puesto un venitlador también, para que circule el aire. Antes tenía entre un 85-65% de humedad y ahora con el ventilador cae hasta 70-55%
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Mr_Gezetastarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi friends! Do you think my plants are doing it okay? I mean, we are on day 46th and there's no sign of flowering I think. Maybe i did any mistake? It's my first grow but I'm trying to be very careful and I don't understand why they are so late. Any comment is welcome. Thanks <3
Buds. Other
Desmoanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hallo, Is wel best lang 7 weken maar het kan zijn dat je je plant wat stress hebt gegeven via lst of ontbladering en daar door de bloei wat is uitgesteld.Maar ze zit in de voorbloeifase nu als ik het goed zie,dus de bloei is eigenlijk gestart. Ik heb dit ook tegengekomen met een plant van mij die nu weken achter komt op de rest doordat ik haar nog wat ontbladerd had juist voor de bloeifase begon,is ook nog maar mijn 2e kweek,maar je planten zien er verder wel gezond uit.Doe zo verder👍😉
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! Looks like you have done some training to her and this can delay the start of flower and sometimes autoflowers don't carry the auto gene and you need to treat them as photoperiod plants but I don't think that's the case with you tho. Don't worry tho, she's already showing her pistils and it means that she's going to flower soon enough. She looks healthy but slight pale green shade in top growing parts but that's quite common for this stage so nothing to worry about just yet
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 5.5 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 3.5 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 3.5 mll
Día 52. 23 de Noviembre de 2020 Se puede decir que hemos empezado la floración, quizás es solo prefloración pero quiero cambiar el cartel de semana a rojo de una vez. Les hago una pequeña defoliación, he quitado en total 2 o 3 hojas de abajo que veía que estaban un poco mal. Les aplico la LST otra vez, cada vez es más leve. Intento simplemente de colocar las puntas de forma que les de la luz directamente. Las riego con 0.6 litros de agua cada una y añado los siguientes nutes. -4.5ml/l de TNT -3ml/l de Complejo Radicular -3ml/l Power Zyme -4ml/l complejo de floración -3ml Hesi boost Día 55. 26 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 0.70 litros de agua cada una -5.5ml/l de TNT -3.5ml/l de Complejo Radicular -3.5ml/l Power Zyme -5ml/l complejo de floración -3.5ml Hesi boost Les he quitado algunas hojas que estaban mal, nada importante, 3 o 4 en total Día 58. 29 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 0.70 litros de agua cada una -5.5ml/l de TNT -3.5ml/l de Complejo Radicular -3.5ml/l Power Zyme -5ml/l complejo de floración -3.5ml Hesi boost -2.5ml de fósforo plus Día 61. 2 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 0.70 litros de agua cada una -5.5ml/l de TNT -3.5ml/l de Complejo Radicular -3.5ml/l Power Zyme -5ml/l complejo de floración -3.5ml Hesi boost -2.5ml de fósforo plus
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Mr_Gezetastarted grow question 4 years ago
What's wrong with these leaves? I defoliate them because they seemed a little bit ill but maybe it's because they are the lower leaves and so they are weaker? I don't know. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot!
Leaves. Tips - Die
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Nothing to worry about, it looks to me as damage caused by rubbing against the fabric pot when your fan is going. No need to stress, growing 100% perfect plants with 100% perfect leaves, 100% of the time, is not achievable. You are on a journey of discovery and on the path of constant learning. Each grow will get easier, but little mistakes, which everyone makes, will teach you what not to do in the future. Like most things in life, it is not about what to do, but about what not to do. Your plants look healthy and happy and you should be excited at the thought of finally having some home grown stash, made with your very own knowledge and total quality control over what your plants are receiving throughout their life cycle. Hope this helps.... Organoman. PS - try leaving your healthy leaves alone. They are making all the energy for your plant to grow its best. Removing healthy leaves reduces your plants ability to make this magical "grow energy". I recommend only removing leaves once they have gone a yellow colour, by then they have fully served their function. Good luck and happy growing.
Mr_Gezetastarted grow question 4 years ago
Check my last week pls. What should I do now? I want to improve the yield now we are in flowering stage. Could you give me your best tips to improve the yield at this stage? They are autoflowers, that's why I cannot do much for training them. Every comment will help. Thanks a lot
Buds. Not fattening
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
In flower most training should stop with the exception of supercropping if necessary. The only think would be a PK booster or you can raise temps and supplement with co2. 🤘😤
HighAltitudeOrganicsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I agree with dodrugs and stress the concept of less is more with feeding. Don't feed full nutrient strength. I disagree on training autos because you're a new grower. Let them be and show true expression. Most auto growers try too much. Most auto genetics do weird things when stressed. There are exceptions but you're a rookie. Make your first grow an enjoyable one by avoiding doing too much. Good luck
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
1st, dont get to harvest out of breeder timetables, you harvest with mostly milky trichomes if u want it to be a head high, and mostly amber trichomes if u want a more sedative high, the later will also improve the yield. 2nd, don't overdo it on nutrients, auto's need less than photos and will do fine with using half the dosage as the max ever given dosage. 3rd, train your auto's prior to entering flower, auto's recover from well performed training pretty quick, so if you do it well she will recover in 1 to 2 days. 4th, water more often or with a bigger water volume, this will suposedly make the plant not turn cristals amber so quickly wich allows for better crystal conservation while she is still growing.(this one is highly debatable) 5th, using a pk booster from the 3rd week of flower onwards will help your nugs fatten up more, even if they get slight damage to the leafs they will grow in size more, just remember 2nd point when you do it.
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 5.5 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 0.1 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 0.1 mll
Día 67. 6 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 0.70 litros de agua cada una -5.5ml/l de TNT -5.5ml/l complejo de floración -3.5ml Hesi boost -3ml de fósforo plus -Todas están en floración. Hay 2 que están empezando pero la mayoría están totalmente floreciendo. -Voy a colocarles tutores porque espero que engorden mucho así. -Me preocupa que haya mucha humedad. Si el deshumidificador se llena y no estoy atento se dispara al 80% y eso es un problema en esta estapa. -Una de las plantas mide 1 metro mientras otra no llega a los 50 centímetros. Misma luz, mismos nutrientes y misma LST -He comprado un nuevo foco de 300w. Se que es un poco tarde pero srguro que slgo ayuda y voy a seguir cultivando así que ya se queda para el siguiente cultivo Día 69. 8 de Noviembre de 2020. Las riego con 0.70 litros de agua cada una -5.5ml/l de TNT -5.5ml/l complejo de floración -2ml Hesi boost -3ml de fósforo plus Día 71. 10 de Noviembre de 2020. -Las riego todas con 1L de agua cada una y los siguientes nutes: -5ml de Hesi Boost. Lo hago para que reciban más agua. Creo que no he explotado todo lo posible estas plantas. Están sanas pero no han sido llevadas a todo su potencial
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
80 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 6 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 0.1 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 0.1 mll
Día 73 Lunes 14 de Diciembre: -Las plantas están todas en floración. Me he dado cuenta de que debí haberlas regado más. Ellas estaban bien, no les faltó nada, pero pude haberlas explotado más. Es quizás la razón por la que creo que no voy a tener tanta producción como esperaba. -Sin embargo, una de ellas, una Gorilla Glue auto a la que le hice topping lo ha hecho bastante bien. Ella está en una maceta de 11 litros en lugar de los 18 litros del resto. Es la que está en una fase más avanzada y es posible que se pueda cortar antes de 2021. -Estoy teniendo problemas con el ph del agua. Hasta ahora siempre era de 6.7 directamente sacada del grifo y con nutes se ponía en 6.3 aproximadamente. Ahora cuando la sacas del grifo e incluso después de 24 horas está en un 6.2 y si le echo nutes se queda en un 5.6, es por eso que a partir de ahora las regaré con agua destilada, que tiene ph 7 para poder echarle los nutes que les quedan
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
80 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 6 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 0.1 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 0.1 mll
-Esta semana simplemente las he regado un par de veces con un litro y medio cada una. -A una de las GG ya estoy haciéndole el flush final -Empiezan a enfermarse las hojas. Puede ser falta de calcio, potasio, lo se. Les he echado uns buena dosis de potasio y las que están más afectadas les he echado sgua limpia y un poco de potasio. -una de las GG le falta poco para cortar. El resto les quedará poco menos de un mes
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
80 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 0.1 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 0.1 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 0.1 mll
Seguimos en floración, ningún cambio durante esta semana. Las plantas avanzan, crecen y parece que todas lo están consiguiendo más o menos. He mirado los tricomas de GG2 con el microsccopio y la mayoría son blancos, algunos siguen transparentes así que aún le quedan unas semanas
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
80 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 6
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 0.1 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 0.1 mll
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 0.1 mll
11 de Enero. -He mirado los tricomas y están todos blancos. Le calculo que les quedarán 2 semanas aproximadamente. -Las riego con 750ml cada una sin nutrientes. -Quito todas las hojas que se caen, no arranco ninguna. 17 de Enero. Todos los tricomas están blancos, quería cortarlas el día 21 de Enero pero no va a ser posible, muy poco tiempo para que se pongan un poco ambar
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
27-01-2020 Day of the harvest. -I can´t post weight, flavour and all this stuff yet because I want them to be dry before weighing it and obviously to try it. I will upload it when finish it. 12-02-21 PRUNING DAY. They have being drying for two weeks and now I will divide them in jars. This is amazing, I've never though I could get 195 grams of my first grow ever. It was an incredible experience and I'm going to repeat it as soon as possible. Bud´s shape are very different depending on which plant belong to. My favorite one is the Northern Lights 3. I got 33 grams from this one, it was topped y accident because it broke when I tried to adjust the LST but it was the one that gave me more quantity. With this experience I can say that, at least this seed, can stand a topping without losing a gram of production. I didn't try the real buds, because I'm going to waut at least for 2 weeks but I've tried the trim and it's really good. I'm very bad at detecting flavors and all this stuff so don't believe me a lot with the things you see regarding it.
Show more
Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
27.91 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Flowery, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
-This was my first grow ever and I can´t be more happy about it. I grew 7 healthy plants and it was an amazing experience. Plants weren´t sick at any moment (Maybe they had a little deficiency but that´s all) and I´m getting ready to grow another 5 or 6 for the next time. -I obviously made some mistakes during the growing. I didn't watered them well, I mean, I should have watered them more, with more quantity. I've never watered any plant with more than 1.5 liters even though they are in 18L pots. -They all have different shapes because at the beginning I didn't know how to properly do the LST. For the next time I want them to be more similar. -due to the lack of water I don't know if the roots were fully developed, maybe for the next time, with more water, I could get stronger roots and also bigger plants. -I've topped two plants. One by accident and the other one because I wanted to see how different she could grow. These two are the ones with heavier, big and dense buds. I couldn't tell if I didn't topped them I could get these buds and I don't really know if it's a good thing to top auto plants but (Every web I checked about topping it wasn't recommended) I'm happy with these two, they are not very tall and they have the flatest canopy of the grow Next time I will grow 5 Crystal Candy Auto XL, from Sweet Seeds. At the beginning of this grow I was an absolutely noob but thanks to your help and what I have researched all this time I managed to grow these 7 wonderful plants. With this we prove that even though you are a noob you can get good productions if you take care well of them. Don´t be afraid of growing, it is an amazing experience and it is very satisfying to smoke what you have grown THANKS EVERYBODY WHO HELPED ME HERE, EVEN IF YOU JUST ANSWER A QUESTION OR JUST COMMENTED WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABOUT MY GROW WAS VERY HELPFUL AND I APPRECIATE IT A LOT.
Equipment Reviews


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Fitzy971commentedweek 54 years ago
Looks a bit dry in bigger pots like that I like to pick them up to see how heavy the pot is which lets you know when to water if it's heavy you wait if light water/feed.
Fitzy971commented4 years ago
@Mr_Gezeta, @ there age I would expect 2liters would be about right maybe a bit more picking them up is an easy way to determine when and how much to water
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Fitzy971, oh thanks! Yes maybe it's a bit dry. I watered them with 350ml each on Sunday. Maybe they need more because the water doesn't reach the bottom at all.
HAPPY91commentedweek 124 years ago
Keep up the wonderful progress. Looking good for a first time plant. Soon the buds will start to swell and leafs will start dying off as the buds are taking all the nutrients left in the plant. Be sure to keep her well fed. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!!
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, thanks a lot mate! I was a little bit worried about GG1 because it was growing slower than the rest but I'll just wait a little bit more for it to finish
DreamITcommentedweek 64 years ago
grow em' all!😁👽✋👊
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@DreamIT, Yeeah haha thanks dude! good luck to you too💪👻
Ferenccommentedweek 44 years ago
Happy Growing! @Mr_Gezeta
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thanks mate🤙🏼
Smokwiricommentedweek 134 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
Smokwiricommentedweek 114 years ago
Hey mate, plant looks really good for a first grow, good job mate.
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thank you mate! I was trying to lower the dose but it didn't work so I'm going to do what you say. Let's see if I can solve that problem in one or two weeks
Smokwiricommented4 years ago
@Mr_Gezeta, leave problem is nutrient deficiency, it it probably lockout through nutrient overdose, try lowering dose or only watering for one week (don't water too much). When new leaf looks healthy, problem is solved and you can contintue your grow
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, oh thanks a lot mate. I'm taking this seriously and I want it to be a good grow even though it's my first one. I want to grow again to correct all the mistakes I've made in this one. Feel free to comment whatever you want regarding this grow. I'm sure it will help me!
Igrowneilcommentedweek 134 years ago
That guy that said the plants where too short a week 6 😂😂
Igrowneilcommented4 years ago
@Mr_Gezeta, with them being about 30 inch is a good height mine on avg where about 34 , biggest being 41.5 if 6 plants I just harvested 5 plants and got 400 grams of top shelf bud , popcorn buds where left in the trim box for baking with so I haven't a clue what the final weight was but my candys where only avg 17 inch and also yielded 80 grams per plant so height isn't anything to do with it so plant genetics make.there flowers smaller or the height small ( indica ) , big ( sativa) ... he must not know a thing the poor soul and I'm a begginger too
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Igrowneil, this guy have no experience mate haha forgive me. I usually check other people diaries and their plants always seem bigger than mines. Also, Even though they are not small I had no clue about how much will I get so I don't know yet if I should be happy or not
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
Picking Auto Northern Lights XXL was a wonderfull choice!
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, thanks mate! I would grow it again for sure. It is a very strong strain and it could handle all my noob fails
Harukisancommentedweek 144 years ago
Great first grow, well done!
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Harukisan, thanks mate🤙🏼
Polaskiscommentedweek 144 years ago
Nice work 👏
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, thanks!💪🏼
Woodcuttercommentedweek 144 years ago
Nice grow brother! Congrats on the success. When you post your final I'll follow up to read it. Your success and trouble of the over all grow would be great too.
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Woodcutter, thanks mate! I just posted the final weight. Feel free to ask me whatever you want regarding this grow
Qlimaxcommentedweek 144 years ago
Nice grow!!! Have fun smoking it!
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@Qlimax, thanks mate, I will😁
heizencommentedweek 104 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@heizen, ohh thanks a lot! Feel free to comment whatever you want. It would be helpful for me!
DreamOncommentedweek 74 years ago
Nice job, looks great! Good luck further & have fun! 🌱😎
Mr_Gezetacommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, thanks a lot mate, feel free to comment whatever you want. I´m here to learn
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
Auto Northern Lights XXL is exactly what my momma would've wanted me to have.
WeedWhisperercommentedweek 144 years ago
Lovely 1st grow!
Deicidecommentedweek 134 years ago
Excelente cosecha 😋
the end.
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