Wk 12: Jan 27 to Feb 2. I had to raise the lights today. Completely given up on the measuring. She was is close to 4 feet tall and -2 inches from the light. All scrunched up into the light. I tried some stretching today. Moved her down about 2 inches, wasn't worth it. In about 3 days when she gets near the ligth I'll have to stretch her and that will help. I also don't have any compost tea because the dirt outside is frozen. I'm still watering 1/2 cup which is about 120 ml and about 1/16 of a gallon. Also all that moving around, she emitted some strong smells momentarily. Wk 13: Feb 3 to Feb 9.
@Fabi83, While I appreciate your insight I've got 176 Watts and that is as much as I can afford. Thank you for the comment, I had a typo in my setup whereby it listed 112 Watts. This has been corrected.
I'm psyched I'm still in 12th place out of 173 and there is one day left. The sour diesel ahead of me was not much better than mine, we both yielded an ounce. This is for the July diary of the month contest.