I found the end of the summer/start of fall was too humid and hot to manage. These sixteen plants will be together in the 4x4 the entire time. During flower eight plants will be started in a second 4x4 tent. When both tents are available, four plants will be flowered in each. The idea is to start with a SOG so that one tent won't be empty while other plants are vegging. Because my plant count is 25, it makes sense to do the SOG with 16 plants while vegging 8.
Germinated in Solo Cups with Coco/Perlite mixed.
Nice set up. Are those HLG-185 drivers running at 100%? Surprised you’re only at 300W. You’re set up for a great outcome, keep up the good work and good luck. Would not be surprised if you end up above 2g/watt. Cheers
Good eye. Yes, there are two HLG-185 drivers on the light. It is actually running at 476w. It is my first grow with this light and I am hoping for good things. Thanks for checking out my setup