Temps 90-92f this week consistently with 80% humidity and they blew up. Ppms at 1090. They were lifted up and trained till day 42. Stacking quite well for such a small plant. DLI was ramped up till day 41 when I started seeing signs of stress. Went from 34 to about 42 over the span of 5 days and trying to alternate the days. On day 42 I connected the carbon filter as it has started to smell a tiny bit. That means humidity from now onwards will be consistently around 60% with my canopy temps around 84. I was not exhausting the air till now, just recirculating it from the top to the bottom using an exhaust pipe which you can see in week1 of my diary. So I guess the explosive growth will slow down a bit now cause of the change in temperature but the terps should starting building up now.