
timing question

blackcrowesstarted grow question a month ago
I'm 11 weeks into this Pineapple Express Auto...I'm assuming another 4 weeks (or so). Trichomes are cloudy, very few amber. Any thoughts from a timing standpoint? This is my first auto, and I hear things escalate quickly towards the end. Any thoughts are appreciated!
001100010010011110answered grow question a month ago
At this point there is virtually no difference between a photoperiod and an autoflower. Autoflower merely flips to flower phase on its own. that is 99% of the difference. If you've grown photos before, it's no different how you go from here. It's impossible to properly assess the leaf symptoms given the pictures here. I'd look into how you've ferrtilized the last few weeks and come up with a plan for the next plant to avoid the mild symptoms you have in your leaves at the moment. If you dumped a bunch of P and K into it, it's possible it was too much. Reference a leaf symptom chart, make a best guess and if you see a slowing of symptoms or improvement, good chacne that's what needs to be tweaked next time, but most likely a few weeks before week 11. As far as guesstimating finish... when those calyxes plump nearly fully, probably 10-14 days just like a photoperiod. Same time frames. Autos aren't faster, they just flip to flower and offten with less vege time than people givea typical photoperiod, but that is a volatile range of outcomes for autos.. some are bigger, some are smaller, there are ways to stress it to delay or shorten.. etc .. difficult to plan for no matter what.
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m0useanswered grow question a month ago
Base the harvest off of a few indicators. Bud Density Trichome Ripeness Pistil Dry Back Feeding and Drinking Are the buds nice and dense or are they growing any more, if yes they may need more time, if no it might be ready. Are the trichomes cloudy with some amber, if not it may need more time, if yes it might be ready. Are the pistils drying back? if no it might need more time, if yes aim for aorund 80% dry back. Are the plants drinking and feeding less? If no it likely needs more time, if yes they might be ready. I see little to none on pistil dry back and it looks like its still bulking up a lot. Your assessment of 4 weeks is probably good. Maybe longer though.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question a month ago
Yeah you got a few more weeks in my opinion. I think you have a bit of bulking to come yet. Surprised to hear you're seeing any cloudy already honestly. Sure you're not looking ar the sugar leaves? Those tend to cloud/amber up faster and shouldn't really be trusted.
TheUk420Showanswered grow question a month ago
Ahhh very good question my friend and here's a good answer autos have a finite amount of time they are pretty much designed to die so some growers to get the maximum amount of yield and density will keep flowering autos until they actually die themselves this means that the plant has completed its cycle. I would say around 4 weeks if not longer still to go here buddy a misleading thing with autos is that they are fast and finish in like 9 weeks or something and yes some growers can do this but these are very experienced and have near perfect conditions so you know in my experience with autos they took just not longer or longer than other styles of growing. like 12/12 from seed or SOG bost of these methods when combined with say dwc as a medium you can pull of a full tent in 10 weeks so yeah I don't really see a use for them personally :) though everyone grows differently and I would never slate anyone for choosing them :) best of luck buddy.
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