
Should i flush this auto

autoflowersabcstarted grow question 10 days ago
My amnesia skittlez auto from fast buds growth is stunted for 2 weeks at least and im in week 5. She started pre flowering 2 weeks ago and almost havent shown any growth since then. I messured run off and ppm ist about 850. After research i found out its to high should i flush.
001100010010011110answered grow question 10 days ago
Looks healthy to me... if you think an adjustment in nutes need to be made, adjust your fertilizer mix as this does not require a stressful option like flushing. 850 might be ab it high, but runoff ppm is most likely higher than what is actually in the substrate, and what we feed at isn't necesesarily what the substrate should be, but merely results in what is healthy over time and results in a consistent nute level being the key. Just reduce concentration of fertilzier and move forward, if you feel the plants are too lush or overfed. if in soilless and religious about 10% runoff waste, it will re-callibrate soil EC very fast. If in soil you might want a little extra runoff and stick to water-only for an extra irrigation or two. Soil's a bit different context. if a plant is toxic inside, it has no excretion system. all you can do is to wait for it to use it up - obviously reduce content of that nute in substrate, but that won't reduce the problem already occuring i the plant. Your plant may be slightly too lush. It doesn't look glossy or crazy dark, though. I'd jsut driop your fertilizer concentration by 5-10% and see how that goes, if worried.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 10 days ago
I’m not expert when it comes to nutrition as it’s my biggest weakness when it comes to growing. I don’t think you need to do a crazy flush. Maybe push 5 litres of just regular water that has been properly PH’d may be a good idea to bring the PPMs down. But what I do see is that your pots are sitting flat on them trays. Which it’s not very good for a fabric pot to sit flat on its belly like that with no way for airflow underneath. I suggest getting some pot risers. I use the Gro Pro NX pot risers. Give that search on google. Maybe try to find those or something similar to those. Because after a watering the pot is essentially sitting in a puddle of its own piss. That’s not good. You need something to elevate the pot up so that there’s airflow underneath. If you want you can take a look at my diaries to see what I’m talking about.
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