
Early ppfd for autos?

Waynewhiteski420started grow question 9 hours ago
What’s a good ppfd level for auto seedlings a week old
FastBudsInShedanswered grow question 7 hours ago
Personally for my autos I keep it between 200 and 220 during the seedling stage.
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 hours ago
Looks like too much so for -- you can tell by how little stretch there is between growth nodes. it's variable. It'll need more each day until it creeps up to 35-40 DLI for ambient co2. PPFD without hours of operation is not going to tell you anything. Along with hours of operation you get DLI, which is the metric you need here. If you always use the same hours of operation, thenn esoterically you can use ppfd without the calculation, since it is already known, but that's only possible with experience/hindsight. too much stretch = amp it up too little stretch = reduce it a bit. take some notes about timing and any visual clues you see and next time it's a lot less trial and error. there's always a chance of genetic variance, so you may still need to adjust from a 'normal' practice.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 9 hours ago
You can also check this shedule for a guideline: For PPFD to DLI you can use a online converter. The DLI really determines what your plants need, the ppfd isnt that accurate since it ignores the factor lighthours, it just measures the strength.
MarihuAchAanswered grow question 9 hours ago
Hola Wayne. Yo uso automáticas y en la semana 1 pongo 100 ppfd, luego en la semana 2, 3 y 4 uso entre 200 y 500 ppfd, siempre aumentando semana a semana. Luego en la semana 5 hasta la 10 uso entre 500 y 700. También en aumento. Un gran abrazo
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 9 hours ago
Hey mate, If you want to keep it straight just go for around 200 and higher it from week 2 to 400-500 till week 3-4 35 cm on a low percentage is the best for your energybill right now. Your light cover the whole area anyways, no reason to go so high. You dont need that penetration nor coverage right now 😇 Always check your plants, if the stretch you can lower the light. If the dwarf you can higher it, Trust your own senses, there daily change in needs is big right now and you have to regulate that a bit/learn to regulate it a bit. You will make it, dont worry and trust your eyes. Good luck 👍
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 9 hours ago
No more than 250 at this stage.
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