
HYDROPONIC not growing, 10 days past. This is my third grove. before that, everything was fine in the same setup. And now, for some reason, it's not g

AvengerxAvengerstarted grow question 7 days ago
plants stuck at start. 10 days past. they are perlite 100%. nothing else. some of them have roots in water - but still not growing, 70% humidity, water temperature 22 degrees, GHE fertilizer, 5.9 PH, 350-450 PPM. 600w bestva LED 70 cm distance between plants and lamp 250 PPFD.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 7 days ago
Your medium/perlite is very high up the stem and you could have some damping off happening that you're not seeing. Otherwise, how high is the water level on your net cup? I don't see any roots sticking out and after this long there should at least be something, might be too wet?