
Entering week 7 flower …

GrannyGrowingWeedstarted grow question 2 months ago
I think the end is near! Sigh! Week 7 starts on Saturday, I’ll feed once more and then just water. First grow, i havent killed them yet… 🤣. Watching you all daily!!!!
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
2-3 weeks more. they aren't plump yet. lots of long white pistils. when the calyxes plump, the pistils 'look' short. At that point, start scoping trichomes. ignore whatever the brouchure/web site said about flower time... simply observe and react. After you put in 70-100 days, stay patient at the end too. Don't defoliate them like that and you'll have better results, too. You stripped a lot of leaves too late into flower, because i only see small fan leaves. What leaves remained never had a chance to grow out well.
Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 2 months ago
You still have 3-4 weeks to go, keep feeding for another 2 weeks then post an updated question. As it is now, it is far too early to stop with feeding. Certainly do not defoliate .......... your plant needs the leaves, to make the energy required for flower growth. Just remember....... Less leaves = less energy being made = less potential and slower growth and slower maturation.
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