
Spotted some mildew on Leaves

Caulistarted grow question 3 months ago
Hi fellow Growers, today i spotted some small spots of mildew on the leaves of my amnesia xxl autoflower. i decided to cut all leaves where i could see it. what's your workaround in this case? any good tips to handle this and prevent other plants to be hit with it? thank you!
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 months ago
LOL, you are outdoors? I removed the first reply because it only applied to indoor context. Good luck... you are at the whims of mother nature, lol. Different suggestion: manage it as best you can by removing it.. as it inevitably spreads in a losing battle, you'll have to make a choice of when to harvest to save some vs total catastrophe. small chance you remove it and not see it again if outside. Could try this: "The UV-C light treatment must be delivered in high doses at low speeds and at night to circumvent the natural defenses of powdery mildews to UV." Could buy one of those UV-c wands and treat each plant in the dark -- uv-c applied in dark is important - article explains why. Useless to apply in the daylight.