Yes that will work well.. you do not need the cardboard box.. cardboar is dirty AF, anyway. A dark room is fine. Tents and cardboard boxes really don't add a benefit to the process... just risk of RH% going too high inside a small closed up area.
You want circulation in the sorrounding area but no fan should directly point at the buds. It doesn't take much to even out the RH in the area.
You'll have a nice slow dry with those conditions. Anything beyond that is just masturbation.
The drying plant material will help greatly with RH% the first 2-3 days and less so over time.
if it doesn't dry slow enough, you can leave more on the plant, hang larger portions of plant or even the entire plant (or placed on mesh rack, whichever you do, though large chunks of plant likely need to be hung as opposed to lying on a mesh rack... individual branches can lie on a mesh rack but anything with a more 3d shape should be hung). You have ways to further manipulate how long it takes to dry. What you need to do may be different than others.