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Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos y también a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Esta es una historia, por capítulos, de un cultivo orgánico autosuficiente, con una cepa mestiza de nombre Congo, ella es chaparra pero fornida, con entrenudos cortos y fuertes ramas, vive en la mejor casa que he sabido darle (mira la composición del sustrato en la cuarta semana), y la alimento como se alimenta un amor para que no decaiga!💘💘 Séptima semana del cultivo, segunda desde el corte apical y primera desde el paso a floración, la planta continúa su crecimiento y bla, bla, bla, el consumo de agua aumenta, esta semana dos riegos profundos y bla, bla, bla... me aburro! 🤷‍♀️ Para combatir el gran aumento de la humedad relativa y la aparición de hongos, en el periodo de oscuridad estoy reuniendo los once cultivos actuales en una habitación con un des-humificador, manteniendo una humedad relativa durante ese periodo, alrededor del 55-60%. También, esta semana de días muy nublados, mantengo todas las plantas con luz interior, si vuelven días soleados, volveré a sacar mis plantas un par de horas a tomar, la gratuita e inimitable luz de sol. • DATOS: 👨‍⚖️🤷‍♀️ Cultivo clandestino de marihuana en el norte de España 🌼 Maceta textil de 7l con base de piedras de rio. 🌍 Sustrato personalizado con minerales y etc... ver la composición en la cuarta semana de este diario. 💡 Luces ViparSpectra P1000 al 60% de potencia a una distancia media de 20cm. 🌞💡 Horario: 12h en interior. 🏠 Carpa de cultivo compartida con otras 4 plantas sativa: 60x60x140cm. 🥗 Nutrición soluble 3M, hecha en casa con Materia orgánica, Minerales y Microbiología. ========================= • CON TU PERMISO, ME REBELO... 💃👨‍🌾 En el jardín mojado por la lluvia Sin Gurú, sin Método, sin Maestro Solo tú y yo, la naturaleza y el espíritu santo Sin Gurú, sin Método, sin Maestro Séptima semana desde que comencé la nueva temporada de cultivos, después de un breve descanso, una semana donde me cuestiono, una vez más, el sentido de estos diarios semanales en GD... Después de más de dos años publicando mis cultivos orgánicos, aprendiendo, compartiendo, incansable, conocimiento, fórmulas y técnicas, escribiendo desde la emoción y la euforia del eterno aprendiz, sin apología, intentando al tiempo, amenizar con mis anti héroes y memes, perdedores que han tenido la oportunidad de expresarse con libertad, tal vez, porque yo soy uno de ellos, o todos! 👨‍🚀... todo bien! ha sido divertido y me ha permitido estructurar mejor mi experiencia... pero estoy cansado!! La deriva que observo en GD no me gusta, el esfuerzo gozado antes, se ha convertido poco a poco, para mi, en vano y fútil, yo he buscado el conocimiento y compartirlo... ¿Hay alguien ahí?, he mantenido la independencia frente la industria del fertilizante soluble, orgánico o de síntesis química, y sus tablas predeterminadas de nutrición, me he resistido a algunos patrocinios... porque, algunos, piden más de lo que dan!😯 y ahora me encuentro como Simón en el desierto, pero, aun así, prefiero mantener mis diarios de cultivo limpios y libres de polvo y paja... ser o tener!! Hay una tendencia, o mejor, carrera por los "me gusta", en la que yo también he participado, que mayormente está relacionado con los patrocinios, y también con aquellos, que a falta de otras cosas, quieren ganarse el cielo en GD... ¿Cuántos gurús habrá el mes que viene?... y el próximo? Habitualmente, recibo "me gusta" de desconocidos, a viejos comentarios de aquí y de allá, también mensajes amables en mis diarios de cultivo, pero serializados la mayoría, obviando cualquier contexto... todos a la espera de reciprocidad, y así me he comportado hasta ahora con este asunto, pero observo que esto lleva a una pérdida de autenticidad y hasta una perversión del sistema, porque creo que el interés ya no pasa por los diarios de cultivo. Yo por mi parte, no voy a devolver ningún "me gusta" descontextualizado o sistematizado, sea en mis diarios o fuera de ellos, agradezco y animo la comunicación entre cultivadores, y yo estoy siempre abierto, con entusiasmo, a compartir mi experiencia con quien lo desee. En cuanto a mis diarios de cultivo, voy a ser mas críptico, a ver si consigo rescatar algo de tiempo y energía para hacer otras cosas y acabar los diarios de cultivo en curso. Esto es todo por hoy... SALUD CULTIVADORES!! 🖐️👨‍🌾🌞 ================================= 🙄☮️👇🙏👌🤛👍👉👉👉❤️💜❤️👈👈👈🤜👌🙏👇☮️🤩🖐️🏻 =================================
Congo · ACE Seeds
P1000 · ViparSpectra
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
GT 70x70x160cm(2.3'x2.3'x5.2') · Mars Hydro
Miel ·
MMA Plus ·
Ormus ·
Auxinas ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Miel ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel de brezo ·
MMA Plus ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel de brezo ·
Ormus ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel de brezo ·
Ormus ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto frutas NPK ·
Melaza ·
Lacto mineral EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
MMA Plus ·
Melaza ·
Lacto mineral EM ·
Bio frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
MMA Plus ·
Melaza ·
Bio algas EM ·
Hidro semillas ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Ormus ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
MMA Ultra ·
Cola de caballo ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
MMA Ultra ·
Aminoácidos ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
Lacto frutas NPK ·
MMA Mineral ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
MMA Mineral ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Bio algas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Mineral ·
Agua de alubias ·
MMA Ultra ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Mineral ·
MMA Ultra ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Basic ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Aminoácidos ·
Ormus ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Ormus ·
MMA Mineral ·
Bio algas EM ·
MMA Ultra ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Mineral ·
MMA Ultra ·
Aminoácidos ·
Humato FK ·
Ormus ·
MMA Basic ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
MMA Mineral ·
Aminoácidos ·
Humato FK ·
Ormus ·
MMA Basic ·
Bio algas EM ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
MMA Mineral ·
Ormus ·
MMA Basic ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto harinas EM ·
Calabaza MMA ·
So we are on the start of week 4 of life for these fine ladies !! They've finally grown outta their rut have caught up to the other ladies in the room quite quickly !! This will be their last week in the solo cup as the start of next week I will x-plant into their final homes !! Im starting to get excited to see what full swing veg will look like for these ladies !! They have started to form up 5 finger leaves so it will be no time at all now till I got some nice bushy ladies !! I've also given them names , Ivy and Kat !! A big thank you to everyone who takes the time to stop in and check out the diary !! Happy Growing! -V.G Day#19V Ladies are growing along nicely . Video update release . Day#2 since watering 1/2 Cup Day#20V These ladies are just thirsty now !!! Watered 1/2 Cup each at 500PPM Day#21V Pictures N/A. These Ladies are just exploding in growth !! I'm very excited to transplant them ! Day#1 since watering 1/2 Cup at 500PPM Day#22V I can't believe how well these ladies are growing now for how they took their time at the start !! Transplanted into 3 gallon . Watered 3/4 Cup each. Day#23V Ladies love their new homes , I'm going to be using base nutrients from now on get the nitrogen pumping ! Day#1 Since watering 3/4 Cup each. Day#24V Im going to be training these ladies shortly they are growing nicely just waiting for a new more nodes :D :D . Day#2 Since watering 3/4 Cup each Day#25V Picture's N/A . Ladies are starting to get thirstier and thirstier . Watered 1 Cup each at 520PPM ( 1.5ml/l Micro , Grow , Bloom ) Going to reduce to 1ml/l as of next feed. Recap : The ladies went from solo cups to their final homes this week going to be looking at topping them and starting to train them as of next week ! I found that mixing 1.5ml/l was to strong for the ladies so for the next feed cycle I'm going to be reducing their feeds to 1ml/l of each Grow Bloom Micro .Other then that this week went find and things are picking up !
Welcome to the start of week 4 !!! These ladies are on the rise to greatness Largatha and Harley-quinn are just growing at great speeds . We already have some side branching taking place so by the end of the week we should see a big change in the ladies . This will also be there last week in the solo cups as I will be x-planting them into their final homes as of next week ! So far no complaints they are just turning up !! A big thank you to the people who take the time to stop in and check out the diary :) !! Happy Growing! -V.G Day#19V Growing nicely !! Day#2 since watering 1/2 cup . They are such thirsty ladies !! Day#20V Coming along nicely gaining wind won't be long now till I start training these ladies !! Watered 1/2 Cup each at 500PPM Day#21V Pictures N/A I'm very excited to see whats going to come in the near future ! They pushing 5 fingers now !! Day#1 Since watering 1/2 Cup at 500PPM Day#22V Ladies are growing along . Transplanted into 3 gallon . Watered 3/4 Cup each . Day#23V They are loving their new home ! Suffering from nitrogen def and a tiny bit of over watering . Im going to start using base nutes now . Day#1 Since watering 3/4 Cup each. Day#24V PIctures N/A. Ladies are starting to pick up the pace ! Going to be looking to train them soon . Day#2 Since watering 3/4 cup each Day#25V Pictures N/A, Ladies are super thirsty . Watered 1 Cup each at 520PPM ( 1.5ml/l Grow Micro Bloom ) going to reduce to 1ml/l as of next feeding . Recap : Things really picked up this week for the ladies , I transplanted them into their final homes now Im just awaiting a few more nodes of growth and I will top them and start to train them in the fashion that I like . I started to noticed discolouration on the very bottom leaves that came out (likely due to being over watered) So I've added 1 extra day of dry time in between feedings again to ensure the root zone gets dry enough before adding more water ( from every 2 days to every 3 days ) Other then that these ladies are really picking up I'm excited to see what they going to bring in flower !
It was another excellent week!! She is nearing the end of her course🙌 This is week 8 for her, This is supposed to be an 8-10 week flowering strain and I would agree. This one looks like she will go 9 to 10 weeks but if I was in a rush it could be cut now but I am in no rush so will let her go another week or two depending on how her trichs look. Soo many beautiful colors on this girl!! It's got purples, blues, oranges, greens It awesome🙌 It reeks of citrus lemon lime fruitiness with this slight chemical? like undertone Idk kinda like turpentine it hard to say but smells wicked 👍💪 I Started dropping some of the nutes this week as well getting ready for the flush So for right now It's only House&Garden Aqua Flakes A&B at 5mL/Gal, Drip Clean at 0.5mL/Gal and Last but not least HydroGaurd at 2mL/Gal. I will be doing a full water change around mid week this week, when that is done that will be the start of the flush😊 This is such and awesome Strain to grown Just amazingly beautiful even my Grandma Thinks both this and the Fruity Pebbles are some of the most beautiful plants she has ever seen😆 She doesn't smoke or anything but just loves plants especially this one and the Pebbles She wants me to make her a poster/picture thing of them for her to put up in her house I love it!!!😃 Well thanks for stopping in to see how Mattie is doing, Stop by next week to see how she is doing and if shes ready to chop!! Happy Growing an Plentiful Harvests!!🙏🙏
Flush Week !! More yellowing and colder tempereatures... Feeding is 1 irrigation plain water, and the next with 2-3 ml Top Candy, giving the plant the Carbohydrates it needs, but no more nutrients this week. Eating way less water than before. Aprox 1 week until harvest, and the end of the next week probably is going to be sunny. So not much more to say fellas, sooo as usual, Take care and Good VIbes !!!
Flush Week !! More yellowing and colder tempereatures... Feeding is 1 irrigation plain water, and the next with 2-3 ml Top Candy, giving the plant the Carbohydrates it needs, but no more nutrients this week. Eating way less water than before. Aprox 1 week until harvest, and the end of the next week probably is going to be sunny. So not much more to say fellas, sooo as usual, Take care and Good VIbes !!!
My biggest mistake a hard trim and stretching with in PhD nutrients and to too it off I lowered the light ... Wow she got fried and messed up hard she is just starting to look better today and am happy that she is a fighter or else I would not be moving forward still .. dam my other plants are fine only this one took the brunt of it all lesson learned I guess .. here's to looking better next week in her new tent for flowering can't wait excited ... Cheers canna family
Hey All!!, Huge growth week, and we have moved into the flowering stage. These girls were 24/25 days old as of Sunday the 24th. They are all now between 14 and 17 inches tall, which is about double in one week. The tallest went from about 8 inches to 17 inches in just 7 days. I fed them twice, mid-week prior to last Sunday they got CaliMagic and Regenisys and then last Sunday the 24th I fed with Nector of the Gods and did start the Terpinator. Today is Wed, Dec 4th and they are about ready for another drink. They look really good, nice and green and they have just a faint berry smell. The one area I could have done better is with my LST. The dang things grew so fast last week that I just got behind, I should have started a few days earlier. However, once I did the LST they began to fill out nicely. I stuck 2 videos in, one prior to LST and one after I had finished. You can see how much the branches were being covered as the leaves were not growing very quickly. They are much happier now being spread out. Quite happy with the progress so far.
Hey All!!, Huge growth week, and we have moved into the flowering stage. These girls were 24/25 days old as of Sunday the 24th. They are all now between 14 and 17 inches tall, which is about double in one week. The tallest went from about 8 inches to 17 inches in just 7 days. I fed them twice, mid-week prior to last Sunday they got CaliMagic and Regenisys and then last Sunday the 24th I fed with Nector of the Gods and did start the Terpinator. Today is Wed, Dec 4th and they are about ready for another drink. They look really good, nice and green and they have just a faint berry smell. The one area I could have done better is with my LST. The dang things grew so fast last week that I just got behind, I should have started a few days earlier. However, once I did the LST they began to fill out nicely. I stuck 2 videos in, one prior to LST and one after I had finished. You can see how much the branches were being covered as the leaves were not growing very quickly. They are much happier now being spread out. Quite happy with the progress so far.
Autopilot again this week! Watering once a day, same nutes. Don't smell anything through the carbon filter but when I open the tent, woooow. Stinks out the house! Growing hydro really helps them get bigger, faster... stack on some buds... more potent smell than last time in the soil. Man, I can't wait to try my 'dro!!! :P 2 weeks left, tops, before harvest. 1.5 weeks left until we hit the point I harvested the moms. Everything I've been reading says to flush for only a couple days before harvest when growing in perlite. Which is nice, because you can't always pinpoint when you're harvest will be ready 2 weeks out!!
This has to be one of my favourite strains I have grown so far ... She handles everything so well cold temps , training extreme , and over watering . The smell she gives off is so good just like the buds I have smoked before from this strain .. Super excited for when I flip her and she gets flowering under way .. The nutrients I'm using cinagro is organic and this plant had loved it so far .. I'm thinking about taking a cutting because she has been so good .. recovery is fast anyway gonna keep watching her stretch upwards got a new tent today and have set it up for this weekend ... Cheers family ..
This week was when I first recognized that there was something wrong.... Initially I only realized that the stems of my little girl were slightly bent downward. In some cases I have experienced this orientation when a plant is exhausted and about to got through its sleeping period but, this seemed different. In the following days I began to notice that the lower leaves were beginning to fade, the stems began to turn red, and still the leaves were bending downward and not praying to the light! At first I just figured that my plant was in need of a feeding and transplanting to a larger container but, after doing a bit of research I realized that the I may have been experiencing a phosphorus deficiency. From my understanding I knew that these plants require nutrients that is high in nitrogen during the vegetative part of its life however, I did not realize that it's still needed an adequate amount of phosphorus in this stage too. As I mentioned perviously, I decided to reuse my soil for this grow and as a result of sterlization my growing medium no longer had any nutrients to offer my plant at the time. I believe this is the reason I began to see signs of deficiencies and going forward if I ever reuse my medium again I will make sure to re-amend it before using it. *I also topped the plant at the 5th node this week as well*
This week was when I first recognized that there was something wrong.... Initially I only realized that the stems of my little girl were slightly bent downward. In some cases I have experienced this orientation when a plant is exhausted and about to got through its sleeping period but, this seemed different. In the following days I began to notice that the lower leaves were beginning to fade, the stems began to turn red, and still the leaves were bending downward and not praying to the light! At first I just figured that my plant was in need of a feeding and transplanting to a larger container but, after doing a bit of research I realized that the I may have been experiencing a phosphorus deficiency. From my understanding I knew that these plants require nutrients that is high in nitrogen during the vegetative part of its life however, I did not realize that it's still needed an adequate amount of phosphorus in this stage too. As I mentioned perviously, I decided to reuse my soil for this grow and as a result of sterlization my growing medium no longer had any nutrients to offer my plant at the time. I believe this is the reason I began to see signs of deficiencies and going forward if I ever reuse my medium again I will make sure to re-amend it before using it. *I also topped the plant at the 5th node this week as well*
End of week. They hungry. Gonna get some compost tea slop with solids as mulch, light full blast 24 inches, these girls don't look happy. Not gonna give up on them, I've not been around alot. Funeral. RIP Paw. If they don't straighten up I may feed them from a bottle. Organic tea maybe help some. I feel as tired and bad as these girls. Lol. Still got hope in the outcome.....🤷‍♂️ I'll show the good and bad of my grows. Should've greened them up for you all to look at. Lol. You will always see what I see, no filters etc. They actually swelling and stacking up nice besides their color they don't look to awfully bad. Just not sure what to do or if I'll have the time , probably 3 weeks give or take a week or 2. Happy growing all. ✌️🙏🙏. WEEK 8 NOW I KNOW WHY THEY YELLOWED. HAPPY FROG SOIL TOP DRESS AND TEA. Doing great untill I topdressed. Never thought about the happy frog soil. Put a new seed into a new solo with NEW happy frog. Noticed water droplets was going in directions water doesn't flow. Up down sideways. Watch the vid. Pics. The autos may make it to finish, flowers are ok so far and almost done. But I have 2 cherry pie s1 testers and a Bubblegum OG that I got to keep healthy. Rosemary untill I can get some sulfur. Wish me luck and DONT TRUST HAPPY FROG. VID AND PICS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. UGGGGG ANOTHER FEW DAYS.... After the compost tea they seem to be frosting nice and coloring /fading pretty. We will see the final outcome within a week maybe two.
I harvested her today, the trichomes were to my liking. She is STINKY, she is definatly taking after her diesel heritage, granted, she does have a super fruity tropical smell. She developed some purple tinges to the calix with the lights out temp in the 60's. Super starchy, and lanky. She needed support 3 weeks into flower. The buds are fat and solid. There was some foxtailing at the end, but its expected. She is super frosty and I'm happy with the outcome thus far. I'm trying out whole plant hang drying instead of individual branch hanging. Definatly saving me some time.