Week 22
For my outside ladies, Opium, Fractal, and Lemon Cake
These gals are weathered. Opium is taller than I can see (over 6.5 feet) but from my dining room window, I see the top 3 inches of her main cola is dead. Many dead leaves packed in the buds. Her colas on all stems are massive, sticky and resinous. My plan was to wash and make bubble hash from her. Temperatures should be dropping into the 70 with nights in the 60’s but have returned to the upper 80-90 with high humidity. This week rain is expected every day following another hurricane. That was the determining factor to chop all outside girls down.
All the plants were chopped on Sept 12. Opium hung in the dark for 2 days and when Hubby started trimming up Opium he found dark areas deep in the buds and much of the bud mass just fell off. So both Lemon Cake and Opium have been tossed into the trash. I don’t even want to compost the plants in the event spores over winter. I hate losing any plant after I spent so much time growing them out but I won’t risk health over questionable harvests. I did an initial spot check on Fractal and she looked clean, but is being trimmed for a thorough inspection for any disease.
These ladies had a long vegetative phase. Probably too long since I started them in April so they would be hardened off before I went on vacay in May. Three months of veg caused massive vegetative growth, especially on Opium deep in the buds.. The various breeder notes on photos indicate late September or October harvest. So that was in the back of my mind during this grow.
All of them were in flower by early July. Light hours were over 14.5 and won’t be at 12/12 until September 26 (2 more weeks). I’m sure the plants were confused by the long veg and just said "Hell, I'm going for it" and started early flowering. I grew them too long waiting for the trichomes to develop.
👉Note for next year start seeds later in spring.
👉Plan start date based on counting back from the vernal equinox.
👉Based on such a long growing season, Autos may be preferable to finish quickly and not have extended vegetation phase before flower.
Thank you @DivineSeeds for the opportunity to grow your exotic strains. I wish I could have completed the grow with a smoke report. I was looking forward to being daydreamy psychedelically stoned, not to mention killing my chronic pain and insomnia. I do have more seeds and will try again in a controlled environment and trying topping or mainlining to keep her shorter and more manageable.
Thank you friends for the visits, likes and comments, I appreciate all of you💚.
Sending love, light, and healing 💫
💫Natrona 💫