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Don’t mind the other plant in the back my my tiny plant I. Back back week 9 for flower out of 11 weeks
Tag 100 . Aufgrund gewisser Umstände nur bedingt zur Dokumentation gekommen , Die kommenden zwei wochen werde ich genaustens ein Auge darauf werfen wann die Ladys Perfekt ernte Reif sind , Die Linke , welche zwischendurch deutlich mängel bzw. ärger machte hat sich im nachhinein super gemacht würde mich behaupten , ich schätze dadurch hat sie auf irgendwie noch dieses Saftige Grün im Vergleich zu den Anderen beiden . Wann genau ich den Flush starte und dünger absetzen werde weiß ich noch nicht ganz , vlt noch eine woche wie bisher und dann Flush.. Lets Go Week 15 😤🙌
On day 81, the plant has shifted resources into bud development and the results have been beautiful, the plant has also flourished with low doses of nutrients in order to avoid nutrient stress. The buds are sticky to the touch and give a slight citrus and cherry/raspberry smell, with continued purple transformation of the plants cells.
Day 121 31/08/24 Saturday Feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with Plagron products. She is now settled, and now flipped. Like I said she has full roam now. Video update, I'll get better pictures and videos when light is off ✌️💚 Day 123 02/09/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 today with calmag. Day 124 03/09/24 Tuesday Feed again today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag. Her pre flowering is in full now. Day 126 05/09/24 Thursday (End of week) De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only today full 5L no run off now. Will up to 6L next week.
Day 43 - 1.3L water with half dose according to biobizz schedule + extra calmag (ph 6.3)(84 cm) They don't have much more space to grow into, 30 cm from the lamp / tent's roof. Hopefully they are at the end of their stretch, might even give one away to make space inside the tent.
September 2, Day 43. I removed the trellis because it was annoying and I realized the spaces were too large and that's why it felt clumsy... Kabob sticks are doing the trick so far. As I was clipping some leaves to prepare for flowering, I noticed roots growing through the bottom of the pot. I hate transplanting plants so I sat the current pot in another pot that was filled 30% with additional coco coir that had been prebuffered with seedlings strength nutrients to avoid shock. I am confident the roots will continue their journey through the first pot and into the additional space below. Now to observe for a few days, aiming to switch to flowering next week. I have removed at least 30 leaves throughout the last week and she is still looking so bushy and healthy... Thanks Recharge. I ordered Big Bud by Advanced Nutrients and I look forward to using it during flowering. SUPER MEGA HAPPY UPDATE Day 44, September 3. I clipped a branch and planted it in a prebuffered with seedling strength nutrients rockwool pellet... I baptized her Kaboom Baby.... And. She. Survived!!! Ahhhhh!!! So freaking happy! I am going to start a second grow under this diary called Kaboom Baby, La Reinita Africana. As always, thank you for stopping by. If you have any thoughts about this grow, please leave them below. Happy growing and massive yields to all 💯🙏💚
Papaya cookies are incredible! All the pistils turn purple, incredible beauty of this plant. We are so happy to have caught this extraordinary phenotype and are looking forward to an early harvest in about 2 weeks time.
Засуха. Все кусты на большом азоте- шишки веником. На одном растении пожелтение листьев, но шишки плотнее. Внес монофосфат калия 12 грамм на 10 литров воды. Это последнее удобрение. Через 2-3 недели пойдут дожди и тогда надо будет срезать.
She did well but the main problem was under feeding. She just wasn’t getting enough water from which she suffered tremendously as the growth through the vegetation was almost at a standstill. The plus side is that she is quite resilient.
She has recovered from the under feeding and sprung back with vigour. The scent on her main stem has returned with lime green foil also the peak of her canopy has split open creating an umbrella shape. Her stem is about 5cm wide and she stands approximately 35cm. She is receiving 500 ml of water each week!
I estimate another 2 to 3 weeks. Then I can harvest. I'm really looking forward to my 2 ladies 🤩😎
After Last weeks nutrient burn there have been no further problems other than a few gnats eating some leaves but all good. Next week will feed with growers recharge ! Successful transplant of the Chocolate Thai 1 gallon into its final 2 gallon Pot. - Gelato X Purple Punch (3 Gal) - Northern Lights (3 & 5 Gal) - Chocolate Thai (3 & 2 Gal)