Rain let up for half the day, but more tonight...damnit...
They are due for a watering tomorrow, but with the high RH, maybe not...
They weren't ready for water yet, so I slept for a few bonus hours! (rare)
All three of these plants are progressing nicely. Fattening up and smelling wonderful!
It rained for most for the day....again...😣
I watered them with about 1/2 gallon each including terpinator, signal, sweet & sticky, cal-mag, armor si, endoboost, humic acid, and a little cha ching. It rained all night again..and most of the day today. I took some photos with the qb's turned off and a 135w 5500k CFL on..
It rained all night and several times again today...ffs....I've started building an Ark in my free time 😁
Rained again on and off today..RH still too high...
Rained again tonight..
I had to pick up a couple of them while removing a couple of other plants, and they are still heavy. I might be able to wait until Monday to feed again, which might be enough time for me to get the RH back down a little bit. All three of these plants got too tall for my space and are really showing signs of light burn..mainly from the UVB I think. They were already pretty pale, so they burned easy....but those buds are dense and stinky!
Rained again last night several times...and again today for a couple hours...ridiculous. Woke up with RH at 65%!!!
Been chatting with other FFT growers and they all seem to be losing a lot of produce to botrytis...I'm starting to freak out..😳