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I swear every time I LST, within a few hours, they are right back covering the spots I tied down and opened up. I haven't had to give them nutes just yet because of the FoxFarm soil. I try to wait about a month before starting to give nutes after transferring them to this soil bc this soil already has so many nutes in it already. At the rate they're growing, they're likely going to be in need of a feeding very soon. Plan to top GDP2 again in a few days. GDP1 and BK I may top a 3rd time but I haven't decided. I don't want them to get so bushy that the tent becomes too small. And yes I decided I'm not going to LST GDP2. I may tie her down some for light exposure but no bending and tying down like with GDP1 and BK. More updates to come as the week goes. 6/29: I topped GDP2 one more time. I made sure I didn't FIM this time lolol. I topped all 3 new stalks which should give me 6 more, I believe. BK, I defoliated her lightly yesterday, took off a lot of the really large fan leaves. You can't even tell I didn't anything now lolol They're growing big and beautiful especially GDP2 since I've decided not to LST. I did tie down one of her branches though to give more light to other lil potential bud sites. 😍😘😌 6/30: I tested the PPM of the run off water and it's still pretty high even though I haven't added any nutes at all to any of the water I've watered them with. Only pH'ed the water and that's it. I'll be holding off a little longer before feeding them. That FoxFarm Happy Frog soil is no joke... hot hot hot...
Semana 2 Flora: Liguei o segundo painel, uma Quantum Board Lmb 301 da Samsumg - 120W / 3000K. Continuo alimentando a planta apenas com água e fertilizantes orgânicos. O desenvolvimento da planta foi enorme nessa primeira semana de flora, ja comecei a fazer umas desfoliações. Translate by Google Week 2 Flowering Stage: I connected the second light, a Samsumg Quantum Board Lmb 301 - 120W / 3000K. I continue to feed the plant only with water and organic fertilizers. The development of the plant was huge in that first week of flora, I started to do some defoliation. Hugs from Brazil
Here we go with the 3rd week. The plant in the left corner as been topped yesterday, for the other i'll wait a bit. In the airpot the soil get dry very fast so I've to water often now. Pretty happy for the moment, I think I'll do a long Veg before switching, like 60 days. Let's see 😈😎
Esta semana tomé poco registro. Descarté la planta mas atrasada y transplanté una a su maceta definitiva. Fue transplantada en su día 19, estuvo una semana en maceta de 3.5L, la otra será transplantada en un par de días
Day 99. Garden is flying. Nothing else to mention now, you can easy spot - they bulk up ! Heavy feed in the morning, then 2 more cycles of feed/pure_water left till flush for Gorillas, all others at least a week behind. Hate to split waterings and feed, but even lazy person sometimes is forced to ... ;)) Happy growing ! Day 100. Disaster in Garden !!!! Had enough of RQS Royal Cookies. Two of them went Hermie. So current stats : 5 out 5 are mutated 2 out 5 currently Hermie 5 out of 5 overfed without any food even Because of that shitty genetics, had to make Control Garden. Even Cookie from CG which is in green house still grow mutated and leaves are on max healthy green side. Had no nutes for last 30 days, still haven't returned to normal ... So two girls chopped, hope they didn't pollinate all garden... In photos you can find bananas... Those air pots works really great, all space is used and roots are really nice. Just i think i will go to 30 liters next time. Have fabrics, but my doubts of those air pots are gone. Bad day for sure. 15 weeks, 50 pounds for seeds, 30 for soil, 50 for nutes. Thats my bill without electrics ..... #RQS is crap !!!!! James from them just asked where i bought the seeds, never had balls to replay back ... Ironic theirs girls has BALLS and it makes me angry ... Day 101. Damage is done, i see many seeds growing, it took me unprepared .... I dont sell weed, but to check every bud before grind is lame for me ... F@%k you RQS. Never again, despite having like 10 more theirs beans of 4 dif strains .... to the bin now !!!! Day 102. Girls are nice, but i see seeds forming and it makes me sad. Doubt it will be many updates till review. Happy Growing !!!!
Hello all, I hope you are all well and safe. end of week 5 and the buds are starting to get bigger Mid Flower Looks good still on the top dressing with the Sea Blast Bloom. It seems to be taking the Nuites without any burns. I used the last of the Sea blast bloom and the South Cascade Organics SLF-1002 they are both depleted on this last feeding. Gave them plenty of water over the last few days 91 in the tent the C02 has to be helping these high temps. The RH jumps after a good watering 65-75 range put on the Dehumidifier brought it back down to 50 in the tent. I hope the Dusting took now I have to wait for 4-6 more weeks for the Feminized seeds if any. They are starting to get frosty, I have been tempted to use other nuites in my line up but that would defeat the purpose of the grow. "all sample freebies" so that is what I will be sticking with the ROCK CARGO and FUL will still go to the end of the grow maybe in stronger amounts. This strain smells like SWEET BERRYS I can't explain it better that that. cheers
Mi scuso per avere aggiornato il diario così in ritardo, sto lavorando molto🙉🙉🙉 Venendo al punto Ho iniziato il flush per eliminare i nutrienti rimanenti dal terreno all'inizio dell'ottava settimana. Le piccole hanno sviluppato un intenso odore, le note dolci richiamano le rose, mentre quelle acide il limone. Che dire di più!? Fantastiche Grazie per essere passati 👍🐵👍
The plants continue to grow although slowly. I turned the Gavita back on this week and even at 42 inches it seems to be too much light at full power because although they're getting adequate nutrients, the leaves appear to be showing signs of damage to the chlorophyll pigments. I'd like to splurge and get the adapter and controller so that I can dim the light and slowly increase the intensity to allow for a more gradual photo acclimation period, but I will probably hold off until my next run. I've also considered adding supplemental Co2 to help the plants more effectively tolerate and take advantage of the light intensity, but it seems like a big expense for an uncertain benefit considering all of the other variables that are sub-optimal. Perhaps I'll give those Excellofizz Co2 pucks a try. Someday I'll build sealed grow room with automated Hvac, feeding, and Co2 enrichment but for now I'll soldier on and hope for the best as the flip to 12-12 approaches. More to come next week!
The plants continue to grow although slowly. I turned the Gavita back on this week and even at 42 inches it seems to be too much light at full power because although they're getting adequate nutrients, the leaves appear to be showing signs of damage to the chlorophyll pigments. I'd like to splurge and get the adapter and controller so that I can dim the light and slowly increase the intensity to allow for a more gradual photo acclimation period, but I will probably hold off until my next run. I've also considered adding supplemental Co2 to help the plants more effectively tolerate and take advantage of the light intensity, but it seems like a big expense for an uncertain benefit considering all of the other variables that are sub-optimal. Perhaps I'll give those Excellofizz Co2 pucks a try. Someday I'll build sealed grow room with automated Hvac, feeding, and Co2 enrichment but for now I'll soldier on and hope for the best as the flip to 12-12 approaches. More to come next week!
Temperature changes have been swinging upwards of 40 degrees on some days. We are now experiencing 95 degree weather with sustained wind. Plants are recovering nicely though. Plants have grown a lot since last week. I'm considering topping some. I need to measure them.
Empezamos el cultivo con una de las semillas de las recibidas por Zamnesia para la Spring Cup. Utilizo solo la mitad de la bolsa (75 gr) con 11 litros de sustrato BioBizz Light Mix en la maceta recibida para el concurso. Buen inicio de esta cepa en su primera semana.