Three of them make it to 2cm in three days, the fourth one already rooted but taking it easy, I watered them a bit and covered the lazy one to blackout and see if she can do it 💪
Lighting at 8.5 DLI (100 PPFD@24h) with the lamp dimmed at 57cm from the soil.
The lazy seed still struggling to sprout but seems she's so close to make it since she's already out the soil.
The three strong ones already grew to 4 cm in 24 hours, +2 cm, a growing rate of 0,83mm per hour.
Following the seedling schedule lighting now will be at 12 DLI the whole first week.
The seedlings are growing strong except the little lazy one,
I had to help her sprouting this morning using tweezers since both leaves were trapped inside the seed not being able to open by itself, unlike the other ones that did it by themselves three days ago.
Will she gonna make it? Let's give her time 💪
The red worms look very active but the leaf tips are curling up so I moved from 24h lighting to 20h and let em rest a bit keeping 12 DLI and 80% humidity while lowering temp at night from 25°C to 23°C.
The lazy seedling still so small and definitely don't match their sisters growth rate, let's see if there is any progress next days.
Also I already installed the Blumat, the parcel arrived missing the final drippers and the 3mm tube but they already send it.
I adjusted the system following Michael Box top tip on this Growcast podcast,
It consist on adjust the holding drip at atmospheric pressure without the ceramic cone/tube part, then from there screwed the regulator one more carrot (on gravity systems), mark it and put on the locking cap, this way it should provide 80mbar of water tension so there is no need to keep readjusting and you can leave it that way between runs.
I use the Tropf max version expecting to keep the bottom of the 25L pots not so moist since 8 days later of the only watering done the moisture is still at 56mbar, looks like it will take some time to start dripping on.
Meanwhile I'll keep an eye on the top moisture and if needed just hand water few mililiters a couple inches from the stems.
Today I received the missing parts from Blumat and this is the last day of the first week!
I think they are looking good despite the little curled up tips from fifth day at 24h but lighting schedule is already changed down to 20h since fifth day midnight.
Now they are 6 cm tall and look like they want to start vegging, tomorrow I'll start to daily increase DLI progressively until achieve 16 DLI by the end of the week.
The lazy one seems to be doing it, very lazy but growing a little bit every day 💪