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Happy New Year!!! Over the past week I did some HST bending on my photos and cut down 2 of the 3 Blackberry’s. The branches are starting to recover and straighten out after the HST now. I still have some issues with pale leaves and a few spots here and there. I’m going to try adding some Dolomite Lime with the next watering and think that should help with the paleness. I’m also going to up the amount of CalMag and Mammoth P to see if that helps with the spotting. I’m not sure if I should see the spotted leaves recover or if the spots will remain. I suspect the spots will remain on the existing leaves regardless of what I do at this point, but hopefully no new spotting will develop. The lights went off before I was done taking pics, so some pics will look a little different. The pics with the lights on I had to color correct, they still look a little more on the yellow side than in reality, but much closer to reality than the pre-color corrected versions. Once the lights went off I turned the flash on for my camera, those pics did not need any color correction. You can see the differences in the pics of all plants, the first 2 are color corrected with the lights on, the last 2 are taken with a flash and no color correction. Also all close up pics of the Critical+ are with the lights off and flash on. I read several books on cannabis over the past few days, some good, some not so much. One that I liked was “Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered: The Science and Techniques For Huge Indoor Yields” by Read Spear. This book is available on Amzon’s Kindle Unlimited service, which costs $9.99/month, but they offer a free 30 day trial (which is what I’m using at the moment). Reed’s book is broken down into 3 sections, the first and third go fairly deep into the science behind growing, he does a pretty good job at breaking it down in easy to understand terms, but I had to read several sections 2 or 3 times to really get it (or just move on with as much understanding as I could digest). The second section is the nuts and bolts of growing. Most was a review but there were several topics he touched on I hadn’t thought of in a while. And again its well written. He also offers the section only in a separate book called “Small Spaces, Big Yields”. If you are not interested in going deeper into the science behind growing, “Small Spaces, Big Yields” is what I would recommend (if interested in reading books on cannabis). I took some notes while reading and I’m going to add some of these notes in my dairy updates over the next few weeks. This week I’m going to include a note on electrical, this should be a fairly basic concept, but it is super important IMO… “Electrical Items In a sealed grow room or in a tent, you will have water pooling on the floor from time to time. There is no avoiding this. Mop it up when you see it, and never put your electrical gear directly on the floor. Never. Not even for a moment. In fact, let me stress this point in bold capital letters. ALL ELECTRICAL GEAR MUST BE MOUNTED SECURELY ON A WALL OR TENT POLE.” -Read Spear I’ll add more did bits like this in my diaries over the upcoming weeks. If anyone has any good book recommendations please let me know in the comments. I’m looking for books that might not be as popular as the ones by Jorge Cervantes or Ed Rosenthal (I’ve read those). I did just order “True Living Organics” by The Rev which I’m looking forward to reading. But I’m looking for more. I really want to step it up and learn as much as possible. Your comments, feedback and recommendations are very much appreciated! Until next time, Happy Growing! Stay Positive! And have an amazing 2019!!!
All set for another shed grow now the temps a dropping. This is another tin shed grow and they certainly have there challenges. I thought I would waterproof my shed, unfortunately I sealed the outside not realising that run off channels run down the panel, I effectively stopped all drainage and due to a shipload of rain the last few days it's wet inside. Lucky I have my tent raised. A problem that will certainly need to be fixed prior to flowering, for now I'll just make sure I'm wearing my gumboots.
Gracias al equipo de MSNL y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Forbidden Fruit Auto: Forbidden Fruit Autoflower, llamada así por sus deliciosos sabores, es un cruce entre Cherry Pie, Tangie y Siberian Ruderalis. Esta variedad ofrece efectos estimulantes y relajantes con un sabor afrutado, cítrico y a pino. Ideal para quienes buscan un dulce escape. 🚀🌻 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 📆 Semana 2: Fantástica semana, estan creciendo de una forma espectacular gracias a la ayuda de @marshydro, @xpertnutrients y @trolmaster. Se puede apreciar un tercer nudo aunque la aplicación de cola de caballo y el estar en una maceta pequeña ha influido en el tamaño de ella, se recupera muy rápido 😁. Esta semana se ha puesto en la maceta definitiva y se traslada a su lugar definitivo 😎 Potencia de la lámpara: 50%
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Frozen Face Auto Nueva variedad autofloreciente, tan refrescante como una mañana helada con un toque de cereza y lavanda. Esta variedad es una auténtica obra maestra de la cría, con un linaje dominante 70% Sativa que aporta una vibración edificante y energizante a tu cultivo. Perfecta para los que aprecian la belleza veloz de las semillas autofeminizadas y la mezcla única de dicha aromática. Con un contenido de THC del 30%, Frozen Face Auto promete una experiencia tan estimulante como una zambullida en un lago fresco, dejándote fresco y vigorizado. Ofrece rendimientos impresionantes de 550 g/m² en interior y hasta 300 g por planta en exterior. Con un ciclo de 70-75 días. 🚀🌻 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Fantástica semana, estan creciendo de una forma espectacular gracias a la ayuda de @marshydro, @xpertnutrients y @trolmaster. Se puede apreciar un tercer nudo aunque la aplicación de cola de caballo y el estar en una maceta pequeña ha influido en el tamaño de ella, se recupera muy rápido 😁.. Se han trasplantado a su maceta definitiva, estará unos dias mas bajo el TS-3000 de @Marshydro antes de salir al exterior 💃. Potencia de la lámpara: 50%
03.04. Day 64 Flower 40 Hallo Leute seid mir willkommen zu : GRAPE APE F1 die einem beim Riechen zum Niesen bringt. Es kribbelt wie Zitronensäure. Die muss sauer sein. Es gibt immer mehr Lila, auf jeder Traubenaffen F1 die so ca 2 Wochen in Blüte ist. Schick. Die Pflanzen an sich bleiben klein, kein Wachstum. Die Knospen schon 😍. Sie Pludern sich auf, strecken sich und werden bestimmt hart sein. Das habe ich nicht getestet, ich will ihre Entwicklung nicht stören. ❤️ Ich liebe Cannabis zu growen. Das macht so viel Spaß ( wenn es klappt ). Ich bin zwar Großmeister, und meine Knospen sind herrlich, aber meine Pflanzen sehen immer sehr mitgenommen aus. Hüstel(geheucheltes Husten, nur wegen der Dramatik) Wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch. Es ist legal in Deutschland 3 Pflanzen zu haben. Ich würde sagen Grape Ape auf dem Balkon geht voll klar. Gute Erde dazu. Dünger wäre toll, ist aber kein muss. Die Nachbarn kriegen das auf jeden Fall nicht über den Geruch mit . 1. Dezent 2. Weintrauben 3. Klein Nur so als Gedanke. Ich freue mich jedenfalls über ihr Aussehen ( für mich, nicht schlecht ), und diesen Geruch. So Sauer+Trauben+weed. Ich glaube das ist ne richtige Hardcore INDICA. 😳 Steht ja auch so in der Beschreibung.... 👍 04.04. das 65. Die erste Knospe ist wirklich fertig! 😳😍 Wow , das hätte ich nicht gedacht. Komplett milchig, die Hauptknospe. Mit Licht Gehampel, day 65 ab Keimung, 💪 stark. Natürlich, wer mich kennt, es gibt noch ein Paar Tage. 2 Gründe, mehr Gewicht, und ich hätte gerne ein wenig Amber Trichs. Aber sie riecht geil, ihre Knospen sind fest und klebrig. Ja, und dann kommen ja noch ihre F1 Schwestern. ? Also Wahnsinn. So Schnell. 07.04. dieses eine Blatt hat so krasse Farben. Leuchtend Radioaktiv. Was wird das für weed? So, genau ab jetzt hat sie mich. Die Grape Ape F1. Diese Farben sind 😍. Hat zwar etwas gedauert bis ich fan wurde, wegen wo ist sie denn ( sehr klein, die gröste bisher 47 cm. ) . Aber als sie die Farben änderte, und der Geruch dazu kam fand ich die Interessant. Ist wichtig, denn ich mag Cannabis als Pflanze sehr, da schnell und schön. Und im besten Fall, BUNT. Wie diese hier. Und ich bin gespannt welche Farben die anderen bekommen. Die sind zwar alle ähnlich, aber im Charakter unterschiedlich. Also, ich sage es gleich. Viel kommt da nicht runter. Wie denn auch, ist sehr klein. 21% THC Indica Style. Das geht nur mit kleinen Pflanzen. Indicas sind halt klein. Und schlagen hart zu. Wie Zwerge. Ich liebe Zwerge ( es sei denn ihr habt eine Audienz bei Hochlord von irgendwo. Ich glaube Zwerge sehen nur einmal in ihrem Leben Wasser. Bei der Geburt.👍 Leute ihr müsst die untern Tisch saufen. Nen Zwerg, das ist hart, dann könnt ihr in Baden, wenn er besinnungslos ist. ) Nur so als Tip.
Mr. Pipi doesn´t want to wait any longer. Day 124 07.04.24 Mr. Pipi is on the hunt for the Trichomes. The amber ones occure more often. It´s gettin milky...few more Days then Mr. Pipi´s patience will end :D
more later 3rd Apr, today is day of two Amnesias - its time. they are on peak trichoms are milky 10% amber. Zkittles is on grotek final flush strawberry I trying if it change her smell and she is good now, but I fed her week ago with rocket fuel some fertilizers for peppers (11-6-8) coz im was out with bloom fertilizer, Amnesia 3 get this feed too but little bit improvemed with bio grow and rest of biobloom, yesterday I bought Powder Feeding PK booster/mineral and thats should be good. More later after some smoke :D
more later 3rd Apr, today is day of two Amnesias - its time. they are on peak trichoms are milky 10% amber. Zkittles is on grotek final flush strawberry I trying if it change her smell and she is good now, but I fed her week ago with rocket fuel some fertilizers for peppers (11-6-8) coz im was out with bloom fertilizer, Amnesia 3 get this feed too but little bit improvemed with bio grow and rest of biobloom, yesterday I bought Powder Feeding PK booster/mineral and thats should be good. More later after some smoke :D
more later 3rd Apr, today is day of two Amnesias - its time. they are on peak trichoms are milky 10% amber. Zkittles is on grotek final flush strawberry I trying if it change her smell and she is good now, but I fed her week ago with rocket fuel some fertilizers for peppers (11-6-8) coz im was out with bloom fertilizer, Amnesia 3 get this feed too but little bit improvemed with bio grow and rest of biobloom, yesterday I bought Powder Feeding PK booster/mineral and thats should be good. More later after some smoke :D
more later 3rd Apr, today is day of two Amnesias - its time. they are on peak trichoms are milky 10% amber. Zkittles is on grotek final flush strawberry I trying if it change her smell and she is good now, but I fed her week ago with rocket fuel some fertilizers for peppers (11-6-8) coz im was out with bloom fertilizer, Amnesia 3 get this feed too but little bit improvemed with bio grow and rest of biobloom, yesterday I bought Powder Feeding PK booster/mineral and thats should be good. More later after some smoke :D
I think she did not produced any more bananas. She is frosty as a northpole though :) One of the the most intense oily trichome production I have ever seen. Terps are amazing, AMAZING. wish she was a bit more stable. Candy Lemon Banana, to die for.