Nice bright hues on the nugs and definitely the highest yield out of my whole grow this strain impressed me with the quality of the bud and how fast they stretched in flower smells fruity too 😋
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D63/B01 - 17/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 Flushing 💼 Added CO2 dispenser system 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D64/B02 - 18/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.9 pH 7.2 🌊 Added new res with CalMag, Bloom A-B, Some B-52 and Bud Candy. Added also Rhino Skin and Voodo Juice 🧠 pH is still too high, evaluate to use pH- 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D65/B03 - 19/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.8 pH 7.4 🌊 Added a little bit of pH- 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ______________________ 📅 D66/B04 - 20/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D67/B05 - 21/01/24 🛠️ EC: 1.0 -- 1.2 🌊 Added 6L of water with Calmag, Bloom A-B, B52 and Bud Candy. 💼 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D68/B06 - 22/01/24 🛠️ pH 6.5 -- 5.9 🌊 Added pH- 💼 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D69/B07 - 23/01/24 🛠️ EC 1.2 pH 4.2 -- EC 1.1 pH 5.2 🌊 Added 4L of water with Calmag, Big Bud, B52, Bud Candy 💼 🧠 pH is finally stable on the lower side (hopefully) 🚀
Girls are looking beautiful. had a couple dots of PM show up again. I created a foliar spray using Garlic. I crushed fresh garlic into 4 cups of water and let sit for 12 hours. I strained that mixture and added in 12 cups of water making a gallon of solution. The science behind this is that Sulphur gets extracted from the Garlic and when applied in mist to the leaves it reduces leaf surface PH therefore eliminating the spread of PM. I also increased the soil PH slightly to hopefully inhibit more nutrient uptake and remain strong ! I dont ever want to use any whack chemicals, milk, peroxide... all that seems like you may aswell throw the plant out. We are doing our best to keep up quality of bud as this is my medicine. Her pistils are beautiful white and leaves look healthy. trichome production is wild. Buds are starting to swell ! another 2-3 weeks and ill be cutting bottled nutes and stickin to dry amendments to finish them. Its a 7-9 week Flowering strain according to my source of clones. Northern Lights x Hash Passion. Ill have to keep an eye with my trichome scope and go from there i am currently Following Indo nutrients recommended doses and giving phosphorus + Calcium boost couple days after adding microbes and carbs to soil, i added 4 tbsp of Goguano Bloom and a couple handfulls of Black earth at the end of last week as top bedding. Second scrog arrives today :D very happy to get em spread further and have the comfort of fat buds suspended in the air by second scrog with even coverage 8)
W10.Day.1(66) By the beginning of the 10th week, the towers have already formed enough, and now they continue to widen. The upward growth is about 4-5 millimeters (approximately 0.18 inches) per day. Based on the planned 4 weeks and maintaining the same rates of vertical growth, they should grow another 140 millimeters upwards (about 5.51 inches), and my grow box allows for this.
W10.Day.1(66) By the beginning of the 10th week, the towers have already formed enough, and now they continue to widen. The upward growth is about 4-5 millimeters (approximately 0.18 inches) per day. Based on the planned 4 weeks and maintaining the same rates of vertical growth, they should grow another 140 millimeters upwards (about 5.51 inches), and my grow box allows for this.
Le realizamos una apical en el mismo tallo de la anterior, pero mas abajo ya que creimos que se habia agarrado un hongo en el agujero que quedo de la apical, y ahora con la nueva apical le pusimos un producto para sellar la herida. Presentimos que puede estar entrando en flora, aunque nos parece bastante temprano, no estamos seguros aun. Empezó a largar un aroma. La empezamos a regar ahora con FPJ, que son jugos de planta fermentados, es una tecnica para hacer fertilizante organico, rico en microorganismos, para nuestra planta.
1/22/2024 - Day 22 veg: today is the 1st day of week 4, and every is going well. Lightly watered just to keep the top soil moist, but my moisture level further down is still good. She is showing some very minor tip burn, but nothing I'm concerned about.
Today marks week 8 of veg! For my vision with this plant I plant on letting her recover from her defoliation within the nexts 2 weeks. Then maybe a light defoliation and making the switch to 12/12. Things have been going well for this plant, as you may know she struggled at first! But now shes adapted to the nutrients well and feeding program im feeding everyother day! Water inbetween! Im also not giving the plant a lot of water making sure I do not over water the plant! Learning over here! Ive been enjoy playing and traning the plant getting her to grow big and wide and thick!!! Its been super fun! Im so ready to kick things into bloom the next couple weeks! Much love & happy growing! Lets Go GUAVA SLUSHY
Week 6 day 2: Week 6 Video (Clock Dial LST Tech): Tied the lower branches down to the rim of the pots to space them out for flowering and ensure flat, level canopy. Definitely going for at least 8 weeks, maybe 9-10, before the flip. Want to root out these 5.4 gallon air pots and see what kind of yield I can get. Removed first node of each branch entirely & a few scattered leaves now shading, topped all but 1 of the plants at the pot edge; A couple didn't quite make it that long because amazon decided to lose my soft ties and the wire ties cut through the stem. It'll be fine either way. Not happy with the runty two, but three out of five are gorgeous. Shame there's little point in keeping a clone mother with a 6 plant limit. Only Recharge once this week because I'm too snowed in to go get purified water; the PPM here is already 660-700, didn't want to add much to the water so I just put bio rhizotonic and pHed it. Updates will happen live @ and be saved under my vod highlights. Aiming to make super introductory tutorials (as I am no Guru) and get constructive feedback on my techniques. Trying to convert smokers to growers!
Did a little Defoilation in the garden trimmed of any branches thar werent going to reach the top cleaned up the fans leaves that were blocking air circulation so far so good getting these ladies ready for transition😶‍🌫️
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨
Привет садоводы мой цветок цветет полным ходом последний раз я полил его обильно водой и через пару дней буду поливать ripen есть и небольшые проблемы , сгорают некоторые листики в общем опять красавица выросла , а смола имеет запах острого сладкого цитруса
NOTES: This week I'm starting to flush with only water and Final Solution -nutrient, so emptying the tanks and refilling them as doing so. I'll try to keep the pH at around 5,9-6,1. Overall everything looks pretty good and I can't wait to harvest. 🙏 Day99 (23.1.) Took some pics and videos for the diary with my shitty camera. Day100 (24.1.) Emptying and refilling all nutrient tanks with fresh solution as mentioned above. Day101 (25.1.) Day102 (26.1.) Day103 (27.1.) Day104 (28.1.) Day105 (29.1.)
NOTES: This week I'm starting to flush with only water and Final Solution -nutrient, so emptying the tanks and refilling them as doing so. I'll try to keep the pH at around 5,9-6,1. Overall everything looks pretty good and I can't wait to harvest. 🙏 Day99 (23.1.) Took some pics and videos for the diary with my shitty camera. Day100 (24.1.) Emptying and refilling all nutrient tanks with fresh solution as mentioned above. Day101 (25.1.) Day102 (26.1.) Day103 (27.1.) Day104 (28.1.) Day105 (29.1.)
2024/01/20 : as it survived, shiva skunk got a decent pot (1 gallon smartpot 50% canna coco pro / 50% hydroton) and 3 others are going on LST... 3 days growth : afghani #1 - 19.0 cm (+3.0) sensi skunk - 17.5 cm (+4.5) hindu kush - 16.5 cm (+3.0) shiva skunk - 11.5 cm (+2.0) 2024/01/23 : shiva skunk looks bad, with leaves going down and yellowing... it didn't like its transplant. The others are looking OK. I may have seen first pistils... The heights are : afghani #1 - 22.0 cm (+3.0) sensi skunk - 18.5 cm (+1.0) hindu kush - 18.5 cm (+2.0) shiva skunk - 11.0 cm (-0.5) 2024/01/24 : spayed with Foliar Spray from B.A.C. last night, don't know if it was OK for shiva skunk, we'll see. 3 others are preflowering without a doubt now. afghani #1 - 24.0 cm (+2.0) sensi skunk - 20.0 cm (+1.5) hindu kush - 21.0 cm (+2.5) shiva skunk - 11.5 cm (+0.5) 2024/01/25 : shiva skunk is struggling but it's not done yet. And I think stretch began for others.
Nothing to report apart from it's cold in the grow tent.