The cold weather is coming and I'm hoping these girls will finish up soon. One has such dense pre-flowers, another has your typical indica characteristics and the last has many similarities compared to her ancestor, Dark Devil like her leaves and sativa like structure. I increased the amount of Nirvana used to the manufacturer's recommended dose once I saw that they handled close to a tsp with no negative effects on their roots. This is the first time I've used Bio-cozyme, I assume to cut its use in a week or so when I begin supplementing with Overdrive. Also I learned that from pruning the inside leaves and small branch growth prior to flowering has increased the size of each branch, increasing yield. I make a lot of concentrate so I usually leave some of the smaller lowers and inside buds but I experimented with these girls by clear cutting their lowers or "lollipopping" them 🍭. The middle girl is going to have a massive cola. Been spraying with neem, geraniol, thyme, cinnamon and peppermint oils daily diluted in distilled water with the forecast of the next few days of cold and wet weather, hopefully protecting them. I bought some aquarium heaters today for the cold weather for each bucket, wasn't fun, kinda expensive and they didn't have enough of one wattage so I used another store too and they vary in wattage but should all have some sort of improvement in temperature.🌡️❄️