harvested first 1/3 at end of week 13 rest at end of week 14 after seeing no change in the trichomes, of which a lot stayed clear but that OK. It might be a strain where they don't all go cloudy. After chopping 1/3 down it seemed like more stuff just kept coming up, it's the plant that keeps on giving. In the end I was smoking this for about 3 weeks before I got to finally get a dry weight yesterday which was 7.5 tip not including what I smoked over the past three weeks which I estimate at a minimum of 1.5 ozs. So the total yield was 9 oz. This really did knock my socks off. I thought I'd get 7 in my dreams. There was likely a bit more than 9 but I just got too stoned to keep track properly.
Buds are covered in crystal and the quality extended all the way down the branch, they are hard and dense and fluff out well.
Unfortunately if I'd had known this was going to be such a big yield I'd have kept better records of what I used, when I say 9 oz that's because there was 7.5 a couple of days ago curing, and I'm estimating 1.5 oz smoked over the past three weeks, I'm allowing 1/2 oz per week for the past three weeks but in reality I've smoked more than that. per week so 9 oz is an absolute minimum the actual figure is more like 10 oz.
The stone is exceedingly stoned but mellow, you forget how stoned you are. Does not cause too much munchie problem or dry mouth. Lots of flavour when used with the FireFly 2 and the flavours are still changing, but I'd call it herbal.
The defoliating scrog and hydro set up made it easy to deal with but I can see this plant causing some difficulties for those not experienced in dealing with a bushy plant prone to mould.
The Viparspectra did a pretty sweet job, using an average of about 270W at the wall.000