The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Sorprendido por la noticia de mi primera colaboracion con MarsHydro 😊🙏 y muy sorprendido tambien por el envio de las semillas por parte de 420FastBuds. La marca numero uno en focos 💡, carpas de cultivo ⛺️, extractores 🌬️ y demás aparatos que necesitas para tu cultivo. Para esta aventura arrancaremos con 💡Mars Hydro TS 1000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 150W Regulable y 1 semilla autofloreciente a un ciclo de 20/4. Verdaderos 150w con este TS1000, la mejor luz de cultivo LED para principiantes. Ofrece una luz adecuada para 2-4 plantas 🌱. Su precio razonable, la marcada mejora del rendimiento y el control variable de la producción la hacen amigable para los nuevos cultivadores. Todo un tesoro para cualquier cultivador que este comenzando. Usaremos para esta aventura una carpa de 60x60x90, MarsHydro una carpa para los más exigentes.Con una solapa de cremallera mejorada, dobles cremalleras de metal con forro,reflectante diamante tipo Mylar, postes de metal para una estructura mas solida, no se puede pedir nada mas. Garantizando una respuesta en solo 24 horas tanto si has usado antes la marca como si no. Que decir de 420FastBuds, uno de los mejores bancos de semillas a nivel muendial. Si quieres una Auto de verdad, esta es tu cepa. Wedding Glue auto: Perfecta para concentrados. Una enorme cantidad de resina la hace ideal para aquellos que buscan los mayores rendimientos en extracciones. Auto súper productiva. ¡Esta variedad puede producir hasta 550gr/m2 en 70 días! ¡Entre las más fuertes del 2022! Una autofloreciente potente con un 26% de THC. Terpenos ideales para los golosos. Un delicioso sabor a vainilla dulce que te deja la boca agua. Perfectamente equilibrado. Un efecto bien equilibrado adecuado para uso diurno y nocturno. 💡 MarsHydro TS1000: ⛺️ 60 x 60 x 90 MarsHydro: 🌻 Wedding Glue Auto: Solo le aplique en la estapa de crecimiento agua con un PH6.5 y humus de lombriz. Octava semana de floracion. Es una planta que ha requirido mas nutrientes que el resto, se han formado los cogollos y han engordado como locos, se han cargado además hasta las hojas de resina. Comienzo a disminuir la cantidad de nutrientes. 📆 Día 71: Riego con nutrientes EC 850. 📆 Día 72: Descanso 📆 Día 73: Riego con agua + flawless finish. Comienza el lavado de raíces. Ha quedado una planta sorprendente. 📆 Día 74: Descanso 📆 Día 75: Riego con agua 📆 Día 76: Descanso 📆 Día 77: Riego con agua
So like at the end of last week can be seen she started flowering. I defoliated her because she was bushy, LST and a little super cropping. I see the tips of the leafs turned down so i didn't gave her any more BioGrow since last week. All is going smooth and kinda fast :D. The humidity in my tent is going up because the wedding cakes are in full flower :D but no problem, I did put 2 small dehumidifiers in the tent and turned the Mars Hydro oscillating fans on almost all of the time. The fans are also new to me because i had cheap ones in the past , must keep an eye out not to give them wind burn :) . In just 12 hours i reduced the humidity from at it's peak 64% to 50% and at times a little lower then that. It is also pretty stable, except like the day i water. I am pretty pleased with that for now 😊. 1/10/25 Because I see a lot of clawing and here and there burnt tips i did a little flush. At the end of flush runoff at PH 6,0 ppm 1050. I like how I can play with the lights up and down to try and create the perfect amount of light for each plant. RH in tent at 48 % and stable. Must keep and eye on because of the flush :D 1/11/25 So 24 h after the flush and she is reaching for the sky. I also see very little improvements or it is a placebo effect :)) Tent temp 23C and RH 44%- 48% . New photos added :D. 1/12/25 After 48h she is reaching and preaching with her branches to the sky :D Happy and growing, developing very nicely. Little Purple calyxes can also be seen at the bases of developing flowers. End of week, in tent RH 50% temp 22 avg. Doing LST once every 2 days or so. Not to often or to harsh but just to show my love
So my new Mars Hydro FC-E1500 is here. Swaped the very old MarsHydro LED in the middle. Gave them a little bit more CalMag and for the 1st Wedding Cake Bio Grow. Very minimal trimming. I noticed that the leafs from the 2nd Wedding Cake are glossy like. I think it could be too much nitrogen. Stoped giving her Bio Grow 1 week ago. Thanks for all the answers, i will flush both the weddingcakes out and see how they react. Also measuring the run off EC and PH and also soil PH. 1/10/25 I like this community already 😁 you guys gave me such good answers to my grow question. So I measured soil PH roughly between 7 and 7,5 so alkaline. Not good. I flushed with Phed water 5,3 and measured PH of runoff at 6,6 and ppm at 1480 . Repeated, measured runoff PH 6,3 ; ppm 1210. Repeat, but with PHed 5,0 water, runoff PH 5,9 ppm 1010. Stoped. 1st WddngCake took 3 flushes with total of 30 l of water. 2nd Wddncake got a flush with 25 l of water at the end runoff PH aprox 5,9 ppm 990 . Gave them both Nematodes because i saw a reduction in fungus gnats that is good. Almost none flying around. Fingers crossed. 😊 1/11/25 Aprox. 24h from "The Big Flush" 😁 and they seem to be happier. Temp in tent 23 C and RH 44% - 48% . Also added a few photos of them after the flush. 1/12/25 Aprox. 48h after flush. They are doing very good. 1st WddngCake shows off more of her colors with splashes on the calyxes and sugar leafs. 2nd WddngCake stands tall and bulks the buds up. I also noticed that Pheno 1 WddnCake has a fruitty creamy like sweat smell and the 2nd Pheno ,the tall girl, reminds me of a tropical IPA, fruity , fresh and pungent like cousin hops. Also the end of this week, today, looking forward at the week ahead. In the tent 22 C at the moment with 50% RH because i let the mars hydro ventilators off for the day. they are back on now.
Day29 feeding with 🍀Xpert nutrients🍀 Day30 I start some light défoliation and lst💪💪
Hay un par de ellas del centro con carencia de calcio, pero para la fecha que estamos nada preocupante, la semana que viene seguramente empiece lavando raíces para que lleguen bien limpias
Jan-9-2025 So I decided to harvest lemon cherry cookies,Ztrawberriez,and Cherry cola.The Papaya cookies,Strawberry pie,and Pound cake are still going strong as they need some more time maybe another week or two before they are ready.
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Settimana pazzesca!!!! Piante davvero incredibili!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Eternity Grow Cup, day 1. Seeds are germinating in starterplugs from Zamnesia. And now we wait for the magic to happen 😊 Sofar one seedling. The others will pop up soon.
Transplanted and topped on the 30th this is week since I don’t think it took to the new home completely but it looks okay still I think another week and we should be good had to get a new humidifier old one broke so I got the T3 from acinfinity works great I’m dialed in pretty good 01/06/25 1/9/25 Decided to give that thang a cut and pinned it down first time trying this so hopefully I get a good result also used the new dynomyco wettable powder added 1ml per gallon and also fish shit and growers recharge ph all that in reverse osmosis water to 6.7 did a good watering on 1/10/25
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Settimana pazzesca!!!! Pianta davvero incredibile!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Harvest day - Runtz Auto from @kannabiaglobal / @kannabiaseedsfr / @kannabiaseedsde / @kannabiaseedsint @kannabiaseedsus Nutrients: @atami_deutschland / / @stefan_atami / @daniel_atami Soil: @promixgrowers_eur / @promixgrowers_global / @promixgrowers_unfiltered / @promixmitch LED: @powerlux_spain Tent: @secretjardin_ Thank you to everyone who follows and supports my work 🙏🏻💚 This means a lot to me and you should know you are a part of it and only with you all this is possible, you are the best community 😎 Growers love, love for everyone
Harvest day - Runtz Auto from @kannabiaglobal / @kannabiaseedsfr / @kannabiaseedsde / @kannabiaseedsint @kannabiaseedsus Nutrients: @atami_deutschland / / @stefan_atami / @daniel_atami Soil: @promixgrowers_eur / @promixgrowers_global / @promixgrowers_unfiltered / @promixmitch LED: @powerlux_spain Tent: @secretjardin_ Thank you to everyone who follows and supports my work 🙏🏻💚 This means a lot to me and you should know you are a part of it and only with you all this is possible, you are the best community 😎 Growers love, love for everyone
ENGLISH BELOW 👇 Día 90 en total del clon, pude sacar dos generaciones declones antes de que entre en flora, pero a la primera generación se las comió por la noche un ejercito de hormigas negras. Es impresionante como la planta se adapta a todos los procesos (incluso clonación y enraizamiento) de una forma increíble. Cultivo con calendario lunar desde hace unos 10 años y está es la primera vez que veo una planta anticiparse y preparase unos días antes para los cambios lunares. Muy divertida para cultivar, todas las semanas genera procesos diferentes, lo que hace muy dinámica y muy rápida. Day 90 in total of the clone, I was able to get two generations of clones before it started flowering, but the first generation was eaten at night by an army of black ants. It is impressive how the plant adapts to all the processes (including cloning and rooting) in an incredible way. I have been growing with a lunar calendar for about 10 years and this is the first time I have seen a plant anticipate and prepare itself a few days in advance for the lunar changes. Very fun to grow, every week it generates different processes, which makes it very dynamic and very fast.
Lemon cherry cookies,Cherry cola and Ztrawberriez are all getting closer to harvest.They are still drinking heavy and trichomes are almost all cloudy on the 3.I still have a lot more time left with Strawberry pie,Papaya cookies,and Pound cake which they are all starting to show some maturity.
Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Divine Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Settimana devastante sono in procinto di terminare la fioritura, non vedo l'ora di finire!!!!!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Tag 64 sie ist immer noch am Stretchen, aber so langsam entwickeln sich auch ihre Blüten immer mehr. Heute hat sie wieder eine Ordentliche Portion Wasser mit Dünger bekommen, und jeden 2 Tag Wasser ohne. Tag 69 Heute haben wir angefangen Plagron Green Sensation und Canna PK 13/14 hinzuzugeben und werden langsam mit dem NPK Dünger aufhören. Wir wechseln von dem NPK 10-4-7 zu einem NPK 3,5-6-6 da die Pflanzen nicht mehr so viel Stickstoff brauchen.