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@twenty20mendocino Ateam R&D Update ~ Let’s Go day 18 of 🌸almost 3 weeks in an we are looking great! Gave em another aggressive trim up some lollipops this week hopefully wasn’t too early but hey it’s we learn as growers, but they are bouncing back super nice, praying a looking happy y’all! Can’t wait to see what these girls do over the next few weeks, y’all have to keep them eyes peeled for next weeks update. Y’all have an amazing productive rest of your day as well as great rest of your week! Hope y’all enjoy, peace love an positive vibes to all y’all Cheers an blaze on 😶‍🌫️💨💨💨💨
Clones 21 días. Con una sobrevida final de un 90% vivieron 27 clones llevan una semana alimentándose con Green Grow y Gold Sunshine a media dosis, tolerando muy bien la primera fertilización, se notan los resultados inmediatamente, mucho follaje nuevo, verde intenso en hojas, fortalecieron los tallos y crecieron bastante. Quedaron todos en macetas de 1 litro, seleccione los 12 que pasaran a macetas de 11 litros, sin ningún tipo de poda, el resto de clones realice poda de ramas bajas, en el trasplanté deje el primer nudo de hojas a ras de suelo, para disminuir altura y aumentar superficie radicular realizando un leve raspaje en el tallo.
Creo que esta sea la ultima semana, despues 2 dias mas con florakleen para bajar el nivel en exceso de nutrientes, después de esto apenas empieza a cambiar el color de los tricomas, cosecharemos. Viendo los tricomas 6 días mas o menos y se cococha no. En 4 días o 3 cambio la solución y las dejo 48 horas con florakleen y después cosechó.
6th W/Flower: 6th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Packed and Stacked 6th w/ Flower: Budz getting Outstandingly Huge, Plump, Dense, Juicy and Everything is Supreme, Savory, Stinky, Sweet, Swelling Out, Skunky and Gasy at thier 6th week of Flower! 6th Week of Flower: 6th Flower Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn and the Ladies Love the Bloom portion of Nutrients! They're Stacking Up Great and Filling Out thier Mighty Branches with Giant Gorgeous Budz! 5 Confirmed Females!!! It's been a few days since I gave the Ladies thier 6th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Nutrients and they look Fantastically Divine!!! We'll definitely Grow back to everything here soon! 11th w/ Veg and Flowers Update #Pre-Sexed🚺 #SuperCropped #Defoliated #Lollipoped Good Day and Happy Growing Everyone! These Ladies were Growing into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Totally Tight and Phenomenally *Femed* from the Right! #Pre-Sexed 4/9/21 #Opium/#PabloEscobar *Fems* breed by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany and #SuperCropping continued! I'm Very Excited and Extremely Gracious!!! Heck Yeah Growmies and Growmets!!! Check Out these Confirmed Females with thier Wild Pistol Hairs popping and I'm still Training and Widening them Out with #SuperCropping Everything looks Expanded and Growing Great! After #SuperCropping the plant will Grow Bushier, Produce More Buds, and possibly even Produce More THC! This is how the plant naturally responses to danger and protects itself! Growers take advantage of this technique to get Bigger Yields and More Potent Buds than would be produced otherwise! Getting Trained out into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Mighty Fine!!! Thier getting Humongous and Hearty in thier 10 gallon Grow Bag from Broski These Cannabis plants are Camping out in the Closet for a week or so! Lol This is my 2nd run using the Osree.Light QB1000w and Everything is Mesmerizing!!! My #Opium and #PabloEscobar *Fems* from #DivineSeeds Regs: SalamiLegF3's×2 and FireAlienRomulan look$ Outstandingly Awesome and Growing Up Phenomenally Fine into thier 11th week of Veg in our 2- 10 gallon The Grow Bags from Broski and also 2- 5 gallons as Well! Our others are Super and Breed by #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNaturals #Foop Yo!!! Thanks Again for All the Love and Support my fellow Growmies and Growmets!!! These Magnificent and Magical Ladies were Growing in our 48×24×60 ViparSpectra Official Club 🌿 ®️ Grow Tent and under our #Osree QB1000w and #GrowStarStore Kokokala QB1000w and our Purple Rose Cutting×2, Aloe Vera Cutting, Maters×3, Morel Mushroom, Lavender×3, Sunflowers×5 and The 5 Brand New and Fresh Starts are Wonderful with a Huge Hint of Fantastical Fire is my #SalamiLegF3×2 by Broski #thehumancannabiniod #DankFlowGenetics #EastCoastSeedBank #FireAlienRomulan by Broski #AlienBloodGenetix my #PabloEscobar and #Opium by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany We Grow with #Growatt 600w with #FoopOrangicBioSciences and #TNBNaturals The Enhancer Co2 Despersal canister and ph'd them w/ Declorinated watering w/ TNB ph Up and Down! Totally Top Quality Topz all Around! Thanks Again #GallowGlas420 #HarleyGrower #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNATURALS #FoopOrangicBioSciences #divineseeds #divineseedssquad #divineseedsbreedingcompany #BioFlux Family's and Teams!!! Your Genetics are Merry Magnificent, Mega Marvelous and Mighty Medical! Love um!!! I really Can't stress enough how Thankful and Grateful I am of All of you and what you've Shared with Us! Means the World!!! It's definitely a Pleasure being able to Grow with these Phenomenal Grow Lights! Please Enjoy! BudBrothers4-Life! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯🔥 #Osree #GrowStarStore #Growatt #TNBNaturals #TNBTeam #FoopOrangics #GrowYourOwn #Bliss HumboldtCounty'sOwn: Email: [email protected] Phone: (707) 725-4119 Toll free: (866) 872-9434 Humboldt Bottling Po Box 429 · Fortuna, CA 95540 HumboldtCounty'sOwn Website Link: HumboldtCounty'sOwn Instagram Link: The Grow Bags: https://www.as420
dia 58 5 semana de floracion ,viendo otros cultivos de la gente de la cepa quick one a 16 horas me dan ganas de llorar al ver mis plantas q si saco15 g de cada una flipo.... una pena pero bueno y otro problema q tengo es que la feminizada la kritical gb esta estirando q flipas y mi armario solo tiene 1 . 40 de alto y creo q la voy a tener q sacar a la calle y se va a poner enorme y mis vecino van a flipar no se estoy to rayao gente ... dia 59 los cogollos van engordando de momento aceptan bien la comida DIA 60 siguen engordando de momento tienen un verde bonito sin deficit espero q todo siga asi DIA 62 todo sigue bien la kritical gb sigue estirando mazo por dia y creando flores satelite y las quick one juntando cogollos en la cola principal debido al poko espacio del indoor los satelites intentan engordar pero van lentos sigo esperanzado y dandolas comidaaaaa jajajaj dia 64 y siguen engordando tiene una pinta q flipas q ganas de fumar no se cuanto les quedara yo las miro y mucho pelo naranja pero los terpenos no consigo una foto clara ( no tengo pasta pa una lupa ahora mismo jhajjaja) asi que ando un poko perdido pero a las auto yo las echo un par de semanas mas creo dia 70 por mas q las doy de comer no noto diferencia de crecimiento creo q ya todo llego a su fin en las quick one las dare de comer una semana mas y las pasare ya solo agua para q deskanses se limpien y al secadero ejjejeejje la kritical le quedan 3 semanas minimo
One auto-ultimate os dried and curing, well for my first indoor and second plantation all time I AM truly happy. 105grs dried in first auto ultimate. Thanks for all the gelo guys was crucial.
6th W/Flower: 6th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Packed and Stacked 6th w/ Flower: Budz getting Outstandingly Huge, Plump, Dense, Juicy and Everything is Supreme, Savory, Stinky, Sweet, Swelling Out, Skunky and Gasy at thier 6th week of Flower! 6th Week of Flower: 6th Flower Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn and the Ladies Love the Bloom portion of Nutrients! They're Stacking Up Great and Filling Out thier Mighty Branches with Giant Gorgeous Budz! 5 Confirmed Females!!! It's been a few days since I gave the Ladies thier 6th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Nutrients and they look Fantastically Divine!!! We'll definitely Grow back to everything here soon! 11th w/ Veg and Flowers Update #Pre-Sexed🚺 #SuperCropped #Defoliated #Lollipoped Good Day and Happy Growing Everyone! These Ladies were Growing into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Totally Tight and Phenomenally *Femed* from the Right! #Pre-Sexed 4/9/21 #Opium/#PabloEscobar *Fems* breed by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany and #SuperCropping continued! I'm Very Excited and Extremely Gracious!!! Heck Yeah Growmies and Growmets!!! Check Out these Confirmed Females with thier Wild Pistol Hairs popping and I'm still Training and Widening them Out with #SuperCropping Everything looks Expanded and Growing Great! After #SuperCropping the plant will Grow Bushier, Produce More Buds, and possibly even Produce More THC! This is how the plant naturally responses to danger and protects itself! Growers take advantage of this technique to get Bigger Yields and More Potent Buds than would be produced otherwise! Getting Trained out into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Mighty Fine!!! Thier getting Humongous and Hearty in thier 10 gallon Grow Bag from Broski These Cannabis plants are Camping out in the Closet for a week or so! Lol This is my 2nd run using the Osree.Light QB1000w and Everything is Mesmerizing!!! My #Opium and #PabloEscobar *Fems* from #DivineSeeds Regs: SalamiLegF3's×2 and FireAlienRomulan look$ Outstandingly Awesome and Growing Up Phenomenally Fine into thier 11th week of Veg in our 2- 10 gallon The Grow Bags from Broski and also 2- 5 gallons as Well! Our others are Super and Breed by #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNaturals #Foop Yo!!! Thanks Again for All the Love and Support my fellow Growmies and Growmets!!! These Magnificent and Magical Ladies were Growing in our 48×24×60 ViparSpectra Official Club 🌿 ®️ Grow Tent and under our #Osree QB1000w and #GrowStarStore Kokokala QB1000w and our Purple Rose Cutting×2, Aloe Vera Cutting, Maters×3, Morel Mushroom, Lavender×3, Sunflowers×5 and The 5 Brand New and Fresh Starts are Wonderful with a Huge Hint of Fantastical Fire is my #SalamiLegF3×2 by Broski #thehumancannabiniod #DankFlowGenetics #EastCoastSeedBank #FireAlienRomulan by Broski #AlienBloodGenetix my #PabloEscobar and #Opium by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany We Grow with #Growatt 600w with #FoopOrangicBioSciences and #TNBNaturals The Enhancer Co2 Despersal canister and ph'd them w/ Declorinated watering w/ TNB ph Up and Down! Totally Top Quality Topz all Around! Thanks Again #GallowGlas420 #HarleyGrower #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNATURALS #FoopOrangicBioSciences #divineseeds #divineseedssquad #divineseedsbreedingcompany #BioFlux Family's and Teams!!! Your Genetics are Merry Magnificent, Mega Marvelous and Mighty Medical! Love um!!! I really Can't stress enough how Thankful and Grateful I am of All of you and what you've Shared with Us! Means the World!!! It's definitely a Pleasure being able to Grow with these Phenomenal Grow Lights! Please Enjoy! BudBrothers4-Life! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯🔥 #Osree #GrowStarStore #Growatt #TNBNaturals #TNBTeam #FoopOrangics #GrowYourOwn #Bliss HumboldtCounty'sOwn: Email: [email protected] Phone: (707) 725-4119 Toll free: (866) 872-9434 Humboldt Bottling Po Box 429 · Fortuna, CA 95540 HumboldtCounty'sOwn Website Link: HumboldtCounty'sOwn Instagram Link: The Grow Bags: https://www.as420