Now it gets interesting! the couskush took to training as well as you can expect and auto to take to 90° bend training, it's bushing out nicely although highly apex dominant. It's pushing out thick leaves and loads of pre flowers and flowers. Sprayed it once with micro and kelp but i eyeballed the micro and it was too much so there's residue everywhere... I'm probably going to have to clean each leaf one by one with a moist paper towel, but that's a problem for future bulbi lol watered it with some co2 and also with a mix of micro and beneficials 2g each of the micro and 5grams each of the spores for 2L of water, of which i only use 1.5L that's three pints. I raised the pot slightly using a bakers tray, getting that airflow in. It's finally getting interesting now, so i'll be doing my best to get some nice pictures in. Comments and suggestions welcome ! drop me a message ! 🚀