Einen wunderschönen guten Tag meine Pflanzen Freunde, ich hoffe ihr seid alle gut durch die Woche gekommen. Die Pflanzen haben das topping und entlauben Gut über standen. Sie haben jetzt ausreichend Zeit gehabt sich zu generieren. Am Ende der 8 Woche werde ich anfangen den Lichtzyklus langsam auf 12/12 umzustellen. Dann bekommen die Pflanzen für 3 Tage 15/9 Licht bevor ich auf 12/12 umstelle. Somit haben die Pflanzen Zeit sich auf die Blütezeit vorzubereiten. Ansonsten gibt es keinerlei Probleme. Aktuelle Pflanzen Höhe am Tag: 52 #1)18cm #2)14.5cm #3)16cm Denn Dünger scheinen die Pflanzen gut zu vertragen und schmatzen den so weg. In der 9 Woche werde ich anfangen den Dünger Zusatz von S&R Organics mit zu verabreichen, der bei jeder Greenpower 5 in 1 Flasche dabei ist. GREENPOWER20 mit diesem Code erhaltet ihr 20% auf euren Einkauf. Ansonsten gibt es erstmal nix weiter zu berichten, ist auch mal schön wenn alles wie am Schnürchen läuft. Wie immer bedanke ich mich für deinen Besuch und dein Like. Sei in der kommenden Woche wieder mit am Start und schau dir in der Zwischenzeit meine anderen Tagebücher an, ich würde mich über ein Besuch von dir sehr freuen. Oder komm auf mein Instergram Profil. Zamnesia gibt 20% ZAMMIGD2023
I harvest her today and got 396,39g wet flower! I am super happy with my first grow! The LST and topping was a wonderful combination. I couldn't weight all together, because I didn't have a big enough bowl to fit all.
La poderosa runtz forbidden sta per arrivare a maturazione.. ancora un paio di settimane più o meno e ci siamo...forse la lascio anche qualche giorno in più per farle creare un po' più di: CBN😜💪👍
Week 10, Day 1... Now its 2 Months since The Ladys startet growin (April 21 ) and I think IT will be 1-2 Weeks to The Harvest, Trichome are Milky.
Almost there. Low stress worked pretty well There you see my outdoor mimosa x orange punch on the right :)
Week 2. Just the normal stretch. Nothing eventful. After this week, I'll be giving random weekly updates due to my busy schedule.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D64/B27 - 18/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.2 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 FLUSH 🍗 💼 FLUSH first day 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D65/B28 - 19/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 7 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 FLUSH 🍗 💼 FLUSH second day 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D66/B29 - 20/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 15 L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - Bud Candy - B52 - Overdrive 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D67/B30 - 21/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Thanks to the crew at Divine Seeds for providing the seeds. Really cool of you! I'm really looking forward to the run. Unfortunately, the summer in Germany this year is really wet and cold. Not only this year, but also this year...
Week 10, one more week normal feeding then ill start to lower the EC a lot and just feed straight rain with 1.5ml/l overdrive By that time she wont need nitrogen anymore she is very dark and fattening up. The buds are rockhard and full of frost. I think 3 more weeks and shes gonna be ready
Day 71 🌤️☀️🌤️🌥️ 13-23 degrees, humidity 53-78%. I start into the 11th week with an intense check of the trichomes. Tropicana started to produce amber and blue trichomes, next to purple and pink. The purple get’s darker and the appearance of the flowers change to a beautiful bouquet of fragrant colours. Day 72 ☁️🌧️☁️⛈️ 15-24 degrees, humidity 69-84%. Today my plants needed to be canopied again because of strong rainfall. I‘m glad that I have this opportunity while they continue standing outside and ripening. I take some fotos of Tropicana and her trichomes, gave her one liter of pure rainwater and let her wait for the next sunny days. And wait, and wait probably several more days. Day 73 - End of spring, beginning of summer! 🤓 🌧️☁️🌧️☁️17-25 degrees, humidity is 70-90%. Got to have an eye on the flowers, they are dry but the humidity is too high for doing nothing. Today in the evening I took a few leafs of my plants for a relax tee. A nightingale is singing next to our balcony. Love it! Day 74 🌧️🌧️☁️🌧️ 19-24 degrees, humidity is 75-90%. Tropicana is smelling wonderfully. It‘s like a bouquet of all her colors. My nose is in love!
Day 71 🌤️☀️🌤️🌥️ 13-23 degrees, humidity 53-78%. I start into the 11th week with an intense check of the trichomes. Tropicana started to produce amber and blue trichomes, next to purple and pink. The purple get’s darker and the appearance of the flowers change to a beautiful bouquet of fragrant colours. Day 72 ☁️🌧️☁️⛈️ 15-24 degrees, humidity 69-84%. Today my plants needed to be canopied again because of strong rainfall. I‘m glad that I have this opportunity while they continue standing outside and ripening. I take some fotos of Tropicana and her trichomes, gave her one liter of pure rainwater and let her wait for the next sunny days. And wait, and wait probably several more days. Day 73 - End of spring, beginning of summer! 🤓 🌧️☁️🌧️☁️17-25 degrees, humidity is 70-90%. Got to have an eye on the flowers, they are dry but the humidity is too high for doing nothing. Today in the evening I took a few leafs of my plants for a relax tee. A nightingale is singing next to our balcony. Love it! Day 74 🌧️🌧️☁️🌧️ 19-24 degrees, humidity is 75-90%. Tropicana is smelling wonderfully. It‘s like a bouquet of all her colors. My nose is in love!
What happened in the box? After 24 hours in the dark room, they will soon be harvested - it smells fruity and biscuit-like - I'm very excited about the terpene profile. I will now dry them at 19-22 degrees for about 10 days, then they go into the jar for curing , test report coming soon! See you soon and thanks for your time and let's grow 💚. ‐----------------------------------------------------------------- For seeds I recommend With the code 🌱LETSGROW 🌱 you get 10% discount on seeds and 5% on equipment and fertilizer 😁👌🚀💚
bislang keine probleme aufgetaucht nur ein tag ögend ein ausfäll das ich 90 % luftfeuchtichkeit hatte aber das war nicht lange aber riskant nicht jetz vor der Zielgrade
What happened in the box? After 24 hours in the dark room, they will soon be harvested - it smells fruity and biscuit-like - I'm very excited about the terpene profile. I will now dry them at 19-22 degrees for about 10 days, then they go into the jar for curing , test report coming soon! See you soon and thanks for your time and let's grow 💚. ‐----------------------------------------------------------------- For seeds I recommend With the code 🌱LETSGROW 🌱 you get 10% discount on seeds and 5% on equipment and fertilizer 😁👌🚀💚
The plants seem pretty strong and resilient, have a interesting smell. The buds are very different from a plant to another in shape and trycome production. I had to cut them early because of the high heat, but the majority of the trycomes were milky.
Die 9 Woche startet 💪. Bis jetz hat sie die letzten Tage mit Unwettern ganz gut überstanden auch der Regen war nicht ganz so schlimm. Hab mal ein paar Trichom Aufnahmen mit dem Handymikroskop gemacht da die Blüten doch schon recht dick sind, aber überwiegend Klare und Milchige und noch keine bis vereinzelt Bernsteinfarbene Trichome. Also hat scheinbar noch Zeit die gute.
Trocknet gerade alles .. Habe nur von den Blättern über 5 gram Hash hergestellt. Sehr lecker und hat aber eine sehr starke zitrus note. Ich habe vor ca. 3 Monaten ein Ableger meiner Mutter gegeben um zu vergleichen wie die Sorte auf Erde wächst und schmeckt.. Also anbauen würde ich Sie nicht mehr. Hatte bei beiden Sorten von Pure Intenso Cherry cookies und Peanut Butter cookies auf Hydro echt viele Probleme. Meine Sorten werden es nicht für die Zukunft.
Day 77 - June 18 June 18 - 06.00AM One Amber trichome found. Will water with 5L of water at 6.3PH this morning. Wilted leaves are still springy. I'd like to defoliate but will wait until they're completely wilted. June 18 - 06.45AM Soil is still cold, a little moist. I'll water at approximately 9AM June 18 - 10.45AM Removed dead leaves to avoid pests (as sharing tent with outdoor plants at night). June 18 - 10.45AM Watered 4.5L to runoff at 6.3PH. Time taken approximately 1 hour to saturate soil. June 19 - 09.00AM Trichomes are starting to morph from clear to cloudy. Each clear head is now about 50% cloudy. There are slightly more light amber trichomes appearing. I suspect just under a week remaining. June 20 - 07.00PM Found another amber trichome on a more developed cola. With more half-clear trichomes becoming cloudy. I suspect I'll chop in 5 days or so. Leaf necrosis is developing further with some fan leaves (with trichomes) are decaying. I'd really like to see more purple by this stage, but I'll settle for a pineapple fade.