I will try and update daily
Germination requires 3 things - Darkness , Warmth , Water
One thing i should mention - Growing autoflowers, is difficult to do well,why? because from the moment that seed sprouts, you have a finite amount of time before she is finished, so any fucking about with anything ( repotting,pests,nutrient issues) , will lower yield.You can sometimes get them finished in 10 weeks on 20/4 but unless you have a controlled environment its hard to go more than 18/6 without heat and humidity issues.Autoflower breeding has come a long way in the last 10 years,Fast Buds is one of the pioneers.
Day 1 - Tuesday 16/10/18
Put into wet root it cubes , then into the net pots with the clay pebbles, then pots into my rooting dwc boxes , placed a dome over the top to increase the humidity .
Day 2 - Weds , nothing happening yet !
Day 3 - Thursday , I think she has popped , not quite up yet , see pink picture
Turned light on 17/7 , why ? because I think this is best @ 13-15,000 lux
Bestva 800 (150 watt draw) Led approx £100 , I would buy the dimable cob version if you can .(900 or 1200)
Day 4 - Friday , looks a little distorted , has she got three leaves ? night time took a pic on the G7 ....
Day 5 - Saturday , definitely three leaves , might just be the first node , fingers crossed she will be fine , was quite worried she wouldn’t make it , gave her 20 ml of room temperature water , with a syringe onto the root it cube ,
Day 6 - Sunday , looking ok , nice and green , I’m hoping the roots will be into the reservoir by now , you have to love fast buds , the germination rates are almost 100% , I have included a picture with the rest of the pots , for reference , there is a gorilla glue and a tangiematic, two of my favourite Fast Buds strains , which I started around the same time ,
IMPORTANT- do no let the root it cubes dry out before the roots are into the reservoir , make sure the bottom of the net pot DOES NOT touch the water
Day 7 - Monday , I checked the water level and the ph , it has lost a little due to evaporation , root is well into the reservoir , I will add some nutrients tomorrow, seed on top right has pushed up but no leaves, this is NOT a fast buds seed, just shows u,... i have also put more pebbles in to cover up the holes, it would be nice if they did a pot that didnt have holes all the way to the top !!!
Building DWC - you can build a DWC quite easily , out of cheap items , the ones in this week , were made by a friend of mine (Kev) when he spotted the box at Poundland for £1 - all you need is a black plastic box ( black so no light penetrates the roots ) with a lid , a 127mm hole cutter , air pump with tube and air stone , 140mm net pots to go in holes , some clay pebbles , and root it cubes , I will make a little instructional video , the reason I put them in here is because I will transfer into my IWS oxypots , which are too big to go into the tent ,and as the led is better with small plants it’s much easier .