It was a quick trip, this very voracious HighCloudZ auto grew at the speed of light, it produced lots and lots of flowers, I foresee a 70-80 grams dry and without stakes. Harvested on 9 weeks, naturally it was harvested at the beginning of the harvest period when the trichomes on the flower started to turn amber, the ideal period would be between 20% and 70% of the trichomes amber I harvest very often at Let's start guys, mold on the tops is my fear. This time she sucks. All the flowers are covered in exquisite resin, I smoked the bubble hash and was very very happy. It has three large main buds full of medium-compact flowers, other fairly full lateral branches and something smaller underneath. Very satisfied with this young lady indeed. The appearance is classic, it is not that kaleidoscope of colors that we are used to seeing, it is a normal and beautiful green and red and crystallized grass. Video dedicated to the King of West Coast Snoop Doggy Dog, a true pillar for cannabis culture, the spread of truth and awareness in the world and among common people. We know that you have stopped smoking, hopefully never with weed of course for emotional reasons but in any case thank you forever in the hall og absolute hunger with those who have done good for this culture. Let's be clear, he's not dead but if a king like that stops, everyone has to bow down. >>> One of the latest Watermelon based GHSC autoflowerings released... >>> My favorite feeding at the moment Feeding Details >>> With the beginning of flowering, the fantastic BioBloom from Greenhouse feeding was added. The peculiarity of this fertilizer is the sprinkling in dressing mode at the beginning of the flowering phase, super really. Always follow the directions on the package and add for long blooms. >>> Music of the week ALL DISCOGRAPHY OF THE SUPER KING SNOOP DOGGY DOG. A real KING for Weed Culture diffusion in the world. <3 "I can see the light" >>>
bubba cheesecake tiny pot grow is doing very well its growing fast and thick still no sign of gender yet after 2 weeks in 12/12 tent should see what gender soon im sure its female because its was a femenized seed planted.
Moin und ich hoffe allen geht es gut! Diese Woche war nicht viel zu tun tägliches Blätter runter halten am Anfang der Woche gab es Bio pk 5-8 10ml/L wasser und zwar bin ich das ganze so angegangen ich hab die Pflanzen ganz normal bewässert mit 2L abgestandenem wasser und zum schluss gab es dann halt 1L der Nährlösung pk5-8. Die Damen haben auch diese woche wieder gut mit gemacht und fangen jetzt langsam an ab zu heben. Es fängt auch langsam an zu duften irgendwo zwischen ananas und Maracuja würde ich sagen und ein Hauch cremige vanille wobei die vanille irgendwie ein Schuss Moschus bei hängt ansonsten war diese woche nicht viel los euch ne schöne rest woche ihr growmies!
Always R.O Water Watering the plant 3 times for per week 1st Watering with nutriens. (750 ppm) (23.03.2023) 4 liter 2st Watering with nutriens. (750 ppm) 3st Watering with only R.O water & CalMag. (300 ppm) 1000 ppfd
Světlo jede na 50% a teplota stoupla na pouhých 23,3°C přes den. Doufal jsem trochu víc ale nic s tim bohužel neudělám D29: 3 dny po přesazení holek do 11 L květináčů Shogun 5 a Haze Berry 1 mají na spodních listech trochu popálené konečky 😓 , ale jinak vypadají spokojeně. Asi jsem použil trochu více BioBizz Worm Humus během přesazování. Zbylé holky vypadají velmi spokojeně a mají sytě zelené listy které jsou naprosto bez vady 😍 7 rostlin má momentálně 5 nodů jedna rostlina už 6, takže v druhé polovině týdne začnu s vytvářením potrubí na main-linning. Už se nemůžu dočkat až začnu s tréninkem 😍 D31: Každá rostlina zalita 500ml čisté vody bez živin D33 čtvrtek: Holky jsem zastřihl u 3. Nodu a vyčistil od zbylého porostu. Ponechal jsem pouze přilehlé listy u rostlin s menšími větvemi. Povedlo se mi zlomit jednu větev u Haze Berry 1 během LST :'( zranění jsem ošetřil ale po 8 hodinách je zřejmé že větev nepřežije :'( Vysadil jsem 3 semena Sweet Orange XL od českých pěstitelů z Natural Seeds jako náhradu za zlomenou větev Každá rostlina dostala 1L vody s živinami které můžete vidět v tabulce D35: Vyklíčila všechna semena Sweet Orange XL. Všechna ve stejný den :)
Die 12 Blütewoche ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Tage der Wachstumsphase = 32 Tage. Tage der Blütephase = 84 Tage Wachstum h in Blütewoche 9= 0 cm Blütenbildung: sehr Hoch Die Blütenkelche sind Mitten in der Produktion und verfärben sich. Die Trichome sind bei beiden ladies im gesamten trüb. Heißt, der Harvest Day nähert sich. Ich denke 14-18 Tage 👌 In dieser Woche den Ladies einige Blätter abgenommen das in der Endphase das Licht die buds erreicht. Der Wasserbedarf der Pflanze ist gleichbleibend moderat. Diese Woche 4 Tage von 7 gegossen Mutation 1= strähnige Blüten (wie bei der Dr. Greenspoon öfter mal vorkommt) Mutation 2 = Gigantismus (doppelt so viele DNA Ketten wie regulär) Mutation 3 = Sekundäre Blüten an Blättern 2 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 87 % Lichtabstand: 36 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 12/12 Temperatur Tag: ca. 24-25 Grad RLF Tag: 50-55% Temperatur Nacht: 20-21 grad RLF Nacht: ca. 50 % VPD Wert: ca. 1.2 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,4 EC Wert: 1,0 Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 2 Befeuchter: aus Entfeuchter: mit Steuerung an Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 1 Stk außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 1* Wasser PH 6,6 EC 0,1/ 3 * bewässert mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen Purolyt Besprühung: 2 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 gesteuert/PrimaKlima 480m3 Danke an Greenbuzz Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)
Had a little hint of root rot the other day so I’ve been adding Hydrogen peroxide. I took off a few fan leaves and increased light power 5%. Everything is going ok.
420Fastbuds FBT2311/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2313/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2312/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
I'm working on a Planet of the Grapes grow in smaller tent- they're about a month behind but even there- everything's truly dialed in and holy hell is that a good feeling. Now I'm just wasting time on Youtube shopping for genetics and refreshing my growing memory. EDIT: Shared a video. Feels like the shed is in it's "final form" but prob not - at least I'll have this to look back on but regardless, "Skylab" has come a long way in 18 months. Good luck out there! 😤👊🙏
420Fastbuds FBT2310/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2309/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2308/Week5 What up grow fam. Sorry for the late weekly update but was having some technical difficulties. This week has been eventful to say the least. My heater went out letting my Temps drop to high 40'f for a night or two and wow did the plants tell me they're angry. Definitely starting to bounce back but just goes to show the reselants of Fastbuds genetics. I lollipoped and did one more defoliation this week so hopefully flower stage will be smooth sailing. All in all Happy Growing
È arrivato il momento di pulire i boccioli delle ragazze di @anesiaseeds che sono fenomenali con dei fiori gelidi, pieni di resina, un ottimo profumo che ancora dovrà migliorare nel tempo…cercando di fare una buona concia che è sempre importantissima nel processo di guarigione per avere un fumo delicato e non pesante per la gola, questo fumo è già ottimo! Ottimo lavoro Anesia Seeds
Thats my first grow lets see its start to smells grape and some sweet fruit and ı hope they got bigger :)
24/03/23 beautiful and full of swollen buds and very thick branches, the smell they give off gives the idea of ​​what is being grown we are almost at the end of the flowering cycle. I water them regularly with bio bloom, bio grow, I removed a few leaves as they grew, and I didn't do anything anymore, nature did it all by itself! enjoy ___________ 28/03 we have almost reached the end of the flowering cycle, at most 15/20 days the buds are complete. the smell has invaded the whole room and is very strong!, the branches are very thick and full, I look forward to it! the fruits
Really enjoyed growing this strain , she has very nice taste like fruits🍍and candy 🍬 and a hint of gas ⛽️ hard hitting too
This strain was an absolute pleasure to grow, amazing dense buds, stunning terps on the nose 👃 really sweet and cookie like, very resistant to pests and weather fluctuations, I will definitely be running this strain again, I harvested with more amber 5han usual it was about 40 % amber 60 cloudy as I want a heavier more indica like effect, I will keep you updated on the dry weight and smoke review guys, sorry I haven't made the last few weeks update, I'm away for work for a few weeks and having someone look after my plants for me 🙌, thankyou fastbuds for the chance to grow these amazing genetics I will get more pictures uploaded asap