LJ4Q23 Bolt III SOP LJ4Q23 - 8-Plant SOG from Cuts Objective: - 8 Plants - Single Colas - No Branches - Harvest Lemon Jeffery (Narrow Leaf Phenos): 70±5 days - Light Intensity - Ramp up from 200 - > 40 DLI, at 13 hour ScotoPeriod, will need MAX Light to Achieve - Ramp Light Intensity to MAX ASAP (3 Weeks?) Notes: - Lemon Jeffery handles HIGH LIGHT Well, even within 6” of Light @ ~1800 µMol/m2/ - The challenge will be achieving minimum 40 Mol/day, which in this setup requires 1000 µMol/m2/s @ 13 hour Scotoperiod ______________________________________ Start of Week: [ 2023-12-13, LJ4Q 15:B:2:1] End of Week: [ 2023-12-19, LJ4Q 21:B:2:7] Environment Targets (Bolt III): - Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily - DayPeriod: [ 1900, 0600 +24h] - TemperatureMax: [ 78, °F] #CHANGE from [82, °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.0, mS] - LightIntensity: [ 850, 1000, µMol/m2/s] - LightDistance: [ 16.5, “] Bolt III Fertigation - RLA HYDRO Chart, Week 4, EC: [ 1.8, mS] - Primer A: [ 8.5, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8.5, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4.25, ml, gal] All Fertigation Add - Plant Success: - Microbelife Photosynthesis Plus: [ 0.5, ml/gal] - Build-a-Soil: - Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.5, tsp/gal] - South Cascade Organics: - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] __ Wed Dec 13, 2023 LJ4Q 15:B:2:1 LightIntensity: [ 932, µMol/m2/s] DLI: [ 35.1, 11, mol/m2/day] # On our way to 40 DLI Popped above 12” Plant Height (13 - 14”) 24# Photone Filter, Add 10%: 848 x 1.1 : 932 - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: 600 - Reduced Irrigation Event from 2:30 to 2:15 - Measure Thursday, Adjust. Foliar: - [ ] CalMag Fuel: [ 20, ml/gal] - [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 5, ml/gal] __ Thu Dec 14, 2023 LJ4Q 16:B:2:2 - [x] Reset Intensity - LightIntensity: [ 838, µMol/m2/s] # Calculated, 24# Filter, +10%, 762 Measured, 30.1 DLI - [x] Change Light Distance: [ 19.5, in] - [x] DLI: [ 33, mol/m2] - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: [ 400, ml] - 8 X 4400 X 10% (Field Capacity): 3520 Max, 350 - 450 is the target runoff per day - 15 sec: 200, ml. 200/15 ml/sec / 8 plants: 1.6 ml/sec. Close to our 1.7 ml/sec per plant Consider that - So we want field capacity per day, until we’re showing drought stress. - 4400 ml X 10%: 440 ml/plant/day - 110 ml/plant/event - 4 events/day - But that would only be 64 seconds, not current 135. - Let’s reduce again to 2 Minutes total, and evaluate. GUESS: If Linear, we should have 200 ml runoff __ Fri Dec 15, 2023 LJ4Q 17:B:2:3 Res: [ 4, gal] Environment Actuals - Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily - DayPeriod: [ 1900, 0600 +24h] - TemperatureMax: [ 78, °F] - RH: [ 67, %] - VPD: [ 0.86, mS] - LightIntensity: [ 838, 1000, µMol/m2/s] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] - [x] Refresh Reservoir - [x] 4 Gal - [x] Change Irrigation Duration Before 1845 - [x] IrrigationDuration: [ 2, min] - [x] Measure Runoff @1930 - [x] Amt: 180, ml. # after 2 fertigations 🤨 - Raised Fertigation per event to 2:15 fm 2:00 Guesstimate: 120 sec * 1.7 ml/sec: 204 ml I think we’re closer to 0.8 ml/sec: ~ 100 ml per delivery (2min) Refresh - 4 Gallons - Primer A: [ 36, ml] - Primer B: [ 36, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 18, ml] - King Crab: [ 2, ml] - Terps Plus: [ 2, ml] - Quillaja 20: [ 2, tsp] - SLF-100: [ 20, ml] - EC: 1.8 Res Temp: [ 60, F] Irrigation Timing Update Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete Event 0 18:45:00 18:47:00 Event 1 21:30:00 21:32:00 Event 2 00:15:00 00:17:00 Event 3 03:00:00 03:02:00 - Foliar: - [ ] Solar Rain: [ 20, ml/gal] - [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 5, ml/gal] __ Sat Dec 16, 2023 LJ4Q 18:B:2:4 - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: [ 250, ml] We really need the additional 15 seconds, reset today: Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete Event 0 18:45:00 18:47:15 Event 1 21:30:00 21:32:15 Event 2 00:15:00 00:17:15 Event 3 03:00:00 03:02:15 __ Sun Dec 17, 2023 LJ4Q 19:B:2:5 - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: [ 230, ml] #1930 - LightIntensity: [ 1047, µMol/m2/s] # 110% of Photone 952 - DLI: 61.7 __ Mon Dec 18, 2023 LJ4Q 20:B:2:6 - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: [ 80, ml] - On the theory that the main feed line siphons back to res, despite back flow adaptor - Add 45 Seconds to FIRST Feed of Day to Assure Priming and delivery of feed water. - Add 15 Seconds to remaining 3 __ Tue Dec 19, 2023 LJ4Q 21:B:2:7 - [ ] Measure Runoff - [ ] Amt: Added :45 to initial fertigation, :15 to remaining. Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete Event 0 18:45:00 18:48:00 Event 1 21:30:00 21:32:30 Event 2 00:15:00 00:17:30 Event 3 03:00:00 03:02:30
W7.D1(46) 🌱📚👋🎉🕗 Greetings to all our blog readers in the 7th week 🌱📚! We are inching closer to the flowering stage 🌸, yet we're not quite ready to bloom just yet 👋. The 3DScrog structure is finally taking on its designed appearance 🎉, a milestone that suggests most of the forthcoming adjustments can be efficiently managed from within 🕗. 🌼🔥💛🛠️💧 The appearance of yellow burns on a number of the top buds is a tale of inexperience and carelessness 💛🔥 - a consequence of not washing away the small "puddles" that formed and dried out after treating them with neem oil mixed with an emulsifier 🛠️💧. I suspect it's the toxic effect of the emulsifier at play 🌼. I've since rinsed the leaves with clean water a couple of times to mitigate the damage 💧. 💦🌿💪🚿🌺 As we proceed, our plant begins to demand more water 💦, showing signs of a robust thirst that's growing just as she is 💪🌿. This increasing need for hydration is yet another step in her journey towards full bloom 🚿🌺. W7.D2(47) 🌱🌞🍃🔍📆 Here we are at the dawn of 🌱🌞 the second day of the seventh week! I've managed to perform a modest 🍃 defoliation of the largest fan leaves to clear the way for the sunlight to reach a multitude of 🌱 sprouts breaking through from below. 🤔💡🌿📏 While they continue to grow, I'm contemplating the 🤔 optimization of the internal space and have temporarily removed 4 skewers, concluding that it's possible to proceed without them. 💡 This exercise in minimalism not only simplifies our setup but also aligns with the philosophy of making more out of less. W7.D3(48) 🌱📚🔧🌟📈 On the third day of the seventh week, in the space that had been 🌱📚 previously cleared, a structure for training was set up, and the sprouts embarked on their journey 🌱🔧 towards their designated sections. Not all sections are 📚 fully occupied at this moment. 🌟🔍🌿📏🔝 However, I believe that by the time we reach the 🔝 top of the cage, we'll have the opportunity to see 🌟🔍🌿 every cell brimming with life. 📏 W7.D4(49) 🌞🌿🍃🔍💡 Today marks a new day in our journey, where I gently 🌞 guide the leaves downwards, 🍃 unveiling the blossoms to a greater abundance of sunlight. While 🌿 lollipopping is a common practice at this stage, my stance against extensive 🍃 defoliation is firm - only minimal removal is permissible, and here's why I believe so: ATP in the plant is produced through 🌿 cellular respiration and 🌞 photosynthesis, with glucose for respiration being synthesized solely through photosynthesis. Discovering that the plant and all its energy come directly from the air was a revelation to me (a heartfelt thank you to Mark Rober for his enlightening videos). 💡🍃🌞🔬🌿 To put it succinctly, the transformation of carbon dioxide into ATP and NADPH occurs through photosynthesis during the light phase, and then, these ATP and NADPH are utilized to convert CO2 into glucose, nourishing the entire plant! So, when you consider removing chloroplasts in its leaves, always remember, you're cutting off its primary source of life force. W7.D5(50) 😊🌼🔍🔧💡 More and more blossoms are eager to witness the magic of the bulbs 😊), and I'm thrilled to assist them in this endeavor - today, I've incorporated additional components to expand the number of sections, making it easier to tuck away the growing foliage. 🌱🔍📐✅ I hope this time I've meticulously planned the ventilation correctly.. 🌱🔍📐✅ W7.D6(51) 🌿😕🌱📖🌟 Today, I embarked on a journey 🌿 through an activity I don't usually relish 😕 - defoliation 🌱. This task, while not my favorite, is infused with the purpose 📖 of achieving greater control over the nurturing 🌟 of individual stems into their dedicated spaces. 🌱🔧❤️📚🌈 Yes, it's a necessity ❤️ for me to fine-tune 🔧 the placement of each stem 🌱 into its own cell, ensuring a symphony of growth 📚 that harmonizes with my gardening ambitions 🌈. 🔍🌿🔲🌐🚀 My aspiration 🔍 is to guide 🌿 a single stem into each cell, while the larger squares 🔲 at the corners remain untouched, a testament to potential space expansion 🌐 in this ever-evolving garden cosmos 🚀. W7.D7(52) 🌱🌿💡🔧📅 Today marks the final day of the week, and it's time to reflect on our accomplishments. 🌱🌿💡🔧📅 Here they are: 🌿🔧📏🔄🌟 We've successfully devised and implemented the ultimate arrangement for individual colas, aiming for no less than 48 in total. 🌿🔧📏 in our arrangement, we've implemented 🔄 adjustments to ensure the 🌟 growth potential is maximized. 🐊✂️🌱🔄💪 Alligator clips have found yet another useful application - they can stretch or support individual branches. I've utilized this method to support the growth direction of colas in two distinct "squares." 🐊 clips not only 🔄 adjust but also ✂️ carefully shape the 🌱 plant, providing the necessary 💪 support. 🌸🔜🚫🛫🏡 Next week presents an opportunity to transition to flowering, yet due to my impending journey, which will leave her utterly alone, I've decided to wait. 🌸 Transitioning to 🔜 would be ideal, but 🚫 due to my 🛫 absence, it's best she's not left 🏡 alone during such a crucial phase. Waiting for my return seems like the most compassionate choice, ensuring she doesn't bloom in solitude. 🌟💖🌱🏡🔙 Upon my return, we'll embark on the next phase of our journey with renewed zeal, ensuring our champion plant thrives, surrounded by care and attention. 🌟 Awaiting this moment fills me with 💖 anticipation, as I know upon 🔙 return, our 🌱 project will bloom into its fullest potential, right here in our 🏡 home.
The smell of orange smoothies & citrus has kicked in by itself . I love me some fast buds🔥
Slight growth this was definitely when she was getting her footing
04/04/24. Going into week 3. The little ladies seem to be doing well. For a few days I dimmed the light to about 20-25% as I thought it was too much for 2 other babies (zoap) I have under it. Prior to that the node spacing was looking perfect. Now the orchids grew several inches taller and the node spacing looks huge. I’ve increased to 50% again. The stems have thickened up quite a bit since last week. I’ve tried to show it in video. I haven’t given anything but the tea, which I will be giving again with their next watering. They have been getting about 500 ml dechlorinated every 3 days. #1 has just been topped today at 5th node. I will do the same with #2 when she is there. Other than that, just watching them grow and do their thing. 😍
Flush her at the beginning of the week and stop feeding she really faded out into a dark purple 😍
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful Persian Girl - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg - [ ] 7th week Veg - [ ] 1st week Fl - [ ] 2nd week Fl - [ ] 3rd week Fl - [ ] 4th week Fl - [ ] 5th week Fl - [ ] 6th week Fl - [ ] 7th week Fl if this was useful please like and follow
2/04 Very nice strain by Weed seed shop, first time 100% indoor. Growed Fems and Autos outdoor from their bank few times in the past, and it was also nice. Loved the colours, very homogeneous plant. Manicure made just before the harvest I will weight flowers after drying, before curing and add infos and photos
It was a 8 day dry and cured for bout a month I was left with 1 oz dry wait. the aroma of the buds were a strong musty jet-fule and fermented fruit 🍉. Braking it down by hand left my fingers sticky and covered in triphones❄️ so I switched to the grinder . When smoking the inhale you get a sweet jet-fule taste with a hit of pineapple on the exhale 😮‍💨 it taste like a dank watermelon pineapple smoothie. I role my self a gram maybe a lil more but the first couple hits really hit the chest and left me with a energetic head high but half way through the joint It was a relaxing full body high that left me feeling like I was floating through time. Is this girl and really want to grow her again.
April 4th 2024 Went on vacation for few days and came back to lil disappointment with one I was using the acinfinity bottom watering pot and one plant didn’t even drink from its water reservoir I have no clue why not and other did came back to empty pot so hopefully the water I watered with from top works that’s only problem I came back to other plant is going did some defoliation
8 weeks / 56 days today. Growth has slowed down a lot this week luckily. Smell is getting really hard to contain now. Sticky orange buds still nowhere near as big as purple skunk but definitely a bit fatter than last week. Purple skunk buds are getting a lot fatter. Both are really sticky to the touch, looking a bit frosty close up and can see plenty of trichomes. Little bit of leaf burn but not a lot I can do because of the space issue so just tucking the branches and leaves as best I can and moving the lights around a bit to minimise it. Watering between 1 and 1.5 litres every other day and they are soaking it all up. Increased to 3ml per litre of nutrients too. Humidity has been a lot easier to keep under control this week and hasn’t risen above 60 all week so I am happy with that. it’s been a worry for a few weeks. I had a real panic this week when I thought I saw seed sacks forming at the base of each branch. But after hours and hours of reading, I am pretty sure they’re calyxes. No intentional defoliation this week but I’ve accidentally snapped a couple of fan leaves whilst watering. I really need a bigger tent! Would love opinions on when you all think they might be ready for the chop. Comparing to other diaries I still think I’ve probably got another 6+ weeks but I’m daring to think about how/where I’m going to dry them out. I’m pretty sure purple skunk will be ready first so drying in the tent will be a no go.
My ladies are doing good, smell are weak at the moment but they are still on the beginning.
I'm 90% sure this one is in her finishing week here. More amber trichromes are coming in daily. I don't wanna push her too far like last time because this strain turned pure amber and kinda lost some crystaly luster during the curing process. My light timer, grow tent, and light upgrades really made a big difference in bud development compared to my last run with Runtz basically leading to bigger more frostier buds. I'm dropping temps lower at night. I give it a couple liters a day to keep the top soil moist. Flushed water comes out 6.8 ish. My CO2 exhale bag was the biggest flop as it was expired and did not activate.
2te Woche beginnt. Bisher läuft es glaube recht gut … Die kleinen wachsen brav … Habe mal 2 weitere Nutrients hinzugefügt und Versuche den VPD Wert irgendwie konstant zuhalten 🙈👍 Dann 4 Blumat Classic pro Topf reicht ab und zu bisschen sprühen aus dem Befeuchter… heute das erste mal die kleine Pflanze abgedeckt und ganz leicht von oben die trockene Erde mit den neuen Nutrients zusätzlich befeuchtet. Mal schauen was sie so bewirken …
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful O.G. Kush Titanium - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg - [ ] 7th week Veg - [ ] 1st week Fl - [ ] 2nd week Fl - [ ] 3rd week Fl - [ ] 4th week Fl - [ ] 5th week Fl - [ ] 6th week Fl - [ ] 7th week Fl if this was useful please like and follow
4/1 💦💦💦 4/2👍👍👍 4/3 💦🍓z is burning. she should have been topped but I didn't so she's too close to the light, very sensitive on nutrients. Not going to flush, too much work. Just water for her next feed cycle. Also my Ph was too low so that will be fixed to 6.5 from now on. 4/4🍓🍓🦍🍑🎄👍🎥
I am browsing this in an ottoman as a stealth grow it only smells when I open the top and even when I do it doesn’t smell up the whole room. Plenty of growth. I had a little root rot and cleared it with peroxide and water method. Hopefully harvesting next month
Nearly there, will start to add overdrive soon. Pistils turning orange real Fast. Maybe this isn’t a long strain???
Continuing to feed compost tea each Wednesday with added Bio Pk. Plain water all other feedings. Her buds are really starting to swell nicely, they are nice and dense already. I am lightly defoliating to uncover any bud that is looking shaded. No issues currently, seems to be growing fantastically.