10.02.24 BT 20 Moin moin , Buddy's musste eben feststellen das mein kompletter Report weg ist 😡. Den Mädels geht es gut 👍🏻 Sie Strecken sich und es kommt immer mehr zum Vorschein 🙂 Heute gab es wieder lecker Nährstoffe Hesi Blüh Complex 5ml auf 1L Wasser. Das Gießen ist ganz leicht für mich 1 Tag Ph neutrales Wasser, darauf den Tag garnichts und dann wieder Nährstoffe. Phosphor + gebe ich ab den 40 BT mit anfangs 0,2ml auf 1L bis zum Spülen dann höchsten 1ml auf 1L habe auf die Jahre gelernt damit vorsichtig zu hantieren und gut spülen 😉Sie kommen mit Hesi Blüh Complex aus. Jetzt schaue ich erst mal das ich meine Berichte wieder neu schreibe ist ja leider alles weg. Mögen all eure Lady's Gesund und brächtig Wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 😉
Hola amigo! 💐 Cuarta semana para estas Dos Green Crack F1 Automatic. 💐 _ LLENO DE BOTONES _ Ellas son realmente rápidas, de momento estoy muy contento con cómo funciona esto para mí. Siempre he tenido un poco de rechazo a las automáticas, no les voy a mentir 🤞. Ahora ese pensamiento desaparece y he aprendido la técnica ideal para darles tamaño en su momento vegetativo 🤜🤛 La línea de @xpertnutrients me convence mucho, el agua inicial tiene un pH de 7.7 aprox y con la mezcla en el orden adecuado el pH se regula sólo! Trabajan en sincronía con el suelo vivo del fondo, que contiene la poca humedad de la maceta textil. Ph: 6.1-6.5 EC: 700 PPM 020+/020- HR: 65% 5+5-. C⁰: 19-26% Manta térmica 24 x 7 con plato. . !! .19 horas de luz: 2 x TS600 LATERALES. !! .15 horas de luz: + 100Watts CENTRAL. !! . La idea es tener un pico de luz asimilando la naturaleza pero sin dejar de lado los soportes laterales, el led central trabaja dos horas después y se apaga dos horas antes del ciclo lumínico diario 🤜🤛 PREPARÁNDOSE PARA LA EXPLOSIÓN DE LUZ QUE VIENE!
WEEK 1: The plants are now in the first week of the growth phase and appear vital. Plant #3 has a somewhat strange leaf shape that is also slightly curled. I hope that this will even out over the course of the growth phase. At the same time, 7 days ago I prepared the soil for the next pot size with FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer) in a separate container. You can clearly see that the earth is increasingly covered in mycelium. In addition, the earth already smells pleasantly of forest floor. - Light Power: 40% - Soil: BioBizz Light Mix - Additives: Dynomyco mycorrhiza granules
WEEK 3: The plants are now in the second week of the growth phase. I topped all three plants on the main stem and cut off the 4 largest top leaves so that the side shoots have more light available. Plant #1 is clearly the smallest and is not as developed as the other two. Since I only want to take two plants into the flowering phase, I tend to sort them out. Plant #2 looks the most vital and has already developed a noticeable smell. Plant #3 still has a strange leaf shape, although I have the impression that this has improved slightly The plants in 6L pots and added 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer). I let the soil develop for 14 days beforehand. Clear mycelia have formed and the soil has a very pleasant forest floor smell. - Light Power: 40% - Soil: BioBizz Light Mix + 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer) - Additives: Dynomyco mycorrhiza granules
WEEK 2: The plants are now in the second week of the growth phase and appear very vital. Plant #3 has recovered significantly and appears very vital. Plant #1 is not quite as lush green, but at the same time it is the least developed. I think it will make up for the slight nutrient deficit. I repotted the plants in 6L pots and added 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer). I let the soil develop for 14 days beforehand. Clear mycelia have formed and the soil has a very pleasant forest floor smell. - Light Power: 40% - Soil: BioBizz Light Mix + 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer) - Additives: Dynomyco mycorrhiza granules
WEEK 4: The plants are now in the third week of the growth phase. I topped all three plants on the main stem and cut off the 4 largest top leaves so that the side shoots have more light available. Plant #1 is clearly the smallest and is not as developed as the other two. Since I only want to take two plants into the flowering phase, I tend to sort them out. Plant #2 looks the most vital and has already developed a noticeable smell. Plant #3 still has a strange leaf shape, although I have the impression that this has improved slightly The plants in 6L pots and added 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer). I let the soil develop for 14 days beforehand. Clear mycelia have formed and the soil has a very pleasant forest floor smell. - Light Power: 40% - Soil: BioBizz Light Mix + 5% FLO (Living Soil Fertilizer) - Additives: Dynomyco mycorrhiza granules
Hola amigo! Semana completa y loca para estas NewGlue de GB Strains, mi fé está puesta en estas semillas que conozco, la primera vez que elijo dos competidores, siempre me fío a la primera 👌🎩 quizás los Dos vayan al muro de los entrenamientos. Estoy planeando algo lindo para mí esposa y todos ustedes y poder demostrar que puedo hacer cosas bonitas y complejas, a lo mejor esto sea algo muy loco 🤟 Estamos en una ola enorme está temporada! 💐❄️ Deseo que tengas una gran semana, exprime tu creatividad! 🤟
Another week has flown by, and our girl is thriving, packing on more weight and filling out beautifully. The jealousy-inducing colors of Zamnesia's genetics are starting to show, with vibrant purple hues emerging on the flowers. The buds are massive, sticky, and exude an enticing aroma. Our girl is looking absolutely delicious!
No hay mucho que comentar, sigo añadiendo humedad pulverizando con agua destilada 3 o 4 veces al dia. Y riego en cuanto veo que está "seco" A los 18 dias les hice un foliar con Hemplex , un bioestimulador. Con estas raices ya necesitan un transplante urgentemente, xd.
11l Pots Topping during week 4 +26C Temp. +60-65% Hum. Soil: Coco Light Mix + Humus Worm Casting (60/40) + Mycorhize Water + Cocos A + Cocos B + Pure zym Ph 6.0 - 6.5
Bruce Banner by Ganja Farmer Seeds Update 🌿 As we step into the 9th week of flowering, our grow is hitting its stride, and the progress is simply fantastic! Our plants are flourishing, but their vigorous growth has presented us with a delightful challenge. The weight of the burgeoning buds has caused some gentle bending in the branches, prompting us to provide additional support to maintain their upright posture. The buds are unfurling with astonishing speed, almost racing ahead of the branches themselves. It's a thrilling race against time! However, it's a delightful conundrum to face when the end result promises to be such exquisite, sugar-coated buds. A significant portion of our success can be attributed to the remarkable contributions of Xpert Nutrients. Their fertilizer has played a pivotal role in nurturing our plants to such magnificent heights. The reason we hold this fertilizer in such high regard is its exceptional quality and effectiveness. Not only does it provide the essential nutrients for robust growth, but it also enhances bud development, resulting in larger, denser, and more resinous flowers. The leaves boast a rich, dark green hue, radiating with health and vitality. Bruce Banner is indeed living up to its lofty reputation, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing its continued evolution in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned for further updates on our journey!
La semana empieza con una pequeña poda de hojas para airear un poco y regando solo con agua hasta la cosecha. Esta semana seria para limpiar un poco el sustrato de nutrientes , sin más. Una limpieza en dos o tres riegos.
Well it took 2 seeds to get a sprout. 1st seed was a dud, or is really slow to germinate. She just sprouted, and seed husk was still hanging on. She is looking good so far. 🤞🏻everything stays on track. Thank you Medic Grow, Xpert, and Seeds Mafia. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
FBT2403 has sprouted, and is doing well. She is getting acclimated, and should start making progress soon. I think my tds is way too high. I will likely dilute it out some. It is way higher then I expected. Everything is looking good beside that. Thank you Fast Buds. Agrogardens, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program https://myfastbuds.com/?a_aid=60910eaff2419
Wow, what a way to welcome me back it's been far too long... 3 weeks of flowering and these ladies have been keeping me on edge with their height proving me wrong almost every step of the way it seems. Let's hope we can avoid a 3rd trellis! I've personally never had any past grows with SLH have this kind of stretch. So this is still blowing my mind and it's limited to the SLH, others are very much normal in behavior. Other than that I'm following the nute schedule with big bloom and cal-mag. Debating on whether to defoil this week or next... or forgoing it completely. I'll give a few days into week 4 before I make any decision.
Jour 35 et tout roule ! Ma plante se développe à merveille, même si elle a décidé de stopper son élongation assez tôt, ce qui lui donne un aspect trapu et compact. Je suis plutôt satisfait de mon suivi, car j'ai réussi à éviter les erreurs du passé, comme le surdosage d'engrais. La terre est suffisamment riche en nutriments organiques pour subvenir à ses besoins. Hâte de voir comment elle va évoluer dans les prochaines semaines Jour 35 Engrais : max mais pas de NPK sauf phosphore et potassium a petite dose. Remarque : la plante ne s'est pas étirée suffisamment
35 jours se sont écoulés depuis la germination, et mes plants de cannabis n'ont jamais été aussi resplendissants. La forme et le palissage sont tout simplement parfaits, atteignant l'apogée que j'espérais depuis le début de cette aventure botanique. Fini les erreurs du passé ! Cette fois-ci, j'ai su tirer parti de la richesse organique de la terre pour éviter le surdosage d'engrais. Résultat : une croissance explosive et vigoureuse, sans aucun stress pour mes protégées. En résumé, tout roule comme sur des roulettes ! La canopée est dense et uniforme et les têtes commencent à se former 🌱 JOUR 35 ENGRAIS : dose max en engrais non NPK Remarque : tout ce passe bien pas de ralentissement.
I’m glad I replaced the first Jet Fuel Gelato I planted which was slow and very behind from the rest, this one caught up to the others rapidly. JFG is growing fast and healthy and I’m already thinking of topping it but also want clones so I’m not sure what route to go?!
Sherbet is growing very well, fast and healthy. Want to take cuttings from this one but also want to top it, don’t know what route to take first?! Would also like to keep a clone to breed with GSC to make some Gelato 45, then eventually cross that with Zkittlez to make some Runtz and so on and so forth! Hopefully everything go as planned.