Okay guys, now this has been an eventful week. unfortunately, I can now only visit my plants on the weekend as I am sutying in another city and the plants are at my parents house. That has translated to the little tiny brown leaf I found last week turning into 3 - 4 semi-rotten buds. So yes, catterpillars. Little pesky green catterpillars were the ones eating the leafs and the ones that have now caused some bud rot on my autoflowers. To wich I have decided to do an emergency early harvest as you can see in the pictures above.
Trichomes were more or less 10 - 20 % cloudy depending on the bud and some buds also had quite a few amber so they cound't have been that far from harvest anyway. I cut off the buds with rot and the buds nearst to them. luckily it was only 1 or 2 big buds on 2 of the 3 autos I have. The remaining auto is the foxtailing one witch I have not yet harvested and am now debating if I should just do it to not risk getting rot over this week I am away or let her ripen more.
The process was cutting off the bad parts, discarding and then cutting off the buds with the stem off the plant. I have never harvested before so I dont know if it is useally done this way but anyway. After the early harvest wich I am sure many would frown upon I did something even morecontroversial and washed the buds in water+backing soda, water+hidrogen peroxide, just water rince and hung them to dry with a fan in front of them for about 2.5hrs. Now I'm a newb so I dont know if this works, but I read and saw a few posts and videos of people doing and explaining this process, and also asked outdoor growers of reddit to see if this is actually a thing, and yes it seems a few if not many people wash their outdoor buds in some way or another.
I washed hoping that if there are any caterpillars in the buds that would kill or at least debilitate them.. none floated off while i was washing though.. so now im scared there are still some in my buds and will rot while im drying :( i checked each bud individually trying not to break them up but didnt find any caterpiullar. i only found one while washing the leafs I had trimmed off the plant before harvesting the buds.
Anyway, I have bought anti caterpillar and anti fungal spray for tthe photoperiod plants wich seem to be doing okay. A part from some white powdery stuff on the leafs, maybe powdery mildew?
Anyone know what can be done for PM ?
Anyway, as usual, thanks for your support and comments! sorry for the long post hehe
Edit: Totally forgot to mention this.. I think the foxtailing auto has gone hermaphrodite and polinated the other plants (?) I found a little dark ball at the bottom of one of the buds I have harvested, I picked it off because I didnt knoe if it was rot.. A SEED CAME OUT! Yeah.. So now Im thinking my plants have been pollinated by the foxtailer? Does this make sense? xD