Things are now advancing smoothly, having effectively weathered the majority of the challenges encountered. It's a truly uplifting experience to watch the process unfold, seeing how the plants are developing and thriving. Each day brings new progress, and I am continually enthusiastic about maximizing the sunlight that each plant receives as they continue on their growth journey.
In addition to the hands-on cultivation aspect, I'm also diligently working on expanding my clones collection. The plan for the next week or so is to cultivate and ready these clones for transplantation. It's an exciting aspect of the process that helps me stay committed to my ultimate goal.
That goal, of course, is to maximize my supply chain and provide high-quality cannabis. This involves more than just horticultural efforts. I am also persistently studying and researching the relevant laws to familiarize myself with the legal process. Navigating the licensing phase is a vital part of this journey, and I am committed to understanding and adhering to all legal requirements to ensure success in this venture.
Diary Entry for Growth Project: Day 24 - Today, a slower-growing plant was effectively moved from its soil environment into an idle hydroponic system. With this transition, the count of prospering plants stands at eight, with a couple more still being monitored due to uncertain growth. Significant discoveries include the paramount importance of light distance to the plants, which was underestimated initially. Further, it has been found that genetically modified seeds hold no superiority over the prevalent autoflower seed market. Additionally, the positioning of the plant and the volume of medium placed between the plants and the water source have been recognized as key determinants in accelerating early stage growth.
Welcome to the Day 25 update of our grow journal. I must apologize for the slight confusion - although the video says it’s day 23, today indeed marks the 25th day of our journey. I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve had a successful transplant. The plants are now settling nicely into their new environments. The question now at hand is, should we introduce stress training?
As we move into days 26 and 27, I have been pondering on this. High-stress training can sometimes stimulate growth, but in our current situation, it might not be the most prudent course of action. This time around, we are expecting all our plants in the grow tent to blossom concurrently.
In light of this, I’m leaning towards letting nature take its course rather than intervening with stress training. By doing so, we will allow our plants to focus their energy solely on flowering. The goal here is to encourage the production of dense and frosty buds, the hallmark of a successful growth cycle.
Rest assured, we’ll continue to provide the plants with the care and nutrients they need. Remember, every cycle is a learning experience, and we’re on this botanical journey together. Keep checking back for more updates on our garden’s progress.