Veg Week 4 Day 28 to 34 - 4/24 to 4/30 A lot more to talk about this week. It's time to start the AutoPot resevoir feed, 2nd Topping, and Wire Training I waited until I saw 3 new nodes of growth (day 29) and then I topped those branches back to the first node leaving a stump for the new nodes to grab as they swell in growth. The branches are quite more stretched than I am used to, so a break is required on the Y branches as they thicken up. I tried not to break the skin and used knitting needles to smash the branches where I wanted them to bend. All went well. I then used ties to the soil to hold them down while they turn back up to the lights. By the end of the week I moved the wire ties to anchor on the main stem instead of the soil Feed this week was a reservoir feed of 200ppm total before add-ins. I used 200ppm Veg concentrate mix (recipe week 2) and then added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0). I then also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 6.1 Feed plan next week will be a another ph decrease and nute increase. I will also Intro BloomMix - Intro AirDome Air Line - 3rd Top/Train Videos: Just an end of week spin
Harvest was sad I didn't want to cut them down. That said, these baby's are dense as hell and smoke amazing. The water cure worked out well and pulled them out when the PPM dropped back to below 50. Not the best yeild but for what I'm going for it's] effect I already planted my next garden lol. Smoke report will have all the other details.
Tienen muy buen color, me gusta la vegeta de estas nenas Hace una semana se fueron de transplante de 1 a 7 litros Y lo recibieron muy bien , ya estamos pensando en pasar a maceta textil de 15L. ¿Quieres ver las raíces? Mira el último video 👀 Si trasplantó pongo la malla si o si, todo dependerá de cómo avancen
A full organic grow, started with hermie issues and a location change and many other factors I'm impressed with the outcome. I will say the genetics seem to be prone to easy foxtailing but the overall bud density is arguably my most preferred. About the density of a big marshmellow? I don't know how else to explain it. Either way when it's all dry I will likely end with 3-4oz dry and trimmed. No larf really everything is a size that I would deem useable. Smoke report next!
Segue engordando bem, acho que vai mais 15 dias. Tirei algumas fotos e ainda não tem tricomas ambar. Também fiz uma desfolhação recente. Acho que vai mas 10 dias
Got some phat girls up in here! Everyone is looking pretty good. A few of the plants are starting to ripen up while some others have at least a few weeks to go. Just filling the reservoir and letting them drink it. These girls show that simplicity isn't always a bad thing. I pulled the slurricane 7 from the system and started flushing it with plain tap water. It got a heavy 10 gallon flush today and I will give it 5 gallons a day for about a week. Just going to keep pumping the juice to the rest of them.
Easy enough to grow. Though out of 3 beans only 2 popped. So that sucks. A pleasure to grow. Mine didn’t seem to get too big tho. I kind of regret removing so many nodes.