D15 - 9.27 - Cruising along, just watering them once a day
D16 - 9.28 - I planted carrots and transplanted the rest of the seedlings. They are all in the same space. That one LA Sunset never really started to thrive, but I'll keep it for now.
D18 - 9.30 - I topped my first plant for mainlining. I picked the strongest FWW with the most growth tip at the 3rd node and just went for it. She may be a little young, so I left her fan leaves for support. I've decided to do 3 groups of two for this grow, in an attempt to experience how these different strains respond to different techniques - Pair 1 will be mainlined with 8 mains, Pair 2 will be mainlined with 4 mains and Par 3 will not be mainlined but traditionally topped to 4 mains.
D19 - 10.1 - Topped the first Black Sugar for mainlining. Her growth tips are really nice looking.
D20 - 10.2 - Have them all topped 👌