Filling out beautifully. That stack is amazing. Getting so frosty. Sweet smelling. The buds are so solid
She's just caked. Incredible. Followed by sweet smells around the room. Shes a small beauty!
Can I smoke it already?! Ice Cream Cake by nature, the bud is covered i pure sweet resin goodness! Harvest soon!!
Apr 28: all three seeds germinated strongly. Keeping the soil fairly dry this time and will focus on keeping them misted with water. Historically I watered the soil before planting the seed, but I think that likely slows down root formation as my plants always looked slow to start. So, will try it with drier soil this time to see if things start faster. Apr 30: some spring snow.
On 5th week in flower, smelling gassy /underneath nose earthy in there as well. Looking stacked but I really appreciate the free seed. Definitely going to order cereal milk and continue with MSNL genetics . Got me liking the Forbidden Fruit , now Gary Payton and Lava Cake remind yall this my first time growing these strains . I got London Pound Cake from MSNL as well they in the freezer waiting to be pop…
Apr 27: and they’re off. Both seeds germinated very strongly. I’m keeping the soil drier this time. I think maybe I’ve had soil too wet when starting seeds before and that slowed them down a bit. Will focus on keeping the seedlings moist to make up for the low air humidity. Once they get some roots going then I’ll start normal watering. Apr 30: snow day but plants are all still inside under lights. So far so good. May 1: one seedling is a bit bigger than the other at this early stage. I’ll pick one to keep and adopt out the other one.
May 3, 2024 Day 78 This week is the last week of nutrients before a week or so of flushing. I'm still not seeing any fade, but most of the buds are turning a beautiful purple pink color. At least on Tropicana Cookies. Tropicana C isn't quite there yet. Maybe a few days behind. Some purple is starting to show though. No watering for today. I have the reservoirs full of diluted nutrients. I added a half gallon of plain PHed water yesterday. However, these plants aren't taking in much. The soil is getting saturated and the plants aren't drinking as much. I think it may be nutrient lockout. Or just the age of the plants. They slow down when nearing the end. How near, I don't really know. Maybe a week or so before harvest? Either way, the soil moisture used to be around 49% to 51% saturation. Now it's at 57% which has been unheard of through the whole run. I just can't tell which problem it is. Tropicana Cookies looks great! Lots of bud through the whole plant, not big, but getting denser and slightly fatter. As I said before, her buds are getting super purple with tons of orange pistils. The trichomes are a mix of clear, cloudy and amber. Mostly clear and cloudy with amber being about 5% throughout. Tropicana C looks great as well. One top is leaning hard and no wonder. It's covered top to bottom is dense bud. Still not big buds by any stretch of the imagination, but they seem hard as rocks. I haven't felt them to find out. I'll figure that out on trimming day after drying. She doesn't have the purple coloring like her sister, at least not yet. Some buds are starting to show the purple, but nowhere near as much. The lighting will be changed at some point within the week. Maybe closer to the end of the week. The light is far away enough where I shouldn't get any trichome issues. I definitely won't be getting light stress at all, so I may leave the light as it is for as long as I can. The environment is still a little wonky. The temp is the same, hovering between 75° and 76°. I'm doing my best to keep it under 77° as 78° can cause a potential breakdown of trichomes. Gotta be careful at this crucial time. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.2° RH: 55.0% VPD: 1.23 kPa
Buds are fattening and the smell is a mix of gas, berries and something else funky I cant put my nose on it
W12.D1(1) 🌞🌱✂️🔍💡Good day! 🌞 Opening the 12th week of grow (and the 4th week of flowering), I continue to meticulously and gradually remove the fan leaves 🌱 that block the light from penetrating deeply ✂️. I do this gradually 🔍, aiming to minimize the reduction of photosynthesis and stress for the girl 💡. She seems to be feeling quite well, in my opinion 💡.
# Grow Bericht: Woche 5 In der 5. Woche sind die meisten Pflanzen in die Blütephase eingetreten, mit Ausnahme der zwei späteren Lemon Cherry Cookies. Düngung: Ich habe den Dünger um **Bio Bizz Bloom** und **Top Max** erweitert, allerdings nur für die zwei Mimosa Cake Pflanzen. Schädlingsbekämpfung: Die Trauermücken, die ich zuvor entdeckt hatte, sind nach der Behandlung mit Neemöl fast verschwunden. Pflanzenentwicklung: Die Pflanzen entwickeln ein schönes, großes Blattwerk. Die CBD-Pflanze sieht jedoch weiterhin nicht gesund aus. Vielleicht hat jemand aus der Community einen Rat dazu? Bei der Strawberry Banana Pflanze sehe ich eine mögliche Überdüngung an den Blattspitzen. Luftfeuchtigkeit: Ich habe einen Luftentfeuchter hinzugefügt, was dazu beigetragen hat, die Luftfeuchtigkeit relativ konstant zu halten. Das war's für diese Woche. Ich freue mich auf die kommenden Wochen und bin gespannt, wie sich meine Pflanzen weiterentwickeln werden. Bis zum nächsten Update!
As soon as I got these seeds I dropped them in a bowl of water @10am on April 30th. Planted directly into soil 7pm at sundown on the 30th. I wet the soil since it was pretty dry. It won't be an issue with this forecast. We had good temperature for germination week. The evenings were still lower 60's but the days warmed up above 70 °F. We had good sunshine on the 2nd. We received a heavy rain in the afternoon and intermittently that night into the morning of the 3rd. Our temps cooled off with the rain and we didn't above 72° F on the 3rd. It was a little wetter than I prefer, but our soil drained well and fastbuds genetics can handle the less than perfect condition. The above listed nutrients were premixed into the soil at the listed rates per gallon of soil.
It is getting more humid in the grow tent this week. I need to do another refresh on my DWC water right away. It's smelling slightly stale. I should have done it sooner and not waited for the smell to be noticeable. Anyways it's looking good and will enjoy a refresh today. So I touched a leaf today to remove it and after smelling my hand I had a urge to cut her down and smoke it. She's got an omg sweet aroma covering your hands that just makes me wanna pinch a top off and try it. I feel like a cat hit by the wiff of the nip. I'll been using sticks to handle from now on.
Die erste Woche geschafft 😮‍💨😅 Nein war ganz easy, wachsen ohne Probleme. Die ersten Tage habe ich per Sprühflasche feucht gehalten, ab Tag 5 habe ich normal Gegossen (Ca. 250ml.) Aktuell ist die +Speed am kleinsten.
As soon as I got these seeds I dropped them in a bowl of water @10am on April 30th. Planted directly into soil 7pm at sundown on the 30th. I wet the soil before planting. We had good temperature for germination week. The evenings were still lower 60's but the days warmed up above 70 °F. May 1st it was cloudy but 80° F. We had good sunshine on the 2nd. We received a heavy rain in the afternoon and intermittently that night into the morning of the 3rd. Our temps cooled off with the rain and we didn't get above 72° F on the 3rd. It was a little wetter than I prefer, but our soil drained well and fastbuds genetics can handle the less than perfect condition. The above listed nutrients were premixed into the soil at the listed rates per gallon of soil.
It is getting more humid in the grow tent this week. I need to do another refresh on my DWC water right away. It's smelling slightly stale. I should have done it sooner and not waited for the smell to be noticeable. Anyways it's looking good and will enjoy a refresh today. So I touched a leaf today to remove it and after smelling my hand I had a urge to cut her down and smoke it. She's got an omg sweet aroma covering your hands that just makes me wanna pinch a top off and try it. I feel like a cat hit by the wiff of the nip. I'll been using sticks to handle from now on.
As soon as I got these seeds I dropped them in a bowl of water @10am on April 30th. Planted directly into soil 7pm at sundown on the 30th. I wet the soil before planting. We had good temperature for germination week. The evenings were still lower 60's but the days warmed up above 70 °F. May 1st it was cloudy but 80° F. We had good sunshine on the 2nd. We received a heavy rain in the afternoon and intermittently that night into the morning of the 3rd. Our temps cooled off with the rain and we didn't get above 72° F on the 3rd. It was a little wetter than I prefer, but our soil drained well and fastbuds genetics can handle the less than perfect condition. The above listed nutrients were premixed into the soil at the listed rates per gallon of soil.
As soon as I got these seeds I dropped them in a bowl of water @10am on April 30th. Planted directly into soil 7pm at sundown on the 30th. I wet the soil since it was pretty dry. It won't be an issue with this forecast. We had good temperature for germination week. The evenings were still lower 60's but the days warmed up above 70 °F. We had good sunshine on the 2nd. We received a heavy rain in the afternoon and intermittently that night into the morning of the 3rd. Our temps cooled off with the rain and we didn't above 72° F on the 3rd. It was a little wetter than I prefer, but our soil drained well and fastbuds genetics can handle the less than perfect condition. The above listed nutrients were premixed into the soil at the listed rates per gallon of soil.
Auto Opium is growing good. She has put out her first pistils. So she is transitioning into flowering. She is in need of a solution change and will get it this weekend everything has been going well and Nothing to report. Thank you Divine Seeds, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Auto moon rock is doing her thing. She is starting to do more flowering. Her appetite has increased. Hopefully she stretches a little more before she starts bulking. Everything has been going okay for the little plant. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g