Day 64 (First Grow, Flowering Phase): Hey everyone! Weโ€™re on day 64, and the flowering phase is in full swing. The buds are forming beautifully, and the plants have grown 5-10 cm above the SCROG net, creating a lush canopy. The humidity is steady at around 50% or lower, which is ideal for this stage. To recap, we've been maintaining an even canopy with the SCROG net and our Timor shield mantis continues to keep pests at bay naturally. Our plants are thriving, thanks to the even light distribution and careful humidity control. We're considering installing a second fan in a few weeks to improve airflow and potentially adding a second SCROG net to support the plants as they continue to stretch during flowering. This should help stabilize the plants and ensure they get the support they need as the buds get heavier. Any tips or advice for the next steps? Let us know in the comments!
semana tranquila me olvide de anotar cuando regue, flora booster no me acuerdo, y 06/07 riego con agua, una de las plantas ya se esta comiendo todos los nutrientes disponibles, mientras que la otra todavia sigue teniendo reservas, cada vez mas resinosas, la planta que se esta comiendo todos los nutrientes ya manifiesta en algunas partes tricomas color ambar, aunque esperare 2 semanas mas para ver si la corto o no
Se non fosse stato per la cima ammuffita, avrei fatto un bel risultato perรฒ per essere la prima esperienza dโ€™oro, me ne ritengo soddisfatto, anche se so che ho un estremo potenziale
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping ๐Ÿ˜… Day 101 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ’š
Day 65 Day 15 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Water de-chlorinated tap pH 6.2 today. I have had to do a deep defoliation, and light LST, she just climbed last week ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜… and air flow was becoming a problem finding wet spots under leaves is no go at this stage in flower . So here is her update, she is absolutely huge ๐Ÿคฉ thank you SSSC for allowing me this run, I'm going to dedicate my whole space to a full auto run for her next. She has un tapped potential ๐Ÿ‘Œ. Updated pictures and a video today. Day 66 07/07/24 Sunday no water/feed today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short video ๐Ÿคฉ Single plant monster โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’š
This Is Going To Be Massive! I mixed Ocean Forest and cow shit in 4 gallons, then I added Dr. Earth 2-2-2 Fertilizer, and then the other 3 gallons of Scotts Organic. I mixed all that up and I put 2 dozen nightcrawlers in it, and planted it Straight Into It. After it grew some I topped it. Then I topped that one, and again and again lol I don't think I'm going to top it anymore though... I e Got a Tennis Net for My ScrOG net, Cause I Cant Afford Nothing (Tennis Net I Found For .75) I'm Not Feeding It Nothing But Rain Water And I Go Out When It's Been Dry And Water It In The Mornings... Tell me what you think of this jank setup lol
APRICOT GORILLA AUTO / GANJA FARMER WEEK #8 OVERALL Week #2 FLOWER This week she enters week 2 of flower and her buds are forming nicely, and she doubled in size this week amazingly!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! Thank you GANJA FARMER!! GANJA FARMER APRICOT GORILLA AUTO