6/12 Thunderstorms turned to sun Plants are growing substantially. The ones that were damaged from the sun have pulled out of it. I checked the fim I did on a gmo that later burned and it has five tops! I took a couple videos bur I'll have to wait until tomorrow to upload them. Despite the weather severity and inconsistencies I'm in a really good spot. I'll upload the two videos tomorrow when I'm in a better area. Wifi is far to slow. 6/13 Rained yesterday before turning to hot sun. Supposed to be in the 90s today. Due to the rain and storms we've been having I hacebt had to water. Soil is still moist. Plants seem to be growing at a great pace. With all this rain they've gotten a hearty dose of the nutes in my soul mix and then when the sun comes out and they bask for a few hours they look considerable bigger. Another storm coming up but other than that weather is good. Plants are happy and doing well. 6/14 Plants are loving this hot weather. Rainy then it will clear up and be sunny. All plants have recovered from the shock of the weather and are growing like crazy. Ice started some lsting. I haven't even had to water. 6/15 Medium is still damp. I don't think we'll get much rain the next few days but we've gotten a lot lately. I'll continue playing it by ear. The water lasts much longer with the smaller plants in lather containers. Later in the summer I could be watering daily. If there is no rain I'll allow the bags to dry out and I'll water them. I may start them on a small nutrient schedule like the fox farm organic one you use for the entirety. I've hesitated though because my soil is chock full of nutrients and they show no sighs of deficiencies. I'll keep an eye on it. They look great though. 9/16 Watered after church. 3 1/2 gallons so approximately a half gallon each. Iys been really hot and i dont see rain in the forecast. Also broke the gmo that I fimmed right at a topping point. It wasnt wilted, and I ran and grabbed duct tape and fixed it. I've had good luck in the past this way. Hopfully I will this time as well. Still sucks though 9/17 The plant that split at the V that I taped up seems to be doing just fine. Looks just like the other top next to it. Thank God. Things seem to be going well. I'm wondering if I should start giving nutrients but I don't see any deficiencies and I know this soil mix lasts pretty much through veg without showing signs of deficiencies. I think it might be a case of "if it's not broke don't fix it." I'll look back on diaries and I'll do some research. 9/18 It's overcast but it's been in the upper 80's. I checked the plants around 11 and they looked good. They'll need water but I'm holding off until the morning. The plant I broke at the crook shows no signs of wilting or any negative effects. I assume it will come back stronger. I was thinking about watering tonight but at 12 there was still a little moisture. They will be fine until morning. Plants seem bigger every day.
I'm sorry, but at the time I stopped updating the diaries because I moved to a new house and changed my routines. I'll leave a photo of the final product here, but don't worry, I'll be back at full speed. 🚀🚀 new diaries coming 🔜🔜
I'm sorry, but at the time I stopped updating the diaries because I moved to a new house and changed my routines. I'll leave a photo of the final product here, but don't worry, I'll be back at full speed. 🚀🚀 new diaries coming 🔜🔜
I'm sorry, but at the time I stopped updating the diaries because I moved to a new house and changed my routines. I'll leave a photo of the final product here, but don't worry, I'll be back at full speed. 🚀🚀 new diaries coming 🔜🔜
So, I start the harvest last week, but didn't get time to post here, first were the top bud, and this week I got the rest of the plant, it is a good strategy as the lower buds could develop a little more! Amazing growth! I am very happy with the wield, it was my 3 growth at all and my first LST! Great results! Thank you all for the support! Now I will stop for 3 months, going to Africa for a little bit! :-)
Well I originally had this one entered into the solo cup contest but I had an unexpected event happen and left my plants unattended for almost 2 weeks so I transferred this one into a 2 gallon so I could see what this Breed strain could produce and despite the unplanned mishaps it came out stanky Danny and frosty ass ❄️ so today is going to be cut down this lil lady for the harvest
Just began flower, smells a little, but coming along, also with hips of bud sites. Some buns from net nut mix.
Lo mismo que Haribo, tuve retrasos en el crecimiento ,carencias de nitrógeno, la humedad estaba relativamente alta las primeras semanas de floración … un desastre y aun así la calidad de las flores no defrauda. Lastima lo del Foco a ver si conseguimos solucionarlo ya, porque así la producción es mínima.
Grew in freezing temperatures my tent was barely 16 celcius,
Always seemed like it needed cal/mag because of the neon green color. I did give it to them but didn’t make a difference.