Sponsored grow ***DIVINE SEEDS ***** Week 3 6/23-29 6/24 Water and feed 1ltr each TPS1 12ml Kelp 1/4c Cal mag 1 tsp per gal PH 5.6 PPM 945 Temp 73 6/27 Water and feed 1ltr each TPS1 12ml Kelp 1/4c Cal mag 1 tsp per gal PH 6.9 PPM 1130 Temp 74 6/29 Water and feed 1ltr each TPS1 12ml Kelp 1/4c Cal mag 1 tsp per gal PH 6.9 PPM 1130 Temp 74 Auto Opium My inside grow is a variety of Divine seeds and Royal Queen Seeds. All are receiving the same nutrients and but slightly diluted for the autos. Both RQS Milky Way and Medusa) and Divine Seeds Opium show the same nutrient deficiency/excess in the leaves. Divine Bullet and Escobar do not reflect the nutrient issue indicating strong genetics. Thank you @DivineSeeds for the opportunity to participate in the auto grow contest. Thanks for the visits, likes and comments; I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 DIVINE SEEDS ***AUTO OPIUM*** Harvest:1000 g/m2 Divine Seeds developed Opium as a new champion strain, unprecedently powerful and loaded with unbelievable quantities of resin. Certainly, no average genetic base could be behind such brilliant parameters! Several Afghani Indica landraces, recognized as most potent and resinous, were bred together with a mighty Brazilian Sativa which Opium inherits its bright berry taste from. Then a great deal of work followed aiming for the highest THC level and endurability as well as a branchy structure that would provide maximal yields. Now we can proudly title Opium the best Indica you could dream of growing! Indoors these plants mostly stay mid-height (1.5 m), reaching up to 2.0 m out of doors. Depending on your height limitations, Opium flourishes universally in grow boxes, balconies, green houses and terraces. Due to its Afghani parentage, this strain can stand hot weather if provided enough water and some shadow. Responds well to any training techniques: ScroG and SoG, LST, topping and FIM, supercropping. The start of blooming is marked with a rush of growth, when plants stretch almost 1.4x. Expect heavy colas that often require additional supports. Whilst ripening, Opium gives off a pungent earthy stench with fruity and berry undertones, also a bit of pine. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. The stoning psychedelic impact of Opium is like being hypnotized (unless you’ve had too much, then it feels more like a blackout). Stone-lovers will appreciate every minute with Opium: its spicy taste immerses your mind into daydreaming, while the body rests flat. Recreation with this psychedelic Indica means silent tripping from one insight to another. Mighty enough to kill chronical pains, Opium is also medically efficient against insomnia, nausea, appetite disorders, muscle spasms, headaches, irritation, fatigue, panic attacks, epilepsy. Best consumed at night time, the effects keep going for up to 4 hours. Equipment and nutrients Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Recharge Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Opium Feminized Seeds Opium - Divine Seeds breeding company
Die Temperaturen sind seit einigen Tagen sehr niedrig, was ich versuche, möglichst zu regeln, indem ich den Lüfter bis auf 10 % gedimmt habe Und eine Heizmatte im Zelt habe. Tagsüber hält sich die Temperatur relativ gut bei 18-20° nachts fällt sie auf 16° wenn das Licht aus ist. Die Pflanzen wurden entlaubt und beschnitten.
11/09/2024 La croissance se passe bien . la plante est vigoureuse et repond tres bien a l entraînement. Je viens de couper les apex pour une seconde fois avant la mise en flo je devrais l avoir realisé au minimum 4 fois. Elle a tres réagi au rempotage dans son pot definitif. Un peu tot pour elle .Mais le rempotage devait etre réalisé en meme temps que les autres filles.
Day 135 14/09/24 Saturday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with Plagron products. Day 136 15/09/24 Sunday Light top up of 2L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only. Day 138 17/09/24 Tuesday Feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6. She is stacking now 😁💚 Picture and video up, ✌️😎 Day 140 19/09/24 Thursday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only today. Day 142 21/09/24 Saturday Another feed to push this week they seem to be handling it 💚. Fattening up on the buds now and pistils starting to mature. Day 143 22/09/24 Sunday (End of week) Damn!! Noticed I have leaf rollers!!! Damn caterpillar, from moths. So I have removed affected leaves and areas.💚
🌱 Day 57 - Start of the Second-to-Last Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, Grow Friends! Today marks the start of the second-to-last flowering week—Week 9 overall, and Week 5 of flowering. 🌿 I’m getting more and more excited as my first grow nears its end. As I approach harvest, I’ve decided, based on my research, to stop feeding nutrients and stick to just pH-adjusted water for the final two weeks. 💧⚖️ Watering Routine: I’ll keep the same watering schedule—1 liter every two days, which is about 10% of the pot volume. 🌱💧 This should be enough to flush out the remaining nutrients, ensuring a clean finish for the plant. Temperature & Humidity: The temperature remains stable between 19-23°C, which I believe is ideal for this stage of the grow. 🌡️🍂 No more high temperatures to worry about! The humidity is fluctuating between 45-58%, and I’m keeping a close eye on it to stay below 60%. 💧🔍 Everything seems on track for now. 🌿 Plant Health & Growth: The plant still looks very healthy overall. 🌱💪 However, I’ve noticed that in the past three days, there haven’t been any visible changes in the size of the buds. 🤔 It could just be that I’m not seeing the growth clearly, but the only noticeable change is the daily opening of new flower calyxes. 🌸 Harvest Preparation: I’m already getting my equipment ready for drying after harvest. 🛠️ Once it’s time to cut, I’ll be hanging the plant to dry for the first 10 days. 🌿✂️ I want to make sure everything is set for a smooth drying process. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, daily photos of the plant will be posted! 📸🌱
🌱 Day 57 - Start of the Second-to-Last Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, Grow Friends! Today marks the start of the second-to-last flowering week—Week 9 overall, and Week 5 of flowering. 🌿 I’m getting more and more excited as my first grow nears its end. As I approach harvest, I’ve decided, based on my research, to stop feeding nutrients and stick to just pH-adjusted water for the final two weeks. 💧⚖️ Watering Routine: I’ll keep the same watering schedule—1 liter every two days, which is about 10% of the pot volume. 🌱💧 This should be enough to flush out the remaining nutrients, ensuring a clean finish for the plant. Temperature & Humidity: The temperature remains stable between 19-23°C, which I believe is ideal for this stage of the grow. 🌡️🍂 No more high temperatures to worry about! The humidity is fluctuating between 45-58%, and I’m keeping a close eye on it to stay below 60%. 💧🔍 Everything seems on track for now. 🌿 Plant Health & Growth: The plant still looks very healthy overall. 🌱💪 However, I’ve noticed that in the past three days, there haven’t been any visible changes in the size of the buds. 🤔 It could just be that I’m not seeing the growth clearly, but the only noticeable change is the daily opening of new flower calyxes. 🌸 Harvest Preparation: I’m already getting my equipment ready for drying after harvest. 🛠️ Once it’s time to cut, I’ll be hanging the plant to dry for the first 10 days. 🌿✂️ I want to make sure everything is set for a smooth drying process. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, daily photos of the plant will be posted! 📸🌱
🌱 Day 57 - Start of the Second-to-Last Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, Grow Friends! Today marks the start of the second-to-last flowering week—Week 9 overall, and Week 5 of flowering. 🌿 I’m getting more and more excited as my first grow nears its end. As I approach harvest, I’ve decided, based on my research, to stop feeding nutrients and stick to just pH-adjusted water for the final two weeks. 💧⚖️ Watering Routine: I’ll keep the same watering schedule—1 liter every two days, which is about 10% of the pot volume. 🌱💧 This should be enough to flush out the remaining nutrients, ensuring a clean finish for the plant. Temperature & Humidity: The temperature remains stable between 19-23°C, which I believe is ideal for this stage of the grow. 🌡️🍂 No more high temperatures to worry about! The humidity is fluctuating between 45-58%, and I’m keeping a close eye on it to stay below 60%. 💧🔍 Everything seems on track for now. 🌿 Plant Health & Growth: The plant still looks very healthy overall. 🌱💪 However, I’ve noticed that in the past three days, there haven’t been any visible changes in the size of the buds. 🤔 It could just be that I’m not seeing the growth clearly, but the only noticeable change is the daily opening of new flower calyxes. 🌸 Harvest Preparation: I’m already getting my equipment ready for drying after harvest. 🛠️ Once it’s time to cut, I’ll be hanging the plant to dry for the first 10 days. 🌿✂️ I want to make sure everything is set for a smooth drying process. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, daily photos of the plant will be posted! 📸🌱
I’ve added recharge to the plants to boost growth and they responded well, there’s one LSD-25 that isn’t getting as much growth out of her and seems to be very small. The Purple Lemonade has started to show signs of pre-flower development but the LSD-25’s continue to veg out. I’ve added pasture raised egg shells to my medium for more calcium to be available for the plants
First time I shoot a germination timelapse. That was about 36 hours in 2 min, if you are interested. She took a while to trigger though. Let's see how she grows.
9/14/24 9/16/24 plants growth is starting to take off. i will transplant soon. i also need to get her onto a proper feeding schedule.
13.09.24. VD# 35 Guten Abend zusammen, Die Woche ist super verlaufen der Pineapple Express geht es gut. Habe sie getoppt ,sie ist noch in der Erholungsphase ihr Wachstum ist leicht gemindert ,was sich in den nächsten Tagen legen wird. Ihre seitentriebe treiben jetzt mehr aus,sobald die 2 neuen Haupttriebe wieder richtig aktiv Wachsen sie den Stress komplett überstanden hat. Wird sie in die Blüte geschickt der 18/6 Zyklus wird dann auf 12/12 gestellt. Ohne den Stress den sie jetzt hat würde sie ihr Geschlecht eigentlich schon zeigen, da jetzt Primär die Wundheilung im Vordergrund steht verschiebt sich dies ein bißchen. Ich danke euch vielmals fürs vorbei schauen, stay High✌️🙂 Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 💪🏻 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 13.09.24. VD# 35 Good evening everyone, The week has gone really well for the Pineapple Express. I topped her, she is still in the recovery phase, her growth is slightly reduced, which will subside in the next few days. Her side shoots are now sprouting more, as soon as the 2 new main shoots are growing actively again she has completely survived the stress. If she is sent into flowering the 18/6 cycle will then be changed to 12/12. Without the stress she has now, she would actually already be showing her sex,but now that the primary focus is on wound healing, this is being postponed a little. Thank you very much for stopping by, stay High✌️🙂 May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 💪🏻