Growing for the Growers Gauntlet in discord. Come check it out! There's a bunch of amazing growers throwing down right now for the title of Champion Homegrower! This gelat og is doing amazing. This is the first week of flower and she's already got a lot of amazing bud sites.
Growing for the Growers Gauntlet in discord. Come check it out! There's a bunch of amazing growers throwing down right now for the title of Champion Homegrower! This gelat og is doing amazing. This is the first week of flower and she's already got a lot of amazing bud sites.
Good for sure Might be 7 week flower to finish such great indoor plants!! The shortest FruitWalker I have found with s Short SVF !!
Day 63 Fiona handled the defoliation really well so I LSTd her one (last?) time. I think the intense stretching is over and from now on all that will grow are her many (!) flower sites 🌸 First pistels showing and you can already smell her. Day 66 Fed her 2l with half the recommended dose of nutes. She is so happy with life right now, she started praying 🙏😍 She is not growing in size anymore so the daily LST sessions are over. Day 67 Just when I thought Fiona couldn‘t make me any prouder, I found a calyx that seems to indicate she is going to develop the red/purple optics promised for 60% of the strain‘s plants 🤞
After just sort of 5 weeks at 18 hours light, the photoperiod RQS Mimosa plants are at 16". I'm starting to worry about the 'stretch' of the sativa plants will grow too close to lights. So I switched to 12/12 at this time. Started the Fox Farm flowering nuts about this time as well. Photos here are bit into week 5... but wow now we can see the starting of the flowering, so cool.
May 24, 2024 Day 99 This is the last week for these ladies. They have until the end of this week and then harvest no matter what. I'd much prefer to harvest them sooner, but I don't have space in my dry tent. It's only a 2x2 and the Tropicana Cookies just finished up and will be in there for about 7 days. Banana Purple Punch A needs a half gallon of water today. She's not done yet and she's all dried up. So I'll give her that half gallon of plain water today PHed to 6.1 and that's it. She should be dry again in a week. I'll be checking trichomes today as well. I'll update when I finish up. Banana Purple Punch B is amazing. She smells wonderful and now with the Tropicana Cookies out of the tent, her aroma can shine. Wow. I'll be checking trichomes as well today. She also finished up her reservoir but she's still pretty moist. It must have emptied yesterday. This may last the week. I'll need a few days for her to dry out as well. So I might have to add a bit more water. Maybe a quarter gallon? Just enough for her to last the rest of the week. I'll see how she is tomorrow. The environment is still a bit wonky. The humidity is still in the mid 50's% with the temp being around 73°. It's currently at 76° and 57% humidity. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.2° RH: 56.7% VPD: 1.17 kPa May 25, 2024 It's rainy today and naturally, the humidity in my room is stupid high. So in the tent the humidity is back to 60%. I'll be opening the tent door again every couple of hours today. Banana Purple Punch A is starting to look like a hot mess. Tops are starting to flop over and there's a super weird fade going on. Leaves that just curled up and turned super dead yellow. Some of the leaves are showing purple, and the tops are getting purple hues. Still a bit of a mess. Banana Purple Punch B is getting more and more purple. Her leaves are starting to lighten up as well. We can certainly see the start of the fade. The tops have nearly all purple sugar leaves. The buds are still pretty green. I wonder how it works with this one. We shall see over the next 6 days. I might have to add a half gallon of water to her reservoir. She's already a bit too dry to last the week. So I'll do that later today I think. Maybe first thing tomorrow. Harvest time is 6 days away now. Both ladies are looking super close to being done. Hell, I may even go past the ideal time by a couple days. That's perfectly fine. I could use a good sedative. The environment is back to being an absolute mess. The temp is at 75°, which is fine. But the humidity is back up to 60%. Hopefully I can get the humidity to drop a bit. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.1° RH: 55.1% VPD: 1.30 kPa May 26, 2024 These 2 are shaping up to be some heavy yielders. Both have massive buds and are on their way to being fully done. Another 5 days I think and they will be ready for harvest. However, I may have to keep them in there for a few extra days. The Tropicana Cookies in the dry tent are taking a bit longer to dry than I anticipated. Banana Purple Punch A looks great. I ended up using a piece of a plant tie to prop up one of the most leaning tops. Looks great now. Much more light penetration to the lowers. Banana Purple Punch B is absolutely amazing right now. MASSIVE buds that weigh a whole lot. She finally has a distinct purple look to her. And it's just getting more and more purple. When she is done, I believe she will have some beautiful foliage and lots of dark purple leaves. She got about 1/3 of a gallon of water today to the reservoir. She was dry and she has much too long to go before she should be that dry. The leaves are all starting to turn a bright green and fading into deep purples and yellows with orange. Fall foliage indeed. I'll also be doing a full defoliation in 3 days I think. I want to clear as much foliage as I can before wet trimming. It doesn't seem as though wet trimming will be all that bad. There's sugar leaves, but they are big instead of plentiful. So it should be pretty quick. Drying may pose an issue. If the humidity keeps up like this, I'll have a lot of trouble keeping it below 62% in the dry tent. We have a few days left anyway, so maybe it will go back down by then. The light is the same. I did take the DLI today and the average is about 40 mol/m²/d, so that's fine. I'd much rather it be closer to 36 mol/m²/d, but then it would interrupt the Sour Diesels in the tent that just started to flower. The environment is really off today. It's super humid out and it's showing and killing my good vibes. The temp is a bit low at 73°. I would prefer it to be 75° during the day. It helps with all the plants in the tent. Oh well not won't stay low for long. It should start to creep up later today. The humidity is still super high at 63% today. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 60.9% VPD: 1.15 kPa May 27, 2024 Both ladies got a half gallon in their reservoirs today. Both were way too dry for now, sona half gallon should last them at least the night. Just 4 more days and we can harvest. Unless this humidity doesn't let up, then I have to wait even longer for the Tropicana Cookies to dry. AND risk mold! Damn it! Banana Purple Punch A is starting to get floppy. I hooked some of the tops to each other so they will stand. A couple outer branches were starting to fall as well, so the were also tied up. Hopefully that solves the issue for the next 4 days. Maybe 5 or even 6 now. Too long in my opinion. She doesn't have much in terms of fading but it's starting at least. Her leaves are all messed up. So I'm not bothering with the fade honestly. If she fades, she fades. I'll be defoliating in 2 days anyway. Then wet trimming, so the leaves aren't really a thing to bother with now. She also has lowers with white pistils. They are developed, but the pistils are still white. Those are going to change in. Matter of days. Banana Purple Punch B is shaping up to be the best plant of this run. She's actually the shortest, but has the best structure and the most solid buds and a lot of them. She's also doing quite well in her final days. Her leaves are turning dark purple with the lowers turning bright green. She got a quarter gallon of water yesterday and drank it up almost immediately. I think I'll have to keep her watered for the next couple of days. She will certainly dry out quickly when I stop watering, so I think she will only need a couple days to fully dry out. Currently, she is about 34% soil moisture content. Not bad at all. It might go up to 45% with the half gallon, but no higher. I haven't done trichomes in a few days. I may get a video in today or tomorrow. Both plants could use a good viewing. Not that it matters, as I have to schedule my harvest, regardless of doneness. But we'll check them for science. The environment is back to being the bane of my existence. Seriously, it's driving me insane. So the humidity is WAY up at 65% with the temp being around 74°. It's horrible. I really don't want to keep opening the tent. It just takes away precious light space. The average night temp was also high at 70° with the humidity still being up at 64% I have no idea how these ladies haven't gotten bid rot or mold. Maybe it's because it's like a wind tunnel in there. Exhaust on full power, two 6 inch oscillating clip fans facing each other. There's no space untouched by some sort of airflow. It's not a heavy wind, but like a light breeze. Update: I finally took some trichome videos and was a bit surprised at what I found. Both plants have tons of cloudy barely any clear and a good amount of amber. The extra 4 to 6 days may be a bit too long. We shall see. Some of the lowers still have white pistils and only have amber trichomes on the leaves. So there's time for them to finish up. We'll see how this works out. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 60.8% VPD: 1.11 kPa May 28, 2024 Very late entry today. I was quite busy wet trimming Banana Purple Punch A for the chop. Yep, you heard it. The chop. One of the Tropicana Cookies finished drying today and I thought it was time to harvest her. So she got a full wet trim and is hanging in the dry tent. She weighs in at a total of 22.26 oz wet hang. She has heavy buds, so the weight retention should be impressive. Maybe 5 oz? Maybe 4. Not bad. Banana Purple Punch B will be harvested when the last Tropicana Cookies is done. That should be in about 4 to 5 days. Currently I have her moved to the back of the tent with the Sour Diesels taking over the rest. She looks great. More and more purple. The environment is still crazy. Super high humidity and nothing I can do about it. I've tried AC, no AC and just started the heater. Something has to work. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.5° RH: 63.2% VPD: 0.98 kPa May 29, 2024 Nothing to do today. Banana Purple Punch A is on her first day of drying and I expect it to take 10 to 14 days based on the current environment in the dry tent. I did put a dehumidifier in there to help clear it out. It won't be permanent. Just until I can get the humidity back down to 60%. Then it will come out and go back in the 3x3. This will then help regulate the humidity for Banana Purple Punch B. Banana Purple Punch B looks great! She will be harvested whenever the dry tent has a free spot. Should be in about 4 to 6 days, unless the humidity drops below 60% and then maybe 3, but I doubt it. I also finally was able to take her off the risers and it worked a charm. The Sour Diesels in the tent aren't being overshadowed anymore and she is at a perfect light distance. With the drop of the risers, the canopy DLI is now 38 mol/m²/d. Over the next few days, it should make the buds even more purple and dense. The 3x3 environment is around 63% and at 73°. Still super high. The dehumidifier should start working soon. We will see a small drop in humidity. Maybe a jump in temp, but I need to get the humidity down somehow. The temp is nice and low for this lady, but not great for the other plants. I'd rather it be around 75° or even better 74.5°. Because I was able to remove the risers from Banana Purple Punch B, I finally could lower the light for the Sour Diesels. The DLI is at 38 mol/m²/d with the power at 60%. Looking great! Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.3° RH: 63.2% VPD: 1.01 kPa May 30, 2024 Lots to do today. Well, this afternoon. I finally pulled the final Tropicana Cookies out of the dry tent and now it's ready for Banana Purple Punch B. I may actually leave her in the dark for a day or 2 just under her sister plant that is currently drying. Banana Purple Punch A is enjoying her second day of drying. It's actually a bit dry in the tent now. A good day out. But a bit too dry for a solid week. It should increase when I put her sister in the tent. She still has a good way to go. Maybe another 8 days if I can push it that far. Banana Purple Punch B will be getting fully defoliated this afternoon. Then I think I'll put her in the dry tent for a day or 2. A nice dark period to stress her out a bit. Not to mention it will increase the humidity a bit in there as well. I'll do a full wet trim in a day or 2 when she is done with the dark period. It should also give her time to fully dry out her container. And give a final push in trichome production. I'm not going to bother with the environment today. It won't matter until tomorrow. Then I'll get dark tent data. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.4° RH: 57.1% VPD: 1.13 kPa
Saludos! 🙌 Completando la décima semana y cuarta semana de floración🌻 Esta semana la temperatura cayó bastante, estuvo alrededor de 8° y 15° por eso el panel led está tan bajo como se ve en las fotos. Dentro del grow la temperatura más baja fue 13° y creo que eso la está afectando un poco. Pero estoy feliz que está resistiendo bien 🙏 Buenos humos 🍃
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful O.G. Kush Titanium - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg: this week it went great fortunatly i dont have pests that eat my buds i’ve givven a fed once the substrate is very rich already the plants streached very well i will transplant today so be ready m8 i cant wait to show you the progress - [ ] 1st week Fl:they started stretching and looking very healthy just transplanted - [ ] 2nd week Fl this week I’ve been away i had a friend taking care of them they stretching very well i hope that she starts putting energy into the flo - [ ] 3rd week Fl:they are streaching very well ..getting the light very well - [ ] 4th week Fl:there we aree guys the good stage is heree good high hope dosent effect de prod - [ ] 5th week Fl:pumping very good this week a lot of changes started already being fros - [ ] 6th week Fl: - [ ] 7th week Fl
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful PersianGirl - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg: this week it went great fortunatly i dont have pests that eat my buds i’ve givven a fed once the substrate is very rich already the plants streached very well i will transplant today so be ready m8 i cant wait to show you the progress - [ ] 1st week Fl:they started stretching and looking very healthy just transplanted - [ ] 2nd week Fl this week I’ve been away i had a friend taking care of them they stretching very well i hope that she starts putting energy into the flo - [ ] 3rd week Fl:they are streaching very well ..getting the light very well - [ ] 4th week Fl:there we aree guys the good stage is heree good high hope dosent effect de prod - [ ] 5th week Fl:pumping very good this week a lot of changes started already being fros - [ ] 6th week Fl: - [ ] 7th week Fl
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful PersianGirl - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg: this week it went great fortunatly i dont have pests that eat my buds i’ve givven a fed once the substrate is very rich already the plants streached very well i will transplant today so be ready m8 i cant wait to show you the progress - [ ] 1st week Fl:they started stretching and looking very healthy just transplanted - [ ] 2nd week Fl this week I’ve been away i had a friend taking care of them they stretching very well i hope that she starts putting energy into the flo - [ ] 3rd week Fl:they are streaching very well ..getting the light very well - [ ] 4th week Fl:there we aree guys the good stage is heree good high hope dosent effect de prod - [ ] 5th week Fl:pumping very good this week a lot of changes started already being fros - [ ] 6th week Fl: - [ ] 7th week Fl
Hello m8 welcome to this journey with me in this diary will have very interesting strains hope u find something useful PersianGirl - [ ] 1st week Veg: germinated in substrate lighting very close so it jets medium high humidity after the 3rd day they started sprouting - [ ] 2nd week Veg: this week my ventilator broke down and as the temperature stayed very warm nothing developed much - [ ] 3rd week Veg:fortunately this week i had fixed the ventilation and the temperature has go down a bit allowing the little plants to develop and reinforce - [ ] 4th week:very good developments in this week I already started feeding a bit two times but i didn’t have to…once was enough - [ ] 5th week Veg:this week they were very strong green i only had to water them good and keep the ventilators going no stop .They have good hight already ,but as i have to strains together. I want to transplant them when the hight of the other one have stretched… I’m thinking to transplant next week if not the next one - [ ] 6th week Veg: this week it went great fortunatly i dont have pests that eat my buds i’ve givven a fed once the substrate is very rich already the plants streached very well i will transplant today so be ready m8 i cant wait to show you the progress - [ ] 1st week Fl:they started stretching and looking very healthy just transplanted - [ ] 2nd week Fl this week I’ve been away i had a friend taking care of them they stretching very well i hope that she starts putting energy into the flo - [ ] 3rd week Fl:they are streaching very well ..getting the light very well - [ ] 4th week Fl:there we aree guys the good stage is heree good high hope dosent effect de prod - [ ] 5th week Fl:pumping very good this week a lot of changes started already being fros - [ ] 6th week Fl: - [ ] 7th week Fl
W17 (23-5 tm 29-5) 23-5 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None. 24-5 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. No pictures. After some waterings without any NPK nutes, the leaves are still very green, this indicates there is still enough nutrients available in the soil. From now on the last 1.5 weeks of flower i will only give RO water with an PH between 6.3 and 6.4 25-5 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: None. 26-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 45% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. No pictures. 27-5 Temperature: 24.2 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 69% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. 28-5 Temperature: 26.1 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 69% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: None. 29-5 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. The buds are swelling nicely, are full of THC and smells very intense like candy. I cant wait to see the end product!
W17 (23-5 tm 29-5) 23-5 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None. 24-5 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. No pictures. After some waterings without any NPK nutes, the leaves are still very green, this indicates there is still enough nutrients available in the soil. From now on the last 1.5 weeks of flower i will only give RO water with an PH between 6.3 and 6.4 25-5 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: None. 26-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 45% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. No pictures. 27-5 Temperature: 24.2 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 69% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. 28-5 Temperature: 26.1 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 69% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: None. 29-5 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. The buds are swelling nicely, are full of THC and smells very intense like candy. I cant wait to see the end product!
May 24, 2024 Day 99 This is the last week for these ladies. They have until the end of this week and then harvest no matter what. I'd much prefer to harvest them sooner, but I don't have space in my dry tent. It's only a 2x2 and the Tropicana Cookies just finished up and will be in there for about 7 days. Banana Purple Punch A needs a half gallon of water today. She's not done yet and she's all dried up. So I'll give her that half gallon of plain water today PHed to 6.1 and that's it. She should be dry again in a week. I'll be checking trichomes today as well. I'll update when I finish up. Banana Purple Punch B is amazing. She smells wonderful and now with the Tropicana Cookies out of the tent, her aroma can shine. Wow. I'll be checking trichomes as well today. She also finished up her reservoir but she's still pretty moist. It must have emptied yesterday. This may last the week. I'll need a few days for her to dry out as well. So I might have to add a bit more water. Maybe a quarter gallon? Just enough for her to last the rest of the week. I'll see how she is tomorrow. The environment is still a bit wonky. The humidity is still in the mid 50's% with the temp being around 73°. It's currently at 76° and 57% humidity. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.2° RH: 56.7% VPD: 1.17 kPa May 25, 2024 It's rainy today and naturally, the humidity in my room is stupid high. So in the tent the humidity is back to 60%. I'll be opening the tent door again every couple of hours today. Banana Purple Punch A is starting to look like a hot mess. Tops are starting to flop over and there's a super weird fade going on. Leaves that just curled up and turned super dead yellow. Some of the leaves are showing purple, and the tops are getting purple hues. Still a bit of a mess. Banana Purple Punch B is getting more and more purple. Her leaves are starting to lighten up as well. We can certainly see the start of the fade. The tops have nearly all purple sugar leaves. The buds are still pretty green. I wonder how it works with this one. We shall see over the next 6 days. I might have to add a half gallon of water to her reservoir. She's already a bit too dry to last the week. So I'll do that later today I think. Maybe first thing tomorrow. Harvest time is 6 days away now. Both ladies are looking super close to being done. Hell, I may even go past the ideal time by a couple days. That's perfectly fine. I could use a good sedative. The environment is back to being an absolute mess. The temp is at 75°, which is fine. But the humidity is back up to 60%. Hopefully I can get the humidity to drop a bit. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.1° RH: 55.1% VPD: 1.30 kPa May 26, 2024 These 2 are shaping up to be some heavy yielders. Both have massive buds and are on their way to being fully done. Another 5 days I think and they will be ready for harvest. However, I may have to keep them in there for a few extra days. The Tropicana Cookies in the dry tent are taking a bit longer to dry than I anticipated. Banana Purple Punch A looks great. I ended up using a piece of a plant tie to prop up one of the most leaning tops. Looks great now. Much more light penetration to the lowers. Banana Purple Punch B is absolutely amazing right now. MASSIVE buds that weigh a whole lot. She finally has a distinct purple look to her. And it's just getting more and more purple. When she is done, I believe she will have some beautiful foliage and lots of dark purple leaves. She got about 1/3 of a gallon of water today to the reservoir. She was dry and she has much too long to go before she should be that dry. The leaves are all starting to turn a bright green and fading into deep purples and yellows with orange. Fall foliage indeed. I'll also be doing a full defoliation in 3 days I think. I want to clear as much foliage as I can before wet trimming. It doesn't seem as though wet trimming will be all that bad. There's sugar leaves, but they are big instead of plentiful. So it should be pretty quick. Drying may pose an issue. If the humidity keeps up like this, I'll have a lot of trouble keeping it below 62% in the dry tent. We have a few days left anyway, so maybe it will go back down by then. The light is the same. I did take the DLI today and the average is about 40 mol/m²/d, so that's fine. I'd much rather it be closer to 36 mol/m²/d, but then it would interrupt the Sour Diesels in the tent that just started to flower. The environment is really off today. It's super humid out and it's showing and killing my good vibes. The temp is a bit low at 73°. I would prefer it to be 75° during the day. It helps with all the plants in the tent. Oh well not won't stay low for long. It should start to creep up later today. The humidity is still super high at 63% today. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 60.9% VPD: 1.15 kPa May 27, 2024 Both ladies got a half gallon in their reservoirs today. Both were way too dry for now, sona half gallon should last them at least the night. Just 4 more days and we can harvest. Unless this humidity doesn't let up, then I have to wait even longer for the Tropicana Cookies to dry. AND risk mold! Damn it! Banana Purple Punch A is starting to get floppy. I hooked some of the tops to each other so they will stand. A couple outer branches were starting to fall as well, so the were also tied up. Hopefully that solves the issue for the next 4 days. Maybe 5 or even 6 now. Too long in my opinion. She doesn't have much in terms of fading but it's starting at least. Her leaves are all messed up. So I'm not bothering with the fade honestly. If she fades, she fades. I'll be defoliating in 2 days anyway. Then wet trimming, so the leaves aren't really a thing to bother with now. She also has lowers with white pistils. They are developed, but the pistils are still white. Those are going to change in. Matter of days. Banana Purple Punch B is shaping up to be the best plant of this run. She's actually the shortest, but has the best structure and the most solid buds and a lot of them. She's also doing quite well in her final days. Her leaves are turning dark purple with the lowers turning bright green. She got a quarter gallon of water yesterday and drank it up almost immediately. I think I'll have to keep her watered for the next couple of days. She will certainly dry out quickly when I stop watering, so I think she will only need a couple days to fully dry out. Currently, she is about 34% soil moisture content. Not bad at all. It might go up to 45% with the half gallon, but no higher. I haven't done trichomes in a few days. I may get a video in today or tomorrow. Both plants could use a good viewing. Not that it matters, as I have to schedule my harvest, regardless of doneness. But we'll check them for science. The environment is back to being the bane of my existence. Seriously, it's driving me insane. So the humidity is WAY up at 65% with the temp being around 74°. It's horrible. I really don't want to keep opening the tent. It just takes away precious light space. The average night temp was also high at 70° with the humidity still being up at 64% I have no idea how these ladies haven't gotten bid rot or mold. Maybe it's because it's like a wind tunnel in there. Exhaust on full power, two 6 inch oscillating clip fans facing each other. There's no space untouched by some sort of airflow. It's not a heavy wind, but like a light breeze. Update: I finally took some trichome videos and was a bit surprised at what I found. Both plants have tons of cloudy barely any clear and a good amount of amber. The extra 4 to 6 days may be a bit too long. We shall see. Some of the lowers still have white pistils and only have amber trichomes on the leaves. So there's time for them to finish up. We'll see how this works out. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 60.8% VPD: 1.11 kPa May 28, 2024 Very late entry today. I was quite busy wet trimming Banana Purple Punch A for the chop. Yep, you heard it. The chop. One of the Tropicana Cookies finished drying today and I thought it was time to harvest her. So she got a full wet trim and is hanging in the dry tent. She weighs in at a total of 22.26 oz wet hang. She has heavy buds, so the weight retention should be impressive. Maybe 5 oz? Maybe 4. Not bad. Banana Purple Punch B will be harvested when the last Tropicana Cookies is done. That should be in about 4 to 5 days. Currently I have her moved to the back of the tent with the Sour Diesels taking over the rest. She looks great. More and more purple. The environment is still crazy. Super high humidity and nothing I can do about it. I've tried AC, no AC and just started the heater. Something has to work. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.5° RH: 63.2% VPD: 0.98 kPa May 29, 2024 Nothing to do today. Banana Purple Punch A is on her first day of drying and I expect it to take 10 to 14 days based on the current environment in the dry tent. I did put a dehumidifier in there to help clear it out. It won't be permanent. Just until I can get the humidity back down to 60%. Then it will come out and go back in the 3x3. This will then help regulate the humidity for Banana Purple Punch B. Banana Purple Punch B looks great! She will be harvested whenever the dry tent has a free spot. Should be in about 4 to 6 days, unless the humidity drops below 60% and then maybe 3, but I doubt it. I also finally was able to take her off the risers and it worked a charm. The Sour Diesels in the tent aren't being overshadowed anymore and she is at a perfect light distance. With the drop of the risers, the canopy DLI is now 38 mol/m²/d. Over the next few days, it should make the buds even more purple and dense. The 3x3 environment is around 63% and at 73°. Still super high. The dehumidifier should start working soon. We will see a small drop in humidity. Maybe a jump in temp, but I need to get the humidity down somehow. The temp is nice and low for this lady, but not great for the other plants. I'd rather it be around 75° or even better 74.5°. Because I was able to remove the risers from Banana Purple Punch B, I finally could lower the light for the Sour Diesels. The DLI is at 38 mol/m²/d with the power at 60%. Looking great! Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.3° RH: 63.2% VPD: 1.01 kPa May 30, 2024 Lots to do today. Well, this afternoon. I finally pulled the final Tropicana Cookies out of the dry tent and now it's ready for Banana Purple Punch B. I may actually leave her in the dark for a day or 2 just under her sister plant that is currently drying. Banana Purple Punch A is enjoying her second day of drying. It's actually a bit dry in the tent now. A good day out. But a bit too dry for a solid week. It should increase when I put her sister in the tent. She still has a good way to go. Maybe another 8 days if I can push it that far. Banana Purple Punch B will be getting fully defoliated this afternoon. Then I think I'll put her in the dry tent for a day or 2. A nice dark period to stress her out a bit. Not to mention it will increase the humidity a bit in there as well. I'll do a full wet trim in a day or 2 when she is done with the dark period. It should also give her time to fully dry out her container. And give a final push in trichome production. I'm not going to bother with the environment today. It won't matter until tomorrow. Then I'll get dark tent data. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.4° RH: 57.1% VPD: 1.13 kPa
W17 (22-5 to 28-5) 22-5 Temperature: 26.2 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 46% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 23-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 52% (highest) 46% (lowest) 24-5 Temperature: 25.7 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: Both 1250 ml. No pictures. For now on i will give them water manually, by pooring it into the autopot trays. 25-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 50% (lowest) No pictures. 26-5 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 57% (highest) 45% (lowest) No pictures. 27-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 21.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: Both 1000 ml. No pictures. 28-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 21.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 57% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: Both 1000 ml. PH: 5.8 EC 0.0 They are looking amazing! The #1 has pretty thick and stone hard buds. The #2 is getting more dense, and is covered in crystals! She smells very citrussy aswell!
W17 (22-5 to 28-5) 22-5 Temperature: 26.2 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 46% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 23-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 52% (highest) 46% (lowest) 24-5 Temperature: 25.7 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: Both 1250 ml. No pictures. For now on i will give them water manually, by pooring it into the autopot trays. 25-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 50% (lowest) No pictures. 26-5 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 57% (highest) 45% (lowest) No pictures. 27-5 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 21.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: Both 1000 ml. No pictures. 28-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 21.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 57% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: Both 1000 ml. PH: 5.8 EC 0.0 They are looking amazing! The #1 has pretty thick and stone hard buds. The #2 is getting more dense, and is covered in crystals! She smells very citrussy aswell!