July 18, 2024 I can't get my pictures to organize. So it's a hot mess. July 14, 2024 Day 85 This week is the last for nutrients. Next week I'll be switching to Flawless Finish and then plain water for about a week. Picture and watering day! I got some cola pics and the regular pics. Next week I'll start taking trichome pics. Sour Diesel A is looking great! Her buds are super like green and totally frosted. She smells absolutely delicious. She's also getting ready to fade. Just a few more days and we should see the beginning of some beautiful colors. Sour Diesel B has already started fading. I'm not sure that this is good or bad, but the leaves are canoeing and starting to point up a bit. However, they are all starting to show purples and some yellowing, but mostly purples. Right around the edges of the leaves. Sour Diesel C got a half gallon top feed today and got her reservoir topped off. No runoff, so that tells me she's still thirsty. Looking great as well. Her buds are tight and covered in trichomes. Not the biggest buds, but I'm sure they will make up for it in potency and density. Sour Diesel D is not getting ready to fade yet. She actually has the best leaf color of all the plants, but she's not advancing into the fade. I'm not too worried about it. She'll come around eventually. The humidity was below 60% this morning. Unfortunately that didn't last. Now the humidity is at 63% with the temp being right at 76°. Once the AC kicks on, everything will be fine. Not to mention, I just watered, so the humidity is expected to be a little high for a while. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.8° RH: 57.4% VPD: 1.23 kPa July 15, 2024 Not much going on today. Just the daily pic and some observation. Sour Diesel A looks great! She's just starting to show signs of fading. But barely. Soon enough. Sour Diesel B is starting to fade really well all over. The leaves are looking like I've seen on other plants, so that's got to be a good thing. Buds are super fat. Leaves are all starting to lighten up with a bit of yellow mixed with purple. I can't wait to see how she turns out in the next 2 weeks. Sour Diesel C is looking pretty good. Nice buds, if a little small. The top leaves are still droopy, but it doesn't look like anything I know how to fix. Sour Diesel D is still doing her thing. Her buds seem to be building still, so that's good. Another couple weeks and she should have some hefty colas. The environment as, always now, has high humidity and a decent temp. It will drop down in around an hour or two. Update: I think I may have to start flushing my plants very soon. Maybe the next watering. I have to check my trichomes first but I believe they should be ready for flush. It's week 7 of flower, so shouldn't I be flushing now? I'll update again when I check the trichomes. I think I may be right though. Final Update: After checking the trichomes of each plant. I think it's safe to say the flush will start with the next watering. I'll be flushing 6 gallons per plant apparently. Then I'll fill the reservoirs up with plain PHed water. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 57.6% VPD: 1.24 kPa July 16, 2024 Picture Day! Nothing else going on. Sour Diesel A is starting to get too heavy for the branches. They are leaning more and more. I had to prop up another branch. With more to follow. She also has very small signs of fade. Sour Diesel B has foxtails and I think they are natural. There's no stressors for foxtails to show up and the buds aren't losing any density. I'll keep an eye on it. It's very interesting. Sour Diesel C is getting heavier and drinking more. She has a very small amount of color coming to her leaves. She's even more frosty as well. What's nice is the lowers are almost as big as the uppers. Not that the uppers are big, but they are dense. There's also a whole ton of bud all over the plant. Sour Diesel D was neglected yesterday. I forgot to fill her reservoir. She was a bit light today, but I refilled the reservoir as soon as I noticed. She'll be fine. Also, no signs of fade yet. She does have really fat buds though. Each branch has a super dense and fat cola. But compared to the main cola, these side branch colas look tiny. I'm thinking maybe 2 oz out of this plant. It's raining today and the humidity in the tent is pretty high. 63%. Also the temp is around 78°. A little high, but I can drop it down pretty quickly. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.0° RH: 60.5% VPD: 1.18 kPa July 17, 2024 Not a lot going on today. Just the daily and inspection. Sour Diesel A looks great. Her buds are getting fatter. I'd say another 2 weeks left for this one. She is just starting to show purple on the outside edges of a couple fan leaves. Sour Diesel B has more and more color coming in. I checked out her trichomes today. Not much to look at so I didn't post a pic. I'll be posting trichome pics next week. Her foxtails are becoming more pronounced, but super dense. These buds are going to look gnarly. Sour Diesel C is looking great! She still has a good 2 to 3 weeks left I think. With the flush happening at the next watering, hopefully that will kick her into full speed and she finishes up with the rest of the tent. Sour Diesel D is looking pretty awesome. She has some foxtails as well. Nothing like Sour Diesel B. But still getting there. It has to be natural. The temp is fine and the light is definitely not too bright or close. But her main cola is super dense. I'm almost certain she'll need a wet trim to avoid mold. The environment is the same as ever. High humidity until the AC kicks on. So around 62% with the temp around 76° Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 60.5% VPD: 1.16 kPa July 18, 2024 It's picture day! Not much else going on today. Some pics. Some inspection. Checking reservoirs. Sour Diesel A looks great! Her buds are heavy, her leaves are showing a bit more color and she is super sticky. She has quite a bit of water left in her reservoir. So I'll have to dump whatever's left tomorrow. That's when I start the flush. Sour Diesel B is looking fantastic! Her colas are huge for her size and super hard. She's showing even more color and I think bulking up a bit more. Her reservoir is about half full still. So it will also be emptied tomorrow. What a waste of nutrients. Oh well. I don't want to prolong the feeding regimen any more than what is needed. Sour Diesel C looks great as well. Her buds are hard and swelling up more. I expect to see even more swelling over the course of the next couple weeks. Sour Diesel D still isn't showing any signs of color. She is super healthy and I think with the flush, she will start to show colors in no time. Her reservoir is nearly empty. So I'll clean the reservoir tomorrow. Although. I don't think I'm going to use the reservoirs for the rest of the run. The flush should do the trick for a few days. Maybe 4. That being said, I anticipate flushing 4 or so times over the rest of her life cycle. The environment is still a mess in the morning. Although, it's not as bad today as it's been. It's under 60% which is about as much as I can ask for. The AC in the house will definitely drop it down low today. So I'm excited about that. Currently, my portable AC is running to keep the room from getting too warm, thus increasing the temp in the tent to an undesirably warmer state. Currently it's 74° in there. Pretty good. I'd love to see it there with 45% humidity. 40% if I can somehow squeeze it. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 58.2% VPD: 1.18 kPa July 19, 2024 This will be a 2 part entry today. It's my first time flushing, so with this first part, I'm going to explain what I'm thinking for flushing. I haven't read this anywhere and it makes the most sense to me. I read quite a few ways to flush. Use a hose until the runoff is clear, dump in 2 to 3 times the amount of water to gallon of soil. And a few others. However one thing I'm seeing here is cleanliness. Both methods seem really messy and should be done outside or in a sink. I don't have either of those options, so it's not something I can do. Then I read a way that makes way more sense. Water as usual but with a little extra, then wait 10 to 15 minutes and do it again. So to make it best for me I've come up with this idea. I'm using a 5 gallon bucket, a 12" plant riser and my sprayer. The goal is to keep it as clean and efficient as possible. Maybe this is just common sense and everyone already does it this way, but the plan is to take the riser and put it on top of the bucket and the plant on the riser. Because I'm running a 3 gallon fabric container, I'll need 6 gallons of water. I don't really understand how that is good for the plant, but it's my first time. And of course I'm reading all this from professionals, but still I feel like I'm missing something. Anyway, the goal is to water a gallon at a time, wait 10 minutes and another gallon. I think I'll start with 3 and see how things go. That should fill the bucket half way. Then in 3 days, I'll do the same thing. By the end of flushing number 2, the 6 gallons will have gone through and the soil should be clean. In theory that is. Then I can water as needed for the rest of the grow. Also, I'm not sure, but this method may only be good for fabric containers. And there is definitely a size limit. 5 gallon containers at most. Anything larger than that would be too wide and will make a huge mess. My only concern is time out of the tent. I only have 2 buckets, so I can only do 2 plants at a time. The time out of the tent away from the light will be nearly an hour. I think I'll have to pull the back 2 first and then the front 2. It's the fastest and most efficient way to do this. But still the plants will be out of the tent for quite a while. 2 concerns. Lack of light and the smell. For me it's an issue. For others it's not, but for those who have smell issues, I use a portable AC. It pulls the air out and blows it outside. So it helps with the smell in the room. The lights on the other hand are going to be an issue. I know it's not going to be hours, but still. I don't think it's a big deal with autos, but I'm not sure with photos. I'm probably overthinking this part, but I prefer to not risk anything. Update 1: Both Sour Diesel A and C are done with their flush for the day. 3 gallons each. PHed to 6.2 moving on to B and D in about 15 minutes. Update 2: now that I'm finished with the flush, I can explain what I did so far. This is round 1. In 3 days I'll do it again. I used my bucket contraption and first did 2 gallons of water. One gallon at a time between 2 plants each. After the 2 gallons were in each plant, I waited about 15 minutes for the dripping to stop for the most part. I then added the 3rd and final gallon for the day to each plant. I waited a good 20 minutes before putting them back in the tent. No mess in my room, no excess water in the tent. I also cleaned out the reservoirs and left them empty for now. I'll add water 3 days after the next flush. They can drink that plain water for the rest of the grow. The environment is a little off today, but not in a bad way. The humidity is just under 60% and the temp is around 75°. The temp is great. But the humidity is the problem as usual. The house AC hasn't kicked on yet, so I'm struggling with my portable AC. I have it set to dehumidify, but that's not happening. Never use a portable AC as a dehumidifier. Even if it has the option. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.3° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.10 kPa July 20, 2024 It's picture day! And the end of the week. A quick recap. We started out with nutrients and flushed yesterday. Next week will be flushing again then plain water. We also got some fade happening with Sour Diesel B. Not much going on today. Just pics and the weekly video. Sour Diesel A is starting to fade and quickly. Yesterday she looked all lush green with a few spots of purple here and there. Today a lot of leaves are showing purple edges. It's starting to fade. It should get really exciting for the rest of the run. She also has some pretty hard leaning branches. I may have to find a way to prop them up, but it just means heavy buds. Sour Diesel B has more and more purple leaves. Her buds are huge and rock hard. She's sticky and smelly. I read that when flushing plants, the Aroma gets stronger. We will see if that's true or not. So far it's about the same, but it's only day 1 in the flushing period. Sour Diesel C is getting lime green leaves. From what I understand, this strain should end up with lime green buds. I've also seen plants with light green leaves. I believe this one will start fading any day. Sour Diesel D is getting heavy. Her branches are starting to pull down a bit. Other than that, her main cola is massive and rock hard. I'm super excited to see how much it weighs. The environment is alright today. It's not a million degrees out and the humidity is relatively low. Not in the tent though. It's still 60% humidity with a nice temp of 76° Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.8° RH: 57.4% VPD: 1.19 kPa
Flower is upon us and now the journal is caught up. I will be giving weekly updates at this point as they happen, playing catch-up is over but I did want to get my journey started on this site. Still a relatively new grower and I have plenty to learn.
Was away so didn't get chance to post a week these girls are going so strong I couldn't belive the visible notice of growth worth every penny discount up to 20% on my page
Nach wie vor nahe zu täglich mit knapp 200ml gegossen pro Pflanze. Heute sind mir die leicht nach oben gewölbten Blätter aufgefallen, hab die Lichtstärke um 25% erhöht auf 50%, Abstand blieb bei 25cm (Hersteller Angaben)
Nueva poda de apicales y una de silicio. Con 26 dias Harto de los plomos me deshice de ellos y así seguiran creciendo , tal cual quedaron. No pretendo hacerles mucho más, más adelante igual doblamos alguna rama para guiarla y quitar algun chupóptero. A los 26 dias también se subió la potencia del lumatek al 75%. unos 220 W. áprox. y así pasaran hasta que se cambie el fotoperiodo.
Blütewoche 9. Dies wird vielleicht die letzte Woche ihres Lebenszyklus. Viele Narben sind schon braun gefärbt. Die Trichome sind fast alle komplett milchig. Doch Bernsteinfarbene Trichome muss man leider noch suchen. Den Einen oder Anderen findet man dann doch ab und zu. Ich denke in 5 Tagen werde ich sehen, ob ich mit der Ernte beginnen kann. Tag 59: Die Schimmelgefahr ist mir etwas zu groß. 2Buds hat es schon erwischt. Die Dame wird jetzt geerntet. 😈
Time flies, we have arrived in a flash at day 16, it seems like the other day that the first young ladies were appearing on September 1st. "Do you remember.....nanannana Septermber" She is XXXX Test 2, the elves of the Zamensia house have been very clear about keeping the name of these beauties TO SECRET that will soon be available to the public, I am testing them for you. They are growing very well, they are truly a force of nature. We are talking about a strain with a large internodal distance that is already showing this characteristic clearly, that is growing at a great pace so much so that we are very slightly under fertilization always exclusively due to my fault but no big deal this thing is easily recovered. --- feeding program - As I mentioned I was shy about fertilizing and the seedlings are slightly, very slightly faded, let's learn to notice these small signs and with the normal doses after two or three waterings we should be fine. You have to look at the plants guys. - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Grow - 2 ml/l (instead of 4 ml/l I made this mistake) - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 0,5 ml/l - The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: https://www.zamnesia.io/it/11457-plagron-easy-pack-natural.html We are giving a lot of humidity with a humidifier and we oscillate between 65% and 70%. // Strain Description // New Strain testing coming soon... - - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- new strain coming soon get some others on - https://www.zamnesia.io/ - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- https://plagron.com/en buy on www.zamnesia.io - Growbox and air sistem --- https://www.secretjardin.com/ - Light - Sp3000 --- https://marshydro.eu/ - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from www.radionula.com - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ---- https://www.zamnesia.io