Gave the twins their second last feeding today. A few nights of 14-16 Hour Dark periods as well due to plans/not having timers but as I said before I think the longer Dark periods have really sped up the flower development.
PURPLE IS STARTING! Some very nice purple is starting to come into the cals and sugar leaves 😈 Going to push some lower temps in week 8 to get as much colour out of them as possible.
Arnold still heavy fan leaf fading. Ran straight water through the medium before todays feeding incase any build up nute locked it. Never fully bounced back from the last feed but also getting near the end. I have a feeling I'll pull Arnold first in week 8 then maybe let Danny go for a more couch lock.
Danny: GRAPE SMELL. Holy, I don't know if it's more of a Grand Daddy Purp pheno or what but holy is the grape smell off of Danny insane. Almost like a different strain compared to the smells off Arnold.
The smell is insane. What started as a premature musk has slowly evolved into sticky ass chocolate goodness, fresh mint/herb, and even some grape/fresh fruit smell on the fingers after defol and mold checks. Noticing a hint of that GASSS too as we start to enter the final ripen.
This will also mark the final week of Nute feeding. Fed today and probably two more Weds/Sun. Then will switch to Molasses/Water for Week 7 and plain water for first half of Week 8 before the dry out.
As you can see, Big Arnold is showing cal/mag and PH problems. Always bounces back after PH perfect feedings and I've been defoliating the faders as we go to save bud energy. It's been rootbound since mid-flower and I'm sure the whole root zone is a mess. The extra work I've had to put into a soilless peat-based medium like ProMix with a photoperiod plant has been great practice and experience but I'm looking forward to a few round of autoflowers and soil grows to dial back the difficulty settings through the winter months.
Broke out the good camera for some shots since we're getting to the good stuff 😎
- Canon EOS 760d
- 75-300mm
- 50mm
Have the twins hanging out with the SoundLink again for those good vibrations 👊
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly
Sublime - Sublime
Shad - TSOL