I started losing healthy leaves on the lower end of the canopy, so I am giving grow again in case it is a nitrogen Def. I suspect it may be because the canopy is so thick and the lower leaves arent getting light. But just in case, FloraGrow is back at 1.25 ml gal.
Current feeding
FloraMicro 4ml gal
FloraGrow 1.25ml gal
FloraBloom 8ml gal
SM-90 2.5ml gal
Cannazym 2.5ml Gal
Ful-Potential 2.5ml gal
Liquid Koolbloom 2ml gal
Floralicious Plus 1ml gal
ArmorSI 1.5ml gal
Florablend 2.5ml gal
CaliMagic 3.75ml gal (1 plant started showing def again)
FloraNectar 2.5ml gal
Drip Clean 0.4ml gal
8/21/17 famed bagseed sellers, ILGM aka i love growing marijauna forums has banned me twice for no reason. the first time it was funny. the second, well, i looked into them and that is when i realized they were selling bagseed, if one got their order at all
i never ordered from them, so i didnt know, but there is a reason grow diaries doesnt recognize these so called "breeders"
dont even think of mentioning anything or any other website outside of theirs. i linked my mulchworlds.com blog in thier entry for blogs and they banned me. what a scam site. i joined it thinking, wow, what a nice place, no controversies... until i realized they actually moulded conversqtion to only praise their bagseed, or you get banned and your posts get pruned, meaning, no one ever knows what has been said in this "public" forum that they have.
they are an absolute joke. please do your research if you are even entertaining buying swag bagseed from them. there is a reason that this site and others, like leafly, dont acknowledge this scam of an operation
i started with grow diaries, and am happy with grow diaries. i got seduced by the scam sites censorship
i hope you guys dont
complete scam. they only allow posts from shills/stupid people/naive/trusting people. only people who are in on it, dont understand, or are too generous of human spirit to believe that people would ever scam them are allowed to post there without getting scrubbed
bad juju
EDIT: wow, i just realized they banned the guy that i told to check my profile for my blog link for looking at my blog link
they had a field in their profile for blogs!
sorry budbuddy, you were collateral damage in the war of the bagseed, i guess. the entire thing was stupid. or ridiculous. i am really not sure which. all i know is that they are unsafe.
corrupt scam bagseed sellers
not only that, but they dont even use basic SSL security on their site. how many people are they putting at risk for arrest for their cheap, careless, sloppy website?
8/22/17 On a lark, I just tested my water retrieved from my dehumidifier. ph = 5.33 and ppm around 13
i may start adding this as a feed water. fantastic properties!
8/24/17 I think, my next crop, which will be photos... well, i planned on 8. Now I am thinking 6 may be too much.
This is ridiculous, they keep growing. 4 have been teetering on the cusp of flowering for a few weeks, and now they are getting even bigger. They already stretched, now they are just inching
They told me autos stayed small! 130cm!