Switch to flowering stage
Day #38 12/12 with red LED light from tonight on. ScrOG net Is on. Pots are still wet, no need to water. I defoliated a little bit, then I'll let the alone for a while.
I need to find a environment for the clones. It stresses me a bit but I don't want to kill those 4 little clones, not voluntarily.
Day #40 I still tend to water too much but I'm slowly learning. Watered until saturated with Biogrow and Atami B Cuzz a +b (for coco, whatever),a swell I added a bit of magnesium nutrient by Cifo, a garden store brand. Trying to understand how to ScrOG.
I built a small growbox with leftovers from my garage. Not a penny was spendt in this operation. Clones are still alive. Starting a new diary.
Last night reading blogs I discovered 💡🌟🔆 Photone App 💡🌟🔆, a free grow light meter https://growlightmeter.com/download/
They also have a web guide to establish how much light your canopy needs in the moment https://growlightmeter.com/calculator/ . In pre flower it figured out I need 1100 umol of red LED light (calculation DLI). I adjusted my light height accordingly, It was too close.
Very, very useful. Those guys in switzerland deserves a huge kudo.
Day #42 Growth Is fast. I snapped a branch trying to ScrOG so I repaired It with wire, as I done with tomato before.
Watered with some broth and my own nutrient I use in my garden. I defoliated a Bloom that was facing down.
Humidity at 60%, I'm struggling with It a bit. Dehumidifier in the room Is now set at higher setting.
Happy growing. Any advice is apreciated.