All three strains doing well and I couldn't be a happier father. These ladies grew up way too fast before you know it they'll be running off to beauty trimming and curing school. Where's the time gone lol!!!
Candy kush express #3 should be done by the end of this month and she's chunking up very nice and the smell coming from her is like nothing I've grown before it's wild!! Candy kush #1 is loving the foop bloom and is almost as tall as my gp x bkp which is like 6 weeks older 😅 😳 amazing growth with this strain. Candy kush #2 is growing super unruly lol 😆 branches growing every which way going to be a unique looking plant when all is said and done,I would seriously recommend this strain for anybody growing outdoors ,I'll be ordering a 10 pack for next season(depending on the smoke,which I already know is going to be fire 🔥) I was forced to move all 3 plants out in front of my house because the sun is slowly moving back behind the trees later and later as these fall weeks move foward but my front yard stays lit up from around 930am-730pm luckily or I'd be screwed
Despite the fertilizing she is loosing more and more yellow leaves but I guess that's all fine as she is doing a great job at the tops. She is now starting to redden - what a beauty!
🦆**Grow Report by Zuppler - Week 6 Flowering Phase**🏆🏻 Ayo, what’s poppin’, fam? Zuppler back with that Week 6 flowering update, straight from the heat. We hittin’ the late stages of flower, and the girls are still stackin’ up them buds, but I had to make a few adjustments this week. Caught a little leaf burn – nothin’ major, just a sign the nutes were hittin’ too hard. So I dialed it back a bit, gave ‘em a lighter mix to keep things in check. I also switched things up with the feed – swapped out Big Bud for Overdrive. Figured it’s time to really push these girls through the finish line, and Overdrive’s gonna help bring out that extra weight and resin in these last weeks. So far, they’re takin' it well, no stress. The buds are still thickening up nice, and trichs are gettin’ cloudier by the day. The whole grow room’s smellin' loud now, like someone cracked open a stash. Temps and humidity still locked in, keepin' everything balanced while they finish out strong. We’re cruisin’ towards the end, just lettin’ these ladies do their thing. With the nutes adjusted, I’m expecting them to bounce back from that slight burn and finish up real clean. A few more weeks, and we’re lookin’ at a solid harvest. Zuppler out. Almost there, JoeNimbal!
A white widow #2 finalmente está se recuperando. Devido ao calor excessivo as plantas não estão com muito cheiro, infelizmente não estou conseguindo abaixar mais a temperatura. Aumentei a dose de fertilizantes e estou fazendo rega diária. As C99xBB estão super densas e com um aroma bastante marcante, provavelmente na próxima semana eu iniciarei a rega apenas com agua me preparando para colher.
She grew some nice flowers on her. Nice purple colors with a line green. Has the musky Gorilla smell with a earthy zing. Looks very good. I am eager to try her. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Seedsman. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Semana del 2 al 8 de septiembre 2024, fotos del día jueves 5 de septiembre. Riego el dia lunes por la noche, se rego con Floralicius Plus e Hidrol-pez.
Semana del 2 al 8 de septiembre 2024, fotos del día jueves 5 de septiembre. Riego el dia lunes por la noche, se rego con Floralicius Plus e Hidrol-pez.
Elle commence à faire de beaux buds Pour l'histoire, la plante est restée en extérieur jusqu'en début de flo ou elle est passée en intérieur peur de l'humidité avec notre météo :-)
Wow! Super fun strain to grow. Smells like stawberries and cream. For real. It is mindblowing. I hope fresh frozen live rosin will be fire when I'll make it in a week. Very sturdy plant, but not very resistant to high temperatures - some phenos tend to foxtail then. But apart from that it is one of the best I've ever grown - up to par with MAC1 👽 or Grandpa's Cookies 🍪 Top tier terpenes and resin production. I love it 😍 It is my personal record - 3064g (wet) from 3 plants from 4x4ft tent 😎💪 Should be ~800-900g of dry flower if I'd ever dry it (but 99% of it is ment for fresh frozen bubble hash and rosin pressing - flowers are already in deep freeze apart from small 10g sample I'm drying normally). Seeds are not cheap - you have to but 20, but I highly recommend this cultivar. Yield blown my mind. I hope it'll taste and wash as good as it smells 🙏