New week starts.
Both 'Gorillas' got their final topping today.
I tightened my flowers too weak and they've straightened their brunches back. Now I will wait them to become thirsty to make LST again. 'Gorilla's leafs are too thick and curly, they need LST as fast as possible. I'll make it for two days. 'Critical' was healed already and it starts growing again. 'HulkBerry' is a biggest one.
Clean water spraying.
'Critical' reaches 'Gorilla's size, it's fealing OK. But 'HulkBerry' is huge! It will cover all other plants from sun if I woldn't do nothing with it. So I decided to slow it's grow with HST training. When it become thirsty (this sunday) I'll break its upper brunches (second knot). Then I'll wait it to heal and will break the lowest ones. This should hold it's grow and will give more time to others.
I'm really excited to do this, because it will be my first HST.
Clean water spraying.
My girls didn't receive watering for three days now. I'll do LST and defoliation tomorrow, then I'll feed them. I'm planning to do a Supercropping to my 'HulkBerry', specifically two brunches of an upper knot. It's main-lined and healed already, it is four week of vegetation so I decided the time has come. This procedure will slow it's growth and give more light to the lower crone.
Upd: I didn't wait for tomorrow and made all trainings today. Supercropping of 'HulkBerry' turns the best, it looks like I've made it well. 'Critical' was topped for the second time (2x2 scheme). All plants got their first defoliation and were pulled by garden wire (LST).
Now it's time to water them with their wery first 'GHE' nutrients in a 'first roots' doze.
🌱'RG'#1 - Defoliation + LST;
🌱'HB' - Defoliation + Supercropping + LST;
🌱'CR' - Defoliation + Topping + LST;
🌱''RG'#2 - Defoliation + LST.
Upd_2: I took a photo in a 8hrs after all I've done. All girls are turned their leaves up, all looks great. 'HB' is big and hard, as if nothing happend. It's success!
I'm happy with how it turned.
It was a good day.
'Critical' is growing too slow. I think this because it lost a half of its crone when I accidantly broke it. And then it had his topping after a few days. Now it is a smaller one. But it already got his final form, and new leaves starts to get bigger visually, so I think it's not a problem and it will take what it should.
No procedures today, nor watering. Spraying with water as usual.
I think about giving them 'GHE SeaWeed' in a form of a spray.
I watered my babies with 'GHE' nutrients in minimum concentration and gave them a drop of a 'GHE Diamond Nectar' to try. Next watering will be in a 'First leaves' dose (Gro/Mic/Blo - 1/1/1ml per l. plus 1.5 ml/l of D.nectar). Mb I'm giving nutrients too slow, but I have time and patience and I don't want to overfeed them. Next watering will be on wednesday, the first day of a week. Next time they'll get full 'Vegetation' dose, but one time after one (nutrients-clean water-nutrients). I still remember few times when I overfed my plants. So this time I will be more accurate.
I made LST today to all my girls and sprayed them. Also I deleted four biggest leaves from 'RG'#1.
At the evening (For my plants. It's a morning for me) I defoliated all my girls except 'Critical'. Its because when I removed trays to sit them well - 'CR' pot had more waight in it. So 'Critical' drinks less then others and need bigger crone before I'll make transplantation into the large pots.
Defoliation went successfully and they got LST after it. 'RG'#1 has asimetrical look, half of its brunches are smaller. I turned it around cos I think it's temperature fluctuations near the ventilation chanels fault.
So here we are in the end of this week:
🌱'RG'#1 - LST, Defoliation;
🌱'HB' - LST, Defoliation;
🌱'CR' - Nothing today;
🌱'RG'#2 - Defoliation.
Week ends.