Heute startet die 9. Woche,nicht wie hier vermerkt die 12. Woche. In paar Wochen starte ich dann mit Final Part von Terra Aquatica und Flash Clean um zu flushen. Anscheinend braucht die 11 Wochen Blütezeit laut FastBuds Website. Die Buds werden langsam fetter und die Pflanze ist super gesund. Ec Wert des Wassers steigt von anfänglich 1.5 immer auf 2.5 sobald der Wasserstand runtergeht. Muss nach 2,3 Tagen immer ein wenig Wasser dazugeben. Die Temperaturen sind für Indoor immer noch zu hoch,die Luftfeuchtigkeit ebenfalls. Werde das nächste Mal Indoor erst im Oktober starten, wollte aber mal sehen wie das im Sommer funktioniert.
Last week's topping turned out to be a FIMing. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I wasn't planning for it. I guess that makes it a true FIM. I tied a branch too tight during LST and it snapped while the plant was growing. Reminder to avoid training too tightly.
She's doing well. Another week started in low humidity. The meter is on wet soil hence the high number which is inaccurate. Mostly 45-50%. Topped her on day 10 which turned out to be a FIM.
Happy harvest day, growbros!! This Dwarf was so easy to grow and so fast!👍💪👌 I did't even realize she was as good as done when i made my last update.. But when i checked the trichomes, i saw a lot of golden ones so i decided 2 harvest 2 day!🙌 Her buds are nice and thick, i cannot wait to taste her She has battled, black flies, caterpillars, storms and even sometimes a bite from my cat..😻 But she never stopped growing, she just kept putting on weight.. She grew like a little bonsai😎 I can recommend her for everyone who needs 2b stealth bc she has only grown till 55/60 cm and she doesnt smell (only when u put ur nose above her) Love this dwarf! Gonna try this one again for sure👍 I forgot 2 buy some extra BIOBOOST, so she only got a little.. So let's see next year how even more 'Royal' i can make her!💪 (They say it gives a strong aroma when it grows.. but i haven't smelled it, btw) Cute little FAT Dwarf she was.. Im gonna miss her..🙏
A lot of removing leaves and checking for humidity Trouble or bug infestations, but Up Till now she hast been perfekt. Hope to get Up to 300-400g Out of our combined efforts. Can definitly recommend this strain for Outdoor growing in middle to northern Europe
Week 2 update This one growth is insane for 2 weeks lol I honestly cant wait to see this one fatten up I LOVE RQS they are the bessttt. At the end of week 3 I'd give her the second does of nutrients
Week 2 update These buds are growing really nicely and fast. The growth is amazing, I'm hoping that she swells up really nicely. At the end of week 3 I'll give her nutrients again