So I'm flushing this week, Sunday I used Flawless Finish and watered heavy early, and did a 2nd plain ro flush 6 hours later, I did the same thing Monday. Tuesday I did not give any water at all, Wednesday I flushed the same way with Flawless finish, but water 2 times after that night, I let everything dry Thursday and Friday, It is Saturday, Today I have used only RO water, I am done adding anything. I think I could call it good, but I am going to keep things going after today, tomorrow/Sunday, and Monday, I will not water again, Tuesday the light will not even come on and I will give it a couple days of dark to finish. I could use some tips on how to get some better pics. I try, I really do, but I'm not getting the pics my eyes are seeing, so in the center of the area is all yellow and marooning leaves, and the buds have a pink tint in that area. The trics are getting there, but not yet, I figure by end of week they should be right... almost all cloudy now, a few clear left, but barely any, the few amber here and there, but I'm also not taking a piece to check from the top either, I gettin a look at a few small little buds, near the top, but not the top, I feel like I'm close... , So anxious had to phone a friend to tell me why to wait today... lol, I'll test my runoff ppm's tonight just to be sure, but the way the coco is taking the water makes me think its clean. I'm always ready at the end, Garden of Green seeds have ALWAYS made me look like a great grower. I'm excited, The smells, is very strong, it has a sweeter smell, next week I should have harvesting pics... Thanks for checkin it out