Finally I meet you… she’s flowering and guess what I’ve done, due to an foreseen circumstance, going to be away for a month, and all I know is my babies will get water and rain if it does rain, Sad days ahead, however at least the are sheltered from the rising temperatures. As good as it is, guess what this genius does… you guessed it, i defoliated my babies. I hope my decision rewards me, I will surely find out when I return in September, I thought of getting my assistant to send me pictures so I can keep posting, however I think it’s best I stay completely away from posting. This will truly test my growing skill, not forgetting my building skill when it comes to the greenhouse, with temperatures rising I will finally see if this self ventilate design will keep humidity at a desirable level to promote adequate growth, I have not encountered any fungal or pest isssues, but usually problems arise during the hot seasons.